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List of UNHCR Observations on EU Policy

Showing 51-60 of 107 results
UNHCR Observations on the Commission Proposal for a Council Directive Amending Directive 2003/109/EC Establishing a Long-Term Residence Status to Extend its Scope to Beneficiaries of International Protection 29 February 2008

"Terrorism as a Global Phenomenon", UNHCR presentation to the Joint Seminar of the Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and Asylum (SCIFA) and Committee on Article 36 (CATS) 17 January 2008

UNHCR Statement on Subsidiary Protection Under the EC Qualification Directive for People Threatened by Indiscriminate Violence 1 January 2008

UNHCR's Recommendations to the Slovenian Presidency of the European Union, January - June 2008 10 December 2007

Response to the European Commission's Green Paper on the Future Common European Asylum System 1 September 2007

UNHCR's Recommendations for Portugal's European Union Presidency July-December 2007 15 June 2007

Note on the Integration of Refugees in the European Union 1 May 2007

The Hague Programme two years on: UNHCR's Recommendations to the German Presidency of the European Union, January-June 2007 1 December 2006

The Challenge of Protecting Refugees: UNHCR's Recommendations for Finland's 2006 EU Presidency 6 June 2006

UNHCR Observations on the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on Strengthened Practical Cooperation - New Structures, New Approaches: Improving the Quality of Decision Making in the Common European Asylum System [COM(2006) 67 final, 17 February 2006] 25 April 2006