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Indonesia: Law No. 21 of 2001, On Special Autonomy for the Papua Province

Publisher National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities
Publication Date 22 October 2001
Cite as Indonesia: Law No. 21 of 2001, On Special Autonomy for the Papua Province [Indonesia],  22 October 2001, available at: [accessed 30 May 2023]
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a. That the ideals and purpose of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is to develop a fair and prosperous Indonesia community based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution;

b. That the Papua community as God's creation and is part of a civilized people, who hold high Human Rights, religious values, democracy, law and cultural values in the adat (customary) law community and who have the right to fairly enjoy the results of development;

c. That the administration system of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia according to the 1945 Constitution, acknowledges and respects the special or extraordinary regional administration units stipulated in a law;

d. That the integration of the nation must be maintained within the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia by respecting the equal and uniformed social and cultural life of the people of Papua through the formulation of a Special Autonomous region.

e. That the natives of the Papua Province is one of the groups of the Melanesian race, which is a part of the Indonesian ethnic groups and has a variety of culture, history, customs, and its own language;

f. That the administration and development of the Papua Province has not complied with the feeling of justification, has not yet achieved prosperity for the whole people, has not yet fully supported legal enforcement and has not yet shown respect to the Human Rights in the Papua Province, in particular the Papua community;

g. That the management and use of the natural wealth of Tanah Papua has not yet been optimally utilized to enhance the living standard of the natives, causing a deep gap between the Papua Province and the other regions, and violations of the basic rights of the Papua natives;

h. That in the context of minimizing the gap between the Papua Province and other regions and in order to improve the living standard of the Papua people and to give the opportunity to the natives of the Papua Province, a special policy is required within the flame of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia;

i. That the implementation of the special policy concerned is based on the basic values covering protection and respect of the basic rights of the natives, Human Rights, the supremacy of law, democracy, ethics and morals, pluralism, and equality in position, rights and obligations as a citizen;

j. That there is a new awareness among the people of Papua to peacefully and constitutionally fight for the acknowledgement of the fundamental rights and a claim to settle problems related to violations and protection of the Human Rights of the Papua natives;

k. That the development of the regional situation and condition of Irian Jaya, in particular related to the aspiration of the people, require the chance of the name Irian Jaya to become Papua as stated in Decision of the Regional House of People's Representatives of the Province Irian Jaya No. 7/DPRD/2000, dated 16 August 2000, on the Revision of the Name Irian Jaya to become Papua;

1. That based on the above matters referred to in letters a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j and k, it is considered necessary to grant Special Autonomy to the Papua Province stipulated by a Law;

Bearing in mind

1. 1945 Constitution article 5 paragraph 1, article 18, article 18a, article 18b, article 20 paragraphs (1) and (5), article 21 paragraph 1, Article 26, Article 28 a through j;

2. Decree of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia No.: XV/MPR/1998, on Implementation of Autonomous Regions, Organizing, Division and fair Utilization of the National Resources, and Balance of the Central and Regional Finances in the context of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia;

3. Decree of the People's consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia No.: IV/MPR/1999 on Broad Outlines of the State Policy (GBHN);

4. Decree of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia No.: III/MPR/2000 on Law Resources and Sequence of Statutory Regulations;

5. Decree of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia No.: IV/NPR/2000 on Recommendation of the Policy in Carrying Out the Regional Autonomy,

6. Decree of the people's consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia No. V/MPR/2000, on Stabilization of National Unity and Integrity;

7. Decree of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia No. VII/MPR/2000, on Annual Reports of State High Institution during the Annual Session of the Peoples Consultative Assembly in 2000;

8. Law No. 1/Pnps/1962 on Formulation of the Irian Barat Province;

9. Law No. 12 of 1969 on the Formulation of the Irian Barat Autonomous Province and the Autonomous Regencies in the Irian Barat Province (Statute Book of 1969, No. 47, Supplement to the Statute Book 2907);

10. Law No. 22 of 1999 on Regional Administration (Statute Book of 1999, No. 60, Supplement to the Statute Book No. 3839);

11. Law No. 25 of 1999 on Financial Balance between the Central and Regional Government (Statute Book of 1999, No. 72, Supplement to the Statute Book No. 3848);

12. Law No. 37 of 1999 on Overseas Relations (Statute Book of the Republic of Indonesia of 1999 No. 256, Supplement to the Statute Book No. 3882);

13. Law No. 39 of 1999 on Human Rights (Statute Book of the Republic of Indonesia of 1999 No. 165, Supplement to the Statute Book No. 3886)

14. Law No. 24 of 2000 on International Agreements (Statute Book of the Republic of Indonesia of 2000 No. 186, Supplement to the Statute Book No. 4012);

15. Law No. 26 of 1999 on Human Rights Court (Statute Book of the Republic of Indonesia of 2000 No. 208, Supplement to the Statute Book No. 4026)




To Stipulate:




Article 1

In this law the meaning of:

a. Papua Province is the Irian Jaya Province granted Special Autonomy in the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia;

b. Special Autonomy is a special authority acknowledged and granted to the Papua Province to regulate and manage the interests of the local people a its own initiative based on the aspiration and fundamental rights of the people of Papua;

c. Central Government, hereinafter referred to as Government, is the state apparatures of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia comprising the President and the Ministers;

d. Papua Province Government is the Governor and the other apparatuses as the Executive Body,

e. Papua Province Governor, hereinafter referred to as Governor, is the Regional Head and Head of Administration fully responsible to organize the administration in the Papua Province and as a Government representative in the Papua Province;

f. Papua House of People's Representatives, hereinafter referred to as DPRP, is the Regional House of People's Representatives as the legislative body of the Papua Province;

g. Papua People's Assembly, hereinafter referred to as MRP, is the cultural representative of the Papua natives, which has a certain authority in protecting the rights of the Papua natives, based on respect of the customs and culture, the enforcement of women, and stabilization of harmony of religious life as stipulated in this Law.

h. Regional Symbols are grandeur banners and cultural symbols for the greatness of the Papuans' identity in the form of the Regional Flag and Regional Hymn not positioned as symbols of sovereignty;

i. Special Regional Regulation, hereinafter referred to as Perdasus, is the Regional Regulation of the Papua Province in implementing certain articles in this Law;

j. Provincial Special Regulation, hereinafter referred to as Perdasi, is the Regional Regulations of the Papua Province in the context of exercising the authority as stipulated in the statutory regulations;

k. District, formerly known as Sub-District, is the working territory of the District Head as a Regency/City apparatus;

l. Kampung or called by any other name is the legal community unit which has the authority to organize and manage the interests of the local community based on the local origin and customs acknowledged in the national administration system and is located within the Regency/City Area;

m. Kampung Consultative Body or called by any other name is a group of people forming one unit comprising various elements within the Kamung and elected and acknowledged by the local people to give suggestions and consideration to Kampung Govenment;

n. Human rights, hereinafter referred to as HAM, are the rights attached to the essence and existence of human beings as the creation of Almighty God and are His gift which must be respected and held in high esteem and protected by the State, Law, government and anyone for the respect and protection of human dignity and status;

o. Adat is the hereditary customs acknowledged, adhered to, institutionalized and maintained by the Local a da t community;

p. Adat community is the members of the Papua natives living in and bound to a certain area and adat with high solidarity among its members;

q. Adat Law is the verbal regulations or norms prevailing within the adat law community, regulating, binding and maintained and bear sanctions;

r. Adat Law community is the members of the Papua natives which since their birth live within certain areas and are bound and governed by certain adat laws with a high feeling of solidarity among its members;

s. Hak Ulayat is the right of association controlled by a certain adat community over a certain area, which is the living environment of its member, covering the right to utilize the land, forest and water and all their contents according to statutory regulations;

t. Papua native is a person originating from the Melanesian race group, comprising native ethnic groups in Papua Province and/or a person accepted and acknowledged as a Papua native by the Papua adat community;

u. Papua Province Inhabitant, hereinafter referred to as Inhabitant, i.e. all persons who under prevailing provisions are registered and living in the Papua Province.



Article 2

(1) The Papua Province as part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia uses the Red and White Flag as the National Flag, the Indonesia Raya Hymn as the National Hymn.

(2) The Papua Province may have Regional Symbols as its greatness and grandeur banner and cultural symbol for the greatness of the Papuans' identity in the form of the regional flag and regional hymn which are not positioned as sovereignty symbols.

(3) Provisions on the regional symbols referred to in paragraph (2) shall be further stipulated by a Perdasus based on the provisions of statutory regulations.



Article 3

(1) The Papua Province is divided into autonomous Regencies and Cities.

(2) The Regencies and Cities shall consist of a number of districts;

(3) The District shall consist of a number of kampungs or called under any other name;

(4) The formation, expansion, abolishment and/or combination of the Regency/City shall be stipulated by a Law at the proposal of the Papua Province;

(5) The formation, expansion, abolishment and/or combination of the District or Kampung or called under any other name, shall be stipulated by a Special Provincial Regulation.

(6) In the Papua Province a territory may be determined for special interests which shall be stipulated in the statutory regulations at the proposal of the Province.



Article 4

1. The authority of the Papua Province shall cover the authority within all sectors of administration, except the authority in the field of foreign politics, safety and defense, monetary and fiscal, religion and judicature and certain authorities in other fields stipulated according to statutory regulations.

2. The authority of the Government other that as referred to in paragraph (1), in the context of the Special Autonomy, the Papua Province shall be granted a special authority based on this law.

3. The Implementation of the authority referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be further stipulated by a Perdasus or Perdasi.

4. The authority of the Regency and City shall cover the authority as further stipulated in statutory regulations.

5. Other that the authority referred to in paragraph (4), the Regency and City have the authority based on this Law, further stipulated by a Perdasus and Perdasi.

6. International Agreements entered into by the Government which are only related to the interests of the Papua Province shall be entered into after consideration is obtained from the Governor.

7. The Papua Province may enter into mutually beneficial cooperation with overseas institutions or bodies stipulated by a joint decision according to the statutory regulations.

8. The Governor shall coordinate with the Government in the defense layout policy in the Papua Province.

9. The procedure of consideration by the Governor referred to in paragraph (6) shall be stipulated in a Perdasus.



First Part


Article 5

1. The Regional Administration of the Papua Province shall comprise the DPRP as a Legislative body, the Provincial Government as the Executive Body;

2. In executing the Special Autonomy in the Papua Province a Papua People's Assembly shall be formed which is the cultural representation of the Papua natives with certain authorities to protect the rights of the Papua natives, based on respect to customs (adat) and culture, empowerment of women and stabilization of a harmonious religious life.

3. The MRP and DPRP shall be located in the capital city of the Province

4. The Provincial Government shall comprise the Governor and the other Provincial Government apparatus;

5. The Regency DPR and City DPR shall be formed in the Regency and City as a legislative body and the Regency and City Government as the executive body;

6. The Regency/City Government shall comprise the Regent/Mayor and other Regency/City Government apparatus.

7. In the Kampung the Kampung Consultative Body and the Kampung Government (or under whatever name) shall be formed.

Second Part

Legislative Body

Article 6

(1) The legislative authority of Papua shall be exercised by the DPRP.

(2) The DPRP shall comprise members elected and appointed based on statutory regulations.

(3) The members of DPRP shall be elected, determined and installed according to statutory regulations.

(4) The number of members of he DPRP shall be 1'/4 (one and one-fourth) times the number of members of DPRD of the Papua Province as stipulated in statutory regulations.

(5) The position, composition, tasks, authorities, rights and responsibilities, membership, management and paraphernalia of the DPRP shall be stipulated according to statutory regulations.

(6) The financial position of the DPRP shall be stipulated by a statutory regulation.

Article 7

(1) The DPRP has the tasks and authorities:

a. to elect the Governor and the Deputy Governor;

b. propose the appointment of the elected Governor and the Deputy Governor to the President of the Republic of Indonesia;

c. to propose the dismissal of the Governor and/or the Deputy Governor to the President of the Republic of Indonesia;

d. to draw up establish the policy to organize the regional administration and the regional development program and the standards of its performance together with the Governor,

e. to discuss and establish the Regional Budget together with the Governor,

f. to discuss the bill of the Perdasus and Perdasi together with the Governor;

g. to stipulate the Perdasus and Perdasi;

h. together with the Governor to prepare and establish the Development Basic Pattern for the Papua Province based on the National Development Program and taking into consideration the specific characteristics of the Papua Province;

i. to give opinion and consideration to the Regional Government of the Papua Province on intended international agreements related to the regional interests;

j. to supervise:

1.) the implementation of the Perdasus, Perdasi, Decisions of the Governor and policies of other Regional Governments;

2.) the management of the administration affairs which is the authority of the Papua Province Region;

3.) the implementation of the Regional Budget;

4.) the implementation of international cooperation in the Papua Province;

k. to take into consideration and convey the aspirations and complaints of the people of the Papua Province; and

1. to elect the representatives of the Papua Province as members of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia.

(2) The performance and exercise of the tasks and authorities referred to in paragraph (1) shall be stipulated in the Order Regulation of the DPRP according to statutory regulations.

Article 8

(1) The DPRP shall have the following rights:

a. to ask for accountability from the Governor,

b. to request information from the Provincial, Regency/City Government and the parties required according to statutory regulations

c. to conduct investigation;

d. to make amendments to the Bills of Perdasus and Perdasi;

e. to submit statement of opinion;

f. to submit bills of the Perdasus and Perdasi;

g. to prepare, approve, change and calculate the DPRP's Budget as a part of the Regional Budget; and

h. to prepare, approve, change and calculate the DPRP's Budget as part of the Regional Budget; and

i. to stipulate the DPRP's Order Regulation.

(2) The exercise of the rights referred to in paragraph (1) shall be stipulated in the DPRP's Order Regulation according to statutory regulations.

Article 9

(1) Each member of the DPRP shall have:

a. the right to raise questions;

  1. the right to put forward proposals and opinions;

    c. the immunity right;

    d. the right of protocol; and

    e. financial/administration right.

(2) The exercise of the right referred to in paragraph (1) shall be stipulated in the DPRP's Order Regulation according to statutory regulations.

Article 10

(1) The DPRP shall have the following obligations:

a. to maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia;

b. to apply the Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution and to observe all statutory regulations;

c. to foster democracy in running the Regional Administration;

d. to intensify the people's welfare in the regions based on economic democracy; and

e. to observe and convey the aspirations of, accept complaints from the people and facilitate all follow-up settlement of the complaints.

(2) The performance of the obligations referred to in paragraph (1) shall be stipulated in the DPRPs Order Regulation according to statutory regulations.

Third part

Executive Body

Article 11

(1) The Government of the Papua Province shall be lead by a Regional Head as the Executive Head called the Governor.

(2) The Governor shall be assisted by the Deputy Regional Head called the Deputy Governor.

(3) The procedure for the election of the Governor and the Deputy Governor shall be stipulated by a Perdasus according to statutory regulations.

Article 12

Persons who may be elected as Governor and Deputy Governor shall be Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia with the following qualifications:

a. native Papua:

b. have faith and are devoted to Almighty God:

c. must be at least an academician degree holder;

d must be at least 30 years old;

e. physically and spiritually healthy;

f. faithful to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and willing to serve the people of the Papua Province;

g. have never been imprisoned for having committed any criminal act, except for political reasons; and

h. are not being revoked of their right to vote based on a final court judgment, except for imprisonment due to political reasons.

Article 13

The requirements and procedure for the preparation, implementation of election and appointment and installment of the Governor and Deputy Governor shall be fwther stipulated by statutory regulations.

Article 14

The Governor shall have the following obligations:

a. to uphold the Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution;

b. to maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and to develop democracy;

c. to respect the people's sovereignty;

d. to enforce and implement all statutory regulations;

e . to improve the standard of living and welfare of the people;

f. to develop the mind of the people of Papua;

g. to maintain peace and order of the community;

h. to submit Bills of the Perdasus and stipulate them as Perdasus together with the DPRP after consideration and approval of the MRP;

i. to submit Bills of Perdasi and stipulate them as Perdasi together with the DPRP; and

j. to run the administration and carry out development according to the Development Basic Pattern of the Papua Province in a clean, fair and responsible manner.

