United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
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The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Office in Greece is accepting Concept Notes from non-governmental/non-profit organizations for undertaking UNHCR- Project Partnership Agreements to provide assistance for persons of concern arriving to Greece across the Mediterranean Sea, in following areas:

- Support the arrangement of adequate first-line reception conditions for new arrivals waiting for the processing of the registration in islands (Lesvos, Kos, Samos, Chios, Leros, and Rhodes) including but not limited to activities such as enhancement of reception sites/registration centres at first entry points, access to information, WASH, access to temporary accommodation and materials assistance to the most vulnerable individuals, assistance to persons with specific needs, psychological enhancement trainings for governmental and non-governmental workers as well as cultural mediation services.

- Support the second-line reception for refugees and asylums seekers in the mainland (mostly Athens) with an emphasis on increasing the availability of accommodation through the existing national referral system, arrangement of temporary accommodation and increasing of awareness of population of concern on national asylums procedures.

- Support the enhancement of temporary accommodation facilities at the border area with former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Thessaloniki/Idomeni/Polikastro) as well as provide targeted assistance for the most vulnerable individuals, reduce children's exposure to psychological trauma as well as increase awareness of population of concern on national asylums procedures.

Interested organizations are requested to fill in online registration form at https://m39bh.enketo.kobotoolbox.org/webform and submit the Concept Note (Annex B) including  Partner Declaration (Attachment A) in English by the closing date 23:59, 28 September 2015 to the email address: greatipmc[at]unhcr.org  or in sealed envelope to the UNHCR National Office in Athens.  Address: 12, Tagiapiera Street GR11525 Athens, Greece. Detailed information and submission forms are available on website: www.unhcr.grFor brief description of sector activities, background information and selection criteria please refer to Annex A_Calls for Expression of Interest.

All questions and queries should be sent to the email address: greatipmc[at]unhcr.org by Thursday 24 September, COB. Replies will be published on the UNHCR website on Friday, 25 September 2015.

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