Last Updated: Friday, 18 December 2015, 12:36 GMT

Forum 18

Forum 18 is an organization that promotes the implementation of Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and concentrates upon gross and open breaches of religious freedom, especially situations where the lives of individuals or groups are threatened, and where the right to gather based upon belief is threatened.  Website:
Selected filters: Freedom of religion
Showing 1-10 of 2,018 results
Russia: Customs block literature "with no reason, no legal right and no court ruling"

14 December 2015 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Azerbaijan: Women's criminal trial to start after 10 months' imprisonment

9 December 2015 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Kazakhstan: "State prosecutor wants Yklas to serve 7 years in prison!"

8 December 2015 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Uzbekistan: Police and Imam "forced family to bury deceased in cemetery where officers took them"

7 December 2015 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Azerbaijan: Police killings, shooting and mass arrests as Muslims pray

1 December 2015 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Russia: Some but not all sacred texts exempted from banning

30 November 2015 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Uzbekistan: Police raid, torture, steal and plant drugs

26 November 2015 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Kazakhstan: Sixth Muslim in secret police pre-trial imprisonment

24 November 2015 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Uzbekistan: New fines, Bible destructions follow UN concern over religious censorship

18 November 2015 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Turkey: Will schools respect parents' and pupils' freedom of religion or belief?

17 November 2015 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

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