Last Updated: Thursday, 17 December 2015, 15:24 GMT

Reporters Without Borders

Reporters Without Borders is an international non-governmental organization that aims at defending journalists and media assistants imprisoned or persecuted for doing their job and exposes the mistreatment and torture of them in many countries. It fights against censorship and laws that undermine press freedom, gives financial aid to journalists or media outlets in difficulty, as well to the families of imprisoned journalists, and works to improve the safety of journalists, especially those reporting in war zones.  Website:
Selected filters: Refugee camps
Showing 1-3 of 3 results
Lacking funds, UN agency turns to 'last resort,' cuts food rations for refugees in Kenya

14 November 2014 | Publisher: Reporters Without Borders | Document type: Country News

Analysis: Hard choices: When the Syria aid response runs out of money

11 June 2013 | Publisher: Reporters Without Borders | Document type: Country News

EU calls for international observers to probe clashes in Camp Ashraf

12 April 2011 | Publisher: Reporters Without Borders | Document type: Country News

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