Article 15

(1) The tasks and authorities of the Governor as representative of the Government shall be:

a. to coordinate, develop, supervise and facilitate cooperation and settle disputes in connection with the administration between the Province and Regency/City and between the Regency and City;

b. to request periodical reports or from time to time on the regional administration of the Regency/City from the Regent/Mayor;

c. to monitor and coordinate the process of election, proposal, appointment and dismissal of the Regent/Deputy Regent and Mayor/Deputy Mayor and evaluation of the accountability report of the Regent/Mayor,

d. to install the Regent/Deputy Regent and Mayor/Deputy Mayor on behalf of the President;

e. to socialize the national policies and facilitate the enforcement of statutory regulations in the Papua Province;

f. to exercise control over the employment administration and career building of the employees in the regions of the Papua Province;

g. to foster harmonious relations between the Government and the Regional Government and among the Regional Governments to establish the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia; and

h. to give considerations in the context of formation, abolishment, combining and expansion of regions.

(2) The performance of the tasks and authorities of the Governor referred to in paragraph (1) shall be stipulated in the statutory regulations.

Article 16

The Deputy Governor shall have the task:

a. to assist the Governor in performing his obligations;

b. to assist in coordinating the activities of government authorities in the Province; and

c. to perform other tasks assigned by the Governor.

Article 17

(1) The term of office of the Governor and the Deputy Governor shall be five (5) years and may be re-elected for the next term of office.

(2) If the Governor is permanently absent, the position of the Governor may be assumed by the Deputy Governor until the end of his term of office.

(3) If the Deputy Governor is permanently absent, the position of the Deputy Governor shall not be filled until the end of this term of office.

(4) If the Governor and the Deputy Governor are permanently absent, the DPRP shall designated a qualified government official of the Province to perform the tasks of the Governor until a new Governor is elected

(5) To the extent the designation referred to in paragraph (4) has not been made, the Secretary of the Region shall for the time being perform the tasks of the Governor.

(6) If the Governor and Deputy Governor are permanently absent as referred to in paragraph (4), the DPRP shall hold an election of the Governor and the Deputy Governor at the latest within three (3) months.

Article 18

(1) In performing his obligations as Regional Head and Provincial Administration Head, the Governor shall be responsible to the DPRP.

(2) The procedure of accountability referred to in paragraph (1) shall be stipulated by a DPRP's Order Regulation according to the statutory regulations.

(3) As representative of the Government the Governor shall be responsible to the President.

(4) The procedure of accountability referred to in paragraph (3) shall be stipulated by a Decree of the President.

(5) The Governor shall coordinate and supervise the exercise of the Government authorities in the Papua Province as referred to in Article 4 paragraph (1).

(6) The Governor together with the Government apparatus placed in the region or the Provincial apparatus shall exercise the authorities referred to in Article 4 paragraph (2).

(7) The procedure of accountability referred to in paragraph (6) shall be stipulated by a Government Regulation.

Fourth Part

Papua People's Assembly

Article 19

(1) The members of the MRP shall be Papua natives comprising representatives of adat and religion and women representatives, the number of each shall be one -third of the total members of the MRP.

(2) The term of office of the members of the MRP shall be five (5) years.

(3) The membership and number of members of the MRP referred to in paragraph (1) shall be stipulated by a Perdasus.

(4) The financial position of the MRP shall be stipulated by a Government Regulation.

Article 20

(1) The MRP shall have the tasks and authorities:

a. to give consideration and approval to the candidate Governor and Deputy Governor proposed by the DPRP;

b. to give consideration and approval to the candidate members of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia, regional representatives of the Papua Province proposed by the DPRP;

c. to give consideration and approval to the Bill of Perdasus submitted by the DPRP together with the Governor,

d. to give suggestions, consideration and approval to the planned cooperation agreement drawn up by the Government as well as the Provincial Government with third parties applicable in the Papua Province, in particular related to the protection of the rights of the Papua natives;

e. to observe and convey the aspiration, complaints of the adat community, the religious people, women and the public in general in relation with the rights of the Papua natives, and to facilitate the follow-up settlement; and

f. o give consideration to the DPRP, Governor, Regency/City DPRP and the Regent/Mayor on matters related to the protection of the rights of the Papua natives.

(2) The performance of the tasks and authorities referred to in paragraph (1) shall be stipulated by a Perdasus.

Article 21

(1) The MRP shall have the right:

a. to ask for information from the Provincial, Regency/City Government on matters related to the protection of the rights of the Papua Natives;

b. to ask for review of the Perdasi or Governor Decision considered contrary to the protection of the rights of the Papua natives;

c. to submit the MRP Budget Plan to the DPRP as an integral part of the Regional Budget of the Papua Province; and

d. to establish the MRP's Order Regulation.

(2) The exercise of the rights referred to in paragraph (1) shall be stipulated in the MRP's Order Regulation based on Government Regulation.

Article 23

(1) The MRP shall have the obligation:

a. to maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and to serve the people of the Papua Province;

b. to apply the Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution and to comply with all statutory regulations.

c. to develop the preservation of the adat life and culture of the Papua natives;

d. to foster harmony of religious life; and

e. to motivate the empowerment of women.

(2) The procedure for the compliance of the obligations referred to in paragraph (1) shall be stipulated by a Perdasus based on a Govemment Regulation.

Article 24

(1) The members of the MRP shall be elected by members of the adat community, the religious community and the women community.

(2) The procedure of election referred to in paragraph (1) shall be stipulated by a Perdasi based on a Govemment Regulation.

Article 25

(1) The result of election referred to in Article 24 shall be submitted by the Governor to the Minister of Home Affairs for approval.

(2) The members of the MRP shall be installed by the Minister of Home Affairs.

(3) The procedure for the implementation of the provisions referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be stipulated by a Govemment Regulation.



Article 26

(1) The apparatus of the Papua Province comprises the Provincial Secretary, the Provincial Agencies and other technical institutions formed according to the needs of the Province.

(2) The MRP and DPRP apparatus shall be formed according to the needs.

(3) The provisions in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be stipulated in a Provincial Regulation.

Article 27

(1) The Provincial Govemment shall stipulate the employee policies of the Province, based on the norms, standards and procedure of management of the Civil Servants according to statutory regulations.

(2) If the provisions referred to in paragraph (1) shall not be complied with, the Provincial Government and the Regency/City Government may stipulate an employment policy according to the needs and interests of the local regions.

(3) The provisions of paragraph (2) shall be stipulated in a Perdasi.



Article 28

(1) The population of the Papua Province shall be entitled to form Political Parties.

(2) The procedure for the formation of the Political Parties and the participation in the General Election shall be in accordance with statutory regulations.

(3) The political recruitment carried out by Political Parties in the Papua Province must give priority to the Papua natives.

(4) Political Parties shall ask for consideration from the MRP in the selection and recruitment of the respective political parties.



Article 29

(1) The Perdasus shall be drawn up and stipulated by the DPRP together with the Governor with the consideration and approval from the 1VIRP.

(2) The Perdasi shall be drawn up and stipulated by the DPRP together with the Governor.

(3) The procedure to grant consideration and approval of the MRP referred to in paragraph (1) shall be stipulated by a Perdasi.

(4) The procedure to draw up the Regional Regulation referred to in paragraph (1) and (2) shall be stipulated according to statutory regulations.

Article 30

(1) The implementation of the Perdasus and the Perdasi shall be stipulated by a Governor Decision.

(2) The Decision of the Governor referred to in paragraph (1) may not be contrary to the general interest, Perdasus and Perdasi.

Article 31

(1) The Perdasus, Perdasi and Governor Decision of regulatory nature, shall be enacted by placement in the Provincial Statute Book.

(2) The Perdasus, Perdasi and Government Decision shall have legal effect and binding after publication in the Provincial Statue Book.

(3) The Perdasus, Perdasi and Government Decision referred to in paragraph (2) shall be socialized by the Provincial Government.

Article 32

(1) In the context of increasing the affectivity to draw up and implement laws in the Papua Province, and Ad Hoc Legal Commission may be founded.

(2) The function, tasks, authorities, form and compisition of the members of the Ad Hoc Legal Commission referred to in paragraph (1) shall be stipulated by a Perdasi.



Article 33

(1) For the performance of the tasks of the Provincial Government, the DPRP and 1VIRP shall be financed by and charged to the Regional Budget.

(2) The performance of the Government tasks in the Papua Province shall be financed by and charged to the State Budget.

Article 34

(1) The sources of the Province's, Regency's/City's revenue shall cover:

a. The Original Revenue of the Province, Regency/City;

b. The Balance Fund;

c. The Revenue of the Province in the context of the Special Autonomy;

d. The regional Loans;

e. Other lawful Revenues.

(2) The sources of the Papua Province's, Regency's/City's revenue referred to in paragraph (1) letter a comprise the:

a. Regional Taxes;

b. Regional fees;

c. Results of regional-owned enterprises and result of the management of other separated regional wealth; and

d. Other lawful regional revenues.

(3) The Balance Fund, which is the portion of the Papua Province, Regency/City in the context of the Special Autonomy, comprising:

a. Tax sharing:

1) Land and Building Tax: 90 (ninety) percent;

2) Exercise for the acquisition of Right in Land and Building: 80 (eighty) percent; and

3) Individual Person Income Tax: 20 (twenty) percent.

b. Natural Resources sharing:

1) Forestry: 80 (eighty) percent

2) Fishery: 80 (eighty) percent

3) General mining: 80 (eighty) percent

4) Natural oil mining: 70 (seventy) percent

5) Natural gas mining: 70 (seventy) percent.

c. General Allocation Fund stipulated according to the provisions of statutory regulations;

d. Special Allocation Fund stipulated according to the provisions of statutory regulations, giving priority to the Papua Province.

e. Special revenues in the context of the implementation of the Special Autonomy the amount of which is equal to 2 (two) percent of the ceiling of the National General Allocation Fund, which is mainly intended to finance education and health; and

f. Additional funds in the context of the implementation of the Special Autonomy the amount of which shall be determined by the Government and the Parliament based on the proposal of the Province in each budget year, which is especially intended for the financing of the infiastructure development.

(4) Revenues in the context of the Special Autonomy, referred to in paragraph (3) letter b point 4) and 5), shall be valid for 25 (twenty-five) years.

(5) As from the 26th year, the revenues in the context of the Special Autonomy referred to in paragraph (4) shall become 50 (fifty) percent for the natural oil mining and 40 (forty) percent for the natural gas mining.

(6) The revenues in the context of the Special Autonomy referred to in paragraph (4) letter e shall be valid for 20 (twenty) years.

(7) Further division of the revenues referred to in paragaph (3) letter b points 4) and 5), and letter e, among the Papua Province, Regencies and Cities or other name shall be fairly and equally stipulated in a Perdasus by giving special attention to the backward areas.

Article 35

(1) The Papua Province may accept overseas assistance after having notified the Government.

(2) The Papua Province may apply for loans from domestic and/or offshore resources to finance part of its budget.

(3) Loans from domestic resources for the Papua Province must be with the approval of the DPRP.

(4) Loans from offshore resources for the Papua Province must obtain consideration and approval from the DPRP and the Government based on the provisions of statutory regulations.

(5) The total loans referred to in paragraphs (3) and (4) may not exceed a certain percentage of the total revenues of the Regional Budget according to the provisions of statutory regulations.

(6) Provisions concerning the assistance referred to in this Article shall be stipulated in the Perdasi.

Article 36

(1) Changes to and calculation of the Budget of the Papua Province shall be stipulated by a Perdasi.

