Last Updated: Friday, 18 December 2015, 12:36 GMT

Norwegian Refugee Council/Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (NRC/IDMC)

The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC), established in 1998 by the Norwegian Refugee Council, was formerly known as the "Global IDP Project". It is the leading international body monitoring conflict-induced internal displacement worldwide. At the request of the United Nations, the Geneva-based IDMC runs an online database providing comprehensive information and analysis on internal displacement in some 50 countries.

Included in this database are the IDMC's Country Reports and Profiles on Internal Displacement.  Website:
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Colombia: Property restitution in sight but integration still distant

5 September 2011 | Publisher: Norwegian Refugee Council/Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (NRC/IDMC) | Document type: Country Reports

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