Almost 100,000 flee Yemen in four months since fighting started

News Stories, 4 August 2015

© UNHCR/H. McNeish
A refugee from Yemen hides from the scorching sun in Obock, northern Djibouti. Obock has become a safe haven for hundreds of people fleeing increasingly violent conflict in Yemen.

GENEVA, Aug 4 (UNHCR) Almost 100,000 people have fled Yemen since conflict erupted there in late March, but the UN refugee agency warned on Tuesday that its regional response to help receiving countries cope with the outflow was seriously hampered by under-funding.

UNHCR said that overall only one-fifth of its funding needs had been met. In Somalia, where over 28,000 people have arrived, just five percent of the required funding, estimated at US $64 million, has been received.

"While many of these people have not sought help as refugees, around 54,000 have registered with UNHCR and government authorities for assistance of various kinds." UNHCR spokesperson Adrian Edwards told a press briefing in Geneva.

He added that with funding also low for operations inside Yemen: "UNHCR is concerned that delivery of assistance there, as well as to refugees fleeing the country, will be at risk without additional funding soon."

Overall, the regional UNHCR emergency response has received US$ 26.4 million (20 percent), leaving a funding gap of US$ 107.7 million.


With the arrival in Bossaso, Puntland on 30 July of a boat carrying over 2,500 people (2,197 Somalis, 337 Yemenis and nine others), total arrivals from Yemen to Somalia in July were almost 10,000 people (9,864).

"This is the highest monthly arrival figure to date; the previous high was in May, when 8,683 arrivals were recorded. As of 30 July, over 28,000 individuals (25,429 Somalis, 2,726 Yemenis, and 205 other third country nationals) have arrived in Somalia since 26 March," Edwards noted.

The majority have been arriving in Bossaso (65 percent) and Berbera, Somaliland (34 percent).

UNHCR and partners provide assistance to returnees to Somalia, including onward transportation to areas of origin or return. Almost 7,000 Somalis have returned to South Central regions (5,000 in Mogadishu), some joining settlements for internally displaced people there.

"More heIp is needed to ensure basic services and livelihoods and strengthen registration and verification and reception capacity at the main ports, particularly as outflows of Somali nationals are expected to continue," Edwards added.


In Djibouti, 21,726 people had arrived from Yemen as of the end of July. Of these 9,953 (46 percent) are Yemeni nationals, while a further 9,946 are transiting third country nationals and 1,827 (eight percent) are Djiboutian returnees.


In Ethiopia 3,210 people have arrived from Yemen since March including 2,500 Somalis and 706 Yemenis. Somalis already registered as refugees in Yemen, after crossing the borders of Djibouti and Somaliland, are arriving in the eastern and northern regions of Ethiopia and are being assisted through existing projects in refugee camps there. An additional US $500,000 is needed for registration and transportation and distribution of emergency assistance to new arrivals in Jijiga in eastern Ethiopia.

Some Yemeni refugees arriving in Ethiopia are being helped through a UNHCR urban refugee programme in Addis Ababa but arrivals have already exceeded the number predicted for the whole of 2015. As a result, UNHCR's main partner there is unable to assist further urban refugees. UNHCR Ethiopia urgently requires an additional US $570,000 to respond to this rapid increase in urban refugees.


Elsewhere some 5,000 arrivals comprised of mixed nationalities have been recorded in Oman since the conflict started while some 30,000 Yemenis and 9,880 third country national arrivals have been recorded in Saudi Arabia. Of these, 4,204 remain in Saudi Arabia while the remainder have transited to other countries. With a further 271 arrivals in Sudan, this makes a total of 98,176 arrivals in receiving countries in just over four months across the region.


The UNHCR emergency response inside Yemen is also seriously underfunded at just 23 percent of the required US $105.6 million. Some 1.2 million internally displaced people and approximately 250,000 refugees continue to need assistance in extremely challenging conditions with severely restricted access.

"UNHCR reiterates that any returns to Yemen from receiving countries must be voluntary and based on a free and informed choice," Edwards concluded.




UNHCR country pages

East Africans continue to flood into the Arabian Peninsula

Every month, thousands of refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants from Somalia and Ethiopia cross the Gulf of Aden or the Red Sea to reach Yemen, fleeing drought, poverty, conflict or persecution. And although this year's numbers are, so far, lower than in 2012 - about 62,200 in the first 10 months compared to 88,533 for the same period last year - the Gulf of Aden remains one of the world's most travelled sea routes for irregular migration (asylum-seekers and migrants). UNHCR and its local partners monitor the coast to provide assistance to the new arrivals and transport them to reception centres. Those who make it to Yemen face many challenges and risks. The government regards Somalis as prima facie refugees and automatically grants them asylum, but other nationals such as the growing number of Ethiopians can face detention. Some of the Somalis make their own way to cities like Aden, but about 50 a day arrive at Kharaz Refugee Camp, which is located in the desert in southern Yemen. Photographer Jacob Zocherman recently visited the Yemen coast where arrivals land, and the camp where many end up.

East Africans continue to flood into the Arabian Peninsula

Yemeni Province Starts Rebuilding as 100,000 Displaced Return

Life is slowly returning to normal in urban and rural areas of the southern Yemeni province of Abyan, where fighting between government forces and rebels caused major population displacements in 2011 and 2012.

But since last July, as hostilities subsided and security began to improve, more than 100,000 internally displaced people (IDP) have returned to their homes in the province, or governorate. Most spent more than a year in temporary shelters in neighbouring provinces such as Aden and Lahj.

Today, laughing children once more play without fear in the streets of towns like the Abyan capital, Zinjibar, and shops are reopening. But the damage caused by the conflict is visible in many areas and the IDPs have returned to find a lack of basic services and livelihood opportunities as well as lingering insecurity in some areas.

There is frustration about the devastation, which has also affected electricity and water supplies, but most returnees are hopeful about the future and believe reconstruction will soon follow. UNHCR has been providing life-saving assistance since the IDP crisis first began in 2011, and is now helping with the returns.

Amira Al Sharif, a Yemeni photojournalist, visited Abyan recently to document life for the returnees.

Yemeni Province Starts Rebuilding as 100,000 Displaced Return

Shelter for the Displaced in Yemen

The port city of Aden in southern Yemen has long been a destination for refugees, asylum-seekers and economic migrants after making the dangerous sea crossing from the Horn of Africa. Since May 2011, Aden also has been providing shelter to tens of thousands of Yemenis fleeing fighting between government forces and armed groups in neighbouring Abyan governorate.

Most of the 157,000 internally displaced people (IDPs) from Abyan have found shelter with friends and relatives, but some 20,000 have been staying in dozens of public schools and eight vacant public buildings. Conditions are crowded with several families living together in a single classroom.

Many IDPs expected their displacement would not be for long. They wish to return home, but cannot do so due to the fighting. Moreover, some are fearful of reprisals if they return to areas where many homes were destroyed or severely damaged in bombings.

UNHCR has provided emergency assistance, including blankets, plastic sheeting and wood stoves, to almost 70,000 IDPs from Abyan. Earlier this year, UNHCR rehabilitated two buildings, providing shelter for 2,000 people and allowing 3,000 children, IDPs and locals, to resume schooling in proper classrooms. UNHCR is advocating with the authorities for the conversion of additional public buildings into transitional shelters for the thousands of IDPs still living in schools.

Photographer Pepe Rubio Larrauri travelled to Aden in March 2012 to document the day-to-day lives of the displaced.

Shelter for the Displaced in Yemen

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