Humanitarian Programme Cycle

Please be informed that the The Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP) as used up until September 2013 has been discontinued in line with the IASC Transformative Agenda. Henceforth appeals are organised by way of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle. Appeal-related documents will be uploaded to this site until September 2014 to ensure continuity and they can be used for reference purposes.

Please refer to  for information about the HPC and all documents relating to the 2015 Strategic Response Planning cycle and onwards.

OCHA’s Director of Operations warns about the desperate humanitarian situation in Yemen, which continues to deteriorate more than a year after the conflict escalated. Full Story >>
People sheltering at the Pedernales Technical School try to keep spirits high to help children cope with trauma. Full Story >>
ERC O'Brien warns about the consequences of an alarming funding gap of over $2.2 billion for the provision of food, clean water, basic medicine, and seeds to make sure farmers do not lose their next harvest. Full Story >>

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