Last Updated: Tuesday, 22 December 2015, 11:47 GMT

National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities

Showing 1-6 of 6 results
Framework Agreement on the Status of Nationals of the Other State and Related Matters between The Republic of the Sudan and The Republic of South Sudan

13 March 2012 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: Bilateral Treaties/Agreements

The Sudanese Nationality Act 1994 and Sudanese Nationality Act (Amendment) 2011

10 August 2011 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

Interim National Constitution of the Republic of the Sudan, 2005

6 July 2005 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

Nationality Act, 2003 (New Sudan)

31 December 2003 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

The Sudanese Nationality Act 1994 and Sudanese Nationality Act (Amendment) 2011 (English Translation)

3 May 1994 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

Sudanese Nationality Act 1957 (last amended 1974)

1957 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

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