Malian Refugee Students Excel in High School Studies – Granted DAFI Scholarships for Overseas Univeristy Studies

“I want to become a doctor so that I can make my contribution to society…too many people are dying from preventable diseases amongst the refugee community and the host community here in Niger, I want to help these people.”
Ibrahima Maiga Abdourhamane, recipient of an unprecedented 7 year scholarship to study medicine in Senegal explains why he wants to become a doctor. Ibrahima – 18 years old, is one of four Malian refugee students to be awarded the highly prestigious DAFI scholarship for third level studies overseas. ‘The Albert Einstein German Academic Refugee Initiative’ (DAFI) scholarships are a German funded initiative which have been awarded to academically high achieving refugee students since 1992.
Ibrahima Maiga Abdourhamane has been living in Niger since fleeing the conflict in Mali in 2012. Despite his traumatic experiences, he realizes the importance of education, and managed to achieve the highest marks in his school. He is the first in his family to study at third level, while he explains that his father who worked in agriculture and manual labour in Mali, is now based in the Mangaize refugee camp, where Ibrahima visits him during school holidays.
The Malian urban refugee community living in Niamey were celebrating the news this week, sharing in the good fortune of the four successful recipients. Moussa Hamani, fellow Malian refugee and ‘President des Jeunes Leader’ who has been volunteering with UNHCR for three years shared the sentiment of joy,
“We, all of us here are so happy for our brother… the young doctor! Even though he comes from a very vulnerable family, he worked so hard to achieve this.”
Of 15 scholarships awarded for 2015/2016 to 15 countries, four of these were awarded to Malian refugees in Niger.
The DAFI scholarships contribute to UNHCR’s overall objective of promoting self-reliance and durable solutions for refugees, through contributing to skills development and empowerment through education.
For more information on the DAFI scholarship scheme, see: