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NGO Directory, 27 October 2011

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UNHCR country pages

Displacement in Georgia

Tens of thousands of civilians are living in precarious conditions, having been driven from their homes by the crisis in the breakaway Georgian region of South Ossetia.

On the morning of August 12, the first UNHCR-chartered plane carrying emergency aid arrived in the Georgian capital Tbilisi, the first UN assistance to arrive in the country since fighting broke out the previous week. The airlift brought in 34 tonnes of tents, jerry cans, blankets and kitchen sets from UNHCR's central emergency stockpile in Dubai. Items were then loaded onto trucks at the Tbilisi airport for transport and distribution.

A second UNHCR flight landed in Tbilisi on August 14, with a third one expected to arrive the following day. In addition, two UNHCR aid flights are scheduled to leave for Vladikavkaz in the Russian Federation the following week with mattresses, water tanks and other supplies for displaced South Ossetians.