(2) At least 30 (thirty) percent of the revenue referred to in Article 34 paragraph (3) letter b points 4) and 5), shall be allocated for education and at least 15 percent for health and nutrient improvement.

(3) The procedure to determine and implement the Provincial Budget, the change to and calculation of and accountability and control over the Provincial Budget shall be stipulated by a Perdasi.

Article 37

All data and information on tax revenues and state revenues, originating from the Papua Province shall be submitted to the Provincial Government and the DPRP every budget year.



Article 38

(1) The economy of the Papua Province which is part of the national and global economy, is aimed at and intended to create overall prosperity and welfare for the people of Papua by respecting the principles of justice and even distribution.

(2) Economic ventures in the Papua Province utilizing natural resources shall be carried out by respecting the rights of the adat community, ensuring legal certainty to the entrepreneurs, and preserving the environment and continuous development, shall be stipulated by a Perdasus.

Article 39

Further management in the context of the utilization of the natural resources referred to in Article 38 shall be fully carried out in the Papua Province with due observance of sound, efficient and competitive economic principles.

Article 40

(1) Permits and cooperation agreements entered into by the Government and/or the Provincial Government with other parties will remain applicable and respected.

(2) The permits and agreements referred to in paragraph (1) which according to a final court judgment are against the law and/or detrimental to the rights of the people and against this Law shall be reviewed, without prejudice to the legal obligations imposed to the permit holder or the agreement concerned.

Article 41

(1) The Government of the Papua Province may enter into capital participation in any Stateowned Enterprises (BUMN) and private companies domiciled and operating within the Papua Province.

(2) The procedure of the capital participation of the Government of the Papua Province referred to in paragraph (1) shall be stipulated by a Perdasi.

Article 42

(1) The economic development is based on democracy and carried out giving the adat community and/or the local people the broadest opportunity.

(2) Investors investing within the territory of the Papua Province must acknowledge and respect the rights of the local adat community.

(3) Discussions held between the Provincial/Regency/City Governments and investors must involve the adat community.

(4) The opportunity to do business, referred to in paragraph (1), shall be granted in the context of empowering the adat community to play a role in the economy.



Article 43

(1) The Government of the Papua Province shall acknowledge, respect, protect, empower and develop the rights of the adat community based on the provisions of prevailing statutory regulations.

(2) The adat rights referred to in paragraph (1) shall cover the ulayat right of the adat law community and the individual right of the members of the adat law community concerned.

(3) The ulayat right, if in reality is still existing, shall be exercised by the adat authority of the adat law community concerned according to the provisions of the local adat law, by respecting the control of the ex ulayat land lawfully obtained by other parties according to the procedure and based on the provisions of statutory regulations.

(4) The ulayat land and the individual land of the members of the adat law community for any purpose whatsoever shall be provided through deliberation with the adat law community and the member concerned to obtain approval on the delivery of the land required as well as the compensation.

(5) The Government of the Province, Regency/City shall provide active mediation in the effort to settle any dispute of the ulayat land and ex individual right, in a fair and discreet manner, so that a satisfactory agreement can be reached between the parties concerned.

Article 44

The Provincial Government shall be obliged to protect the Intellectual Property Rights of the Papua natives according to the provisions of statutory regulations.



Article 45

(1) The Government, Provincial Government and population of the Papua Province shall enforce, improve, protect and respect Human Rights throughout the Papua Province.

(2) For the purpose of paragraph (1) a representative of the Commission of Human Rights, Human Rights Couit and Commission of Righteousness and Reconciliation shall be formed by the Government in the Papua Province pursuant to the provisions of statutory regulations.

Article 46

(1) In stabilizing the unity and integrity of the people in the Papua Province a Commission of Righteousness and Reconciliation shall be formed.

(2) The tasks of the Commission of Righteousness and Reconciliation referred to in paragraph (1) shall be:

a. to classify the history of Papua to stabilize the unity and integrity of the nation within the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

b. To formulate and determine the reconciliation measures.

(4) The composition, position, regulation for the performance of the tasks and financing of the Commission referred to in paragraph (1) shall be stipulated in a Presidential Decree after proposal from the Governor.

Article 47

To enforce the Human Rights for the women the Government of the Province 8 obliged to foster and protect the rights and empower the women according to human values and make every effort to position them as equals to men.



Article 48

(1) The tasks of the Police in the Papua Province shall be performed by the Police of the Papua Province as part of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia.

(2) The policy concerning the security of the Papua Province shall be coordinated by the Head of the Provincial Police with the Governor.

(3) Matters concerning the tasks of the police referred to in paragraph (1) in the field of order and peace of the public shall be fwther stipulated, including the expenses arising there from, in a Perdasi

(4) The performance of the task of the police referred to in paragraph (30 shall be accunted for by the Head of Police of the Papua Province to the Governor.

(5) The Head of Police of the Papua Province shall be appointed by the Head of Police of the Republic of Indonesia with the approval of the Governor of the Papua Province.

(6) The dismissal of the Head of the Regional Police of the Papua Province shall be carried out by the Head of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia.

(7) The Head of Police of the Papua Province shall be responsible to the Head of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia for the development of the police in the Papua Province in performing the tasks of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia.

Article 49

(1) Selection to become an officer (perwira), lowest rank (bintara) and lower ranking commissioned officer (tamtama) of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia shall be carried out by the Police of the Papua Province taking into consideration the legal, cultural, customary systems and the policy of the Governor of the Papua Province.

(2) The basic education and general training for the bintara and tamtama of the Police of the Republic of Indonesia in the Papua Province shall be given local curriculum and the graduates shall be especially assigned to the Papua Province.

(3) The education and development of the officers of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia originating from the Papua Province shall be nationally conducted by the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia.

(4) The perwira, bintara and tamtama of the State Police of he Republic of Indonesia from outside the Papua Province shall be placed at the Decision of the Head of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia with due observance of the legal, cultural and customs systems in the area of assignment.

(5) In the event of new placement or relocation of the police units in the Papua Province, the Government shall coordinate with the Governor.



Article 50

(1) The power of the judicature in the Papua Province shall be exercised by the Judicature Body according to the provisions of statutory regulations.

(2) Apart from the judicature power referred to in paragraph (1) the adat judicature is recognized in certain adat law communities.

Article 51

(1) The adat judicature is the reconciliation within the circles of the adat law community, which has the authority to hear and adjudge adat civil disputes and criminal cases among the members of the adat law community concerned

(2) The adat court shall be formed under the provisions of the adat law of the adat law community concerned

(3) The adat court shall hear and adjudge adat civil disputes and criminal cases referred to in paragraph (1) based on the adat law of the adat law community concerned.

(4) If one of the disputing or litigating parties shall object the judgment passed by the adjudicating adat court referred to in paragraph (3), the objecting party shall have the right to request the first instance court within the competent judicature body to re-hear and re-adjudge the dispute or case concerned.

(5) The adat court is not competent to pass a sentence of imprisonment or confinement.

(6) The judgment of the adat court of a criminal offense the case of which has not been requested for rehearing as referred to in paragraph (4) shall become a final and binding judgment.

(7) To release the criminal offender from criminal charges according to prevailing criminal laws, a statement of approval is required from the Chairman of the District Court obtained through the Head of the District Prosecutors Office concerned with the scene of crime referred to in paragraph (3).

(8) If the request for statement of approval to execute the adat court judgment referred to in paragraph (7) is rejected by the District Court, the judgment of the adat court referred to in paragraph (6) shall became the legal consideration of the District Court in deciding the case concerned.

Article 52

(1) The tasks of the Prosecutor Office shall be carried out by the Prosecutor Office of the Papua Province as a part of the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia.

(2) Appointment of the Head of the High Prosecutor Office of the Papua Province shall be carried out by the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia with the approval of the Governor.

(3) Dismissal of the Head of the High Prosecutor Office in the Papua Province shall be carried out by the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia.



Article 53

(1) All inhabitants of the Papua Province shall have the right and freedom to profess their respective religion and belief.

(2) All inhabitants of the Papua Province are obliged to respect religious values, maintain harmony among the members of all religious communities and to prevent all divisive efforts of the community in the Papua Province and within the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Article 54

The Provincial Government is obliged:

(1) to guarantee freedom, foster harmony and protect all members of the religious community in performing their religious services according to their respective religion;

(2) to respect the religious values professed by members of the religious community;

(3) to acknowledge the autonomy of religious institutions; and

(4) to give proportional support to each religious institution based on the number of the members, and which shall not be binding

Article 55

(1) The allocation of finances and other resources by the Government in developing religion in the Papua Province shall be carried out proportionally based on the number of members and shall not be binding.

(2) The Government shall delegate part of the authority on permission for the placement of foreign religious personnel in the Papua Province to the Governor of the Papua Province.



Article 56

(1) The Provincial Government is responsible for education at all levels, lines and types of education in the Papua Province.

(2) The Government shall stipulate the general policy on the autonomy of tertiary educational institutions, core curriculum and quality standard at all levels, lines and types of education as guidance for the Management of the Tertiary Educational Institution and the Provincial Government.

(3) All inhabitants of the Papua Province shall be entitled to high quality education and teaching referred to in paragraph (1) up to the High School level at the lowest possible charge to the community.

(4) In developing and conducting education, the Provincial Government and Regency/City Government shall give all qualified religious institutions, nor-governmental institutions and the business circles the greatest opportunity to conduct high quality education in the Papua Province.

(5) The Government of the Province and Regency/City may provide assistance and/or subsidy to the education organizer carried out by the requiring community.

(6) Further provisions on paragraph (1) through paragraph (5) shall be stipulated by a Perdasi.

Article 57

(1) The Provincial Government shall protect, foster and develop the culture of the Papua natives.

(2) In complying with its obligations referred to in paragraph (1) the Provincial Government shall give to qualified nor-governmental institutions the greatest role as stipulated by a Provincial Regulation.

(3) The performance of the obligations referred to in paragraph (2) shall be based on compensation.

(4) Further stipulation of the provisions referred to in paragraph (2) and (3) above shall be stipulated by a Perdasi.

Article 58

(1) The Provincial Government is obliged to foster, develop and preserve the variety of regional languages and literatures to maintain and stabilize the identity of the Papuans.

(2) Other than the Indonesian language as the national language, English is also established as the second language at all levels of education.

(3) The regional language may be used as the medium of instruction at the basic education level according to the needs.



Article 59

(1) The Provincial Government is obliged to establish the quality standards of and provide health services to the people.

(2) The Provincial Government, and Regency/City Government, are obliged to prevent and control endemic diseases and/or diseases hazardous to the subsistence of the people.

(3) All Papuans shall be entitled to health services referred to in paragraph (1) with the lowest charge to the community.

(4) In complying with its obligations referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2), the Provincial Government shall give all qualified religious institutions, nor-governmental institutions and the business circle as stipulated in the Provincial Regulations, the greatest role.

(5) Provisions concerning the obligation to provide health services based on the lowest charges to the community referred to in paragraph (3), and the participation of religious institutions, non-governmental institutions, and the business circles as referred to in paragraph (4) shall be further stipulated by a Perdasi.

Article 60

(1) The Provincial Government and Regency/City Government shall be obliged to plan and implement programs to improve and increase the nutrition of the people and may involve qualified religious institutions, non-governmental institutions and the business circles.

