Last Updated: Friday, 01 November 2019, 13:47 GMT

Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

The Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) is Canada's largest independent administrative tribunal, responsible for making well-reasoned decisions on immigration and refugee matters efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law. It consists of three divisions: the Refugee Protection Division; the Immigration Division; and the Immigration Appeal Division. The Refugee Protection Division decides claims for refugee protection made by people already in Canada. Website:
Selected filters: Kuwait
Showing 11-20 of 120 results
Kuwait: Whether Bedoun residents who were included in the 1965 census are able to obtain citizenship; whether Bedoun residents can access healthcare, education and employment; information on Bedoun mobility rights, including whether an individual with a Bedoun card, who was registered in the 1965 census, but who left Kuwait illegally without a passport, is able to return to Kuwait

20 February 2013 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Koweït/Sri Lanka : information indiquant si l'épouse d'un travailleur du Sri Lanka dont le contrat d'une durée de deux ans avec un employeur privé au Koweït est renouvelable peut obtenir un permis de résidence lui permettant de vivre avec son époux; information sur les procédures d'obtention de ce permis; information indiquant si la décision d'accorder un permis de résidence à l'épouse d'un travailleur est une décision discrétionnaire ou automatique et si cette décision est prise par les autorités de l'État ou l'employeur

9 August 2007 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Kuwait/Sri Lanka: Whether the wife of a worker from Sri Lanka with a renewable two-year contract with a private employer in Kuwait can obtain a residence permit allowing her to live in Kuwait with her husband for the duration of his contract; procedures for obtaining such a permit; whether the decision to grant a residence permit to a worker's wife is discretionary or automatic and whether this decision is made by state authorities or the employer

9 August 2007 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Koweït : traitement des biduns par les autorités koweïtiennes (janvier 2003 - octobre 2005)

30 May 2006 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Kuwait: Treatment of Bidoon by the Kuwaiti authorities (January 2003 - October 2005)

21 October 2005 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Kuwait: Follow-up to KWT41478.E of 10 April 2003 on the alien reporting card, including its purpose and circumstances under which it is issued

22 December 2003 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Koweït : suivi de KWT41478.E du 10 avril 2003 sur la carte de déclaration pour étrangers, y compris son but et les circonstances dans lesquelles elle est délivrée

22 December 2003 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Kuwait: Update to KWT38608.E of 15 March 2002 and KWT41478.E of 10 April 2003 regarding a "reporting card for Bidoons"

9 June 2003 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Koweït : mise à jour de KWT38608.E du 15 mars 2002 et de KWT41478.E du 10 avril 2003 sur une « carte de déclaration pour Bidoons »

9 June 2003 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Kuwait: The situation of homosexuals; penalties for homosexuality and whether these penalties are applied in practice

13 January 2003 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

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