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Central, Eastern Europe aim to improve refugee status decisions

News Stories, 18 September 2008

© UNHCR/I.Grigorov
Poor decisions and prolonged appeals procedures may condemn asylum-seekers to months of anxious waiting about their future.

BUDAPEST, Hungary, September 18 (UNHCR) Would you be happy to sign legal documents you didn't fully understand? Would you like telling very personal information to someone whom you have never seen before? Would you be patient waiting for a life-changing decision about your future if you didn't even understand the process?

These are very real questions for asylum-seekers in Central and Eastern Europe every day.

Now Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia, along with Austria and Germany, have taken on the task of reviewing and enhancing the quality of their refugee status determination systems.

Under a Quality Initiative launched Wednesday in Budapest, the eight countries aim to improve the entire process between the arrival of the asylum-seeker and the final status decision, including training of asylum officers. Not only the decision-making, but the actual decision-writing is to be sharpened.

"A decision should be like a story that anyone could pick up and read," says former Canadian refugee law judge Michael Ross, now UNHCR's Budapest-based Regional Co-ordinator of the Asylum Systems Quality Assurance and Evaluation project also knows as the Quality Initiative.

"It should contain what the asylum-seeker said, the objective facts about the asylum-seeker's country of origin, as well as citations of the relevant law. Its conclusion should proceed logically from the analysis of these elements. And most importantly, each decision should be written keeping in mind that the decision maker bears the heavy responsibility of deciding the future of an individual human being."

The project, initiated by the UNHCR Regional Representation in Budapest with funding support from the European Commission, will review and develop refugee status decision-making in the eight countries. The results of the project are expected to help the harmonisation of EU asylum legislation with a view to creating a common European asylum system by 2012.

In each country, one National Evaluator recruited by UNHCR will sit in and observe asylum interviews and monitor decisions until February 2010. Government asylum agencies are also to be trained to continue quality auditing once this project finishes.

This week in Budapest, the National Evaluators are meeting with UNHCR protection officers and government counterparts to learn from experts representing the United Kingdom, Austria and Germany about other Quality Initiatives.

UNHCR has found in Central and Eastern Europe that asylum-seekers often do not get sufficient written or verbal information about the asylum process. Or they may receive it in writing beforehand, but in a language they do not understand. In some countries interpreters summarise what an asylum-seeker says instead of providing a verbatim translation.

Such missing elements in the pre-hearing and hearing phases can lead to poor asylum decisions, rejections and lost appeals, with asylum-seekers condemned to months of frustration and anxiety about their future.

"Europe is alive with all sorts of quality improvement projects in the field of asylum," says Ross. "In our project we will try to build on these, borrow best practices and work in a co-operative way. We will do everything we can to achieve systems of decision making that are better, more consistent and serve refugees in a fair and balanced way."

By Andrea Szobolits in Budapest, Hungary




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Out of Harm's Way in Romania

Peaceful days and a safe environment is probably more than these Palestinian and Sudanese refugees expected when they were stuck in a desert camp in Iraq. Now they are recovering at a special transit centre in the Romanian city of Timisoara while their applications for resettlement in a third country are processed.

Most people forced to flee their homes are escaping from violence or persecution, but some find themselves still in danger after arriving at their destination. UNHCR uses the centre in Romania to bring such people out of harm's way until they can be resettled.

The Emergency Transit Centre (ETC) in Timisoara was opened in 2008. Another one will be formally opened in Humenné, Slovakia, within the coming weeks. The ETC provides shelter and respite for up to six months, during which time the evacuees can prepare for a new life overseas. They can attend language courses and cultural orientation classes.

Out of Harm's Way in Romania

Abdu finds his voice in Germany

When bombs started raining down on Aleppo, Syria, in 2012, the Khawan family had to flee. According to Ahmad, the husband of Najwa and father of their two children, the town was in ruins within 24 hours.

The family fled to Lebanon where they shared a small flat with Ahmad's two brothers and sisters and their children. Ahmad found sporadic work which kept them going, but he knew that in Lebanon his six-year-old son, Abdu, who was born deaf, would have little chance for help.

The family was accepted by Germany's Humanitarian Assistance Programme and resettled into the small central German town of Wächtersbach, near Frankfurt am Main. Nestled in a valley between two mountain ranges and a forest, the village has an idyllic feel.

A year on, Abdu has undergone cochlear implant surgery for the second time. He now sports two new hearing aids which, when worn together, allow him to hear 90 per cent. He has also joined a regular nursery class, where he is learning for the first time to speak - German in school and now Arabic at home. Ahmed is likewise studying German in a nearby village, and in two months he will graduate with a language certificate and start looking for work. He says that he is proud at how quickly Abdu is learning and integrating.

Abdu finds his voice in Germany

Through the Clouds to Germany: One Syrian Family's Journey

On Wednesday, Germany launched a humanitarian programme to provide temporary shelter and safety to up to 5,000 of the most vulnerable Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries. A first group of 107 flew to Hanover in the northern city of Hanover. They will attend cultural orientation courses to prepare them for life over the next two years in Germany, where they will be able to work, study and access basic services. Among the group are Ahmad and his family, including a son who is deaf and needs constant care that was not available in Lebanon. The family fled from Syria in late 2012 after life became too dangerous and too costly in the city of Aleppo, where Ahmad sold car spare parts. Photographer Elena Dorfman followed the family in Beirut as they prepared to depart for the airport and their journey to Germany.

Through the Clouds to Germany: One Syrian Family's Journey

Slovenia: Refugees sleep out in the coldPlay video

Slovenia: Refugees sleep out in the cold

Thousands of refugees, many parents with children fleeing fighting in Syria, spent a night sleeping out in the open between a cornfield and a railroad track just inside Slovenia's border with Croatia. Many more are expected to follow in their tracks as winter approaches.
Croatia: Sunday Train ArrivalsPlay video

Croatia: Sunday Train Arrivals

On Sunday a train of 1800 refugees and migrants made their way north from the town of Tovarnik on Croatia's Serbian border. They disembarked at Cakovec just south of Slovenia. Most of the people are Syrian, Afghan and Iraqi. Their route to Western Europe has been stalled due to the closing of Hungarian borders. Now the people have changed their path that takes through Slovenia. Croatia granted passage to over 10,000 refugees this weekend. Croatian authorities asked Slovenia to take 5000 refugees and migrants per day. Slovenia agreed to take half that number. More than a thousand of desperate people are being backed up as result, with more expected to arrive later Monday.
Germany: Refugees CrossingPlay video

Germany: Refugees Crossing

With a huge influx of migrants and refugees heading towards Germany, a bottleneck has appeared at the border with Austria, between Freilassing and Salzburg. Around 1500 people are in the camps on the Salzburg side, waiting for entry into Germany.