(2) The provisions referred to in paragraph (1) shall be further stipulated by a Perdasi.



Article 61

(1) The Provincial Government is obliged to foster and exercise supervision and control over the growth of the population in the Papua Province.

(2) In order to accelerate the efforts of empowerment and the increase of the quality and participation of the native Papuans in all sectors of development, the Provincial Government sha 11 apply population policies.

(3) The placement of population in the Papua Province in the context of the national transmigration shall be carried out by the Government with the approval of the Governor.

(4) The placement of population referred to in paragraph (3) shall be stipulated by a Perdasi.

Article 62

(1) Anyone shall have the same rights based on voluntary choice for a proper occupation according to his talent and ability.

(2) The native Papuans shall be entitled to have the opportunity and shall be given priority to employment in all fields of work within the Papua Province based on their education and expertise.

(3) In the event of obtaining employment as referred to in paragraph (2) in the judicature field, the Papua natives shall have the right to have the priority to be appointed as Judge or Prosecutor in the Papua Province.

(4) The provisions referred to in paragraph (1) and (2) shall be further stipulated by a Perdasi.



Article 63

Development in the Papua Province shall be carried out based on continuous development principles, preservation of the living environment, benefit and justice with due observance of the layout plan of the area.

Article 64

(1) The Government of the Papua Province is obliged to manage and utilize the living environment in an integrated manner with due observance of the layout, protection of the biological natural resources, non-biological natural resources, artificial resources, conservation of the biological natural resources and the ecosystem, the cultural preservation, and biological variety and change of climate, taking into account the rights of the adat community and for the welfare of the people.

(2) To protect the variety of the most important biological and ecological processes, the Provincial Government is obliged to manage the protected areas.

(3) The Provincial Government shall involve qualified nor-governmental institutions in the management and protection of the living environment

(4) In the Papua Province independent institutions may be formed to settle environmental disputes.

(5) The provisions referred to in paragraph (1) to (4) shall be stipulated by a Perdasi.



Article 65

(1) The Provincial Government according to its authority is obliged to raise and provide proper security for the people of the Papua people bearing social problems.

(2) In complying with the obligations referred to in paragraph (1), the Provincial Government shall give the greatest role to the community, including the public selfsupportive institutions.

(3) The provisions referred to in paragraph (1) and (2) shall be further stipulated by a Perdasi.

Article 66

(1) The Provincial Government shall give special attention and treatment to the development of the isolated, remote and neglected races in the Papua Province.

(2) The provisions referred to in paragraph (1) shall be further stipulated by a Perdasus.



Article 67

(1) In running a proper, clean, authoritative, transparent and responsible government administration, legal supervision, political supervision and social supervision shall be exercised.

(2) The social supervision referred to in paragraph (1) shall be further stipulated by a Perdasus.

Article 68

(1) In running the Regional Administration, the Government is obliged to facilitate through the provision of guidelines, training and supervision.

(2) The Government is authorized to exercise repressive supervision over the Perdasus, Perdasi and Governor's decisions.

(3) The Government is authorized to exercise functional supervision over the execution of the regional administration according to the provisions of the statutory regulations.

(4) The Government may delegate its authority to the Governor as the Government's Representative to exercise supervision over the Regency/City administration.



Article 69

(1) The Papua Province may enter into cooperation agreements in the economic, social and cultural sectors with other provinces in Indonesia according to the needs.

(2) Disputes between the partie s entering into the agreements referred to in paragraph (1) shall be settled according to the legal choice agreed upon.

Article 70

(1) Inter-provincial/city disputes shall be settled by the Government by deliberation, facilitated by the Provincial Government.

(2) Disputes between a Regency/City and the Provinces shall be settled by deliberation facilitated by the Government.



Article 71

(1) The Governor, Deputy Governor, Provincial DPRD, Regent, Deputy Regent, the Regency DPRD, Mayor, Deputy Mayor and the City DPRD within the territory of the Papua Province appointed before this Law is enacted, shall perform their tasks until the end of their term of office.

(2) All authorities of the Provincial, Regency/City Government based on the statutory regulations shall remain applicable until further stipulated by a Perdasus and Perdasi according to the provisions of this Law.

Article 72

(1) The Governor and DPRP shall first stipulate the requirements and number and procedures for the election of the members of the MRP to be proposed to the Government as material to draw up the Government Regulation.

(2) The Government shall complete the Government Regulation referred in paragraph (1) at the latest 1 (one) month after the proposal is received.

Article 73

In the context of exercising the authorities stipulated in this Law, the Government of the Papua Province shall have the right to accept and manage resources covering financing, personnel, equipment, including the documentation (P3D) according to the provisions of the statutory regulations.

Article 74

All existing statutory regulations shall be declared as applicable in the Papua Province to the extent not stipulated in this Law.

Article 75

The Implementing Regulation meant by this Special Autonomy Law shall be stipulated at the latest 2 (two) years as from the date of its enactment.



Article 76

Expansion of the Papua Province into provinces shall be carried out with the approval of the MRP and the DPRP giving close attention to the social cultural unity, readiness of the human resources and the economic ability and development in the future.

Article 77

Proposals for the amendment of this Law maybe submitted by the people of the Papua Province through the MRP and DPRP to the House of People's Representatives or the Government according to the statutory regulations.

Article 78

The application of this Law shall be evaluated annually and for the first time at the end of the third year after this Law comes into effect.

Article 79

This Law shall come into effect on the date stipulated.

In order that everyone shall take cognizance hereof, to order the promulgation of this Law by insertion in the Statute Book of the Republic of Indonesia.

Legalized in Jakarta




Enacted in Jakarta





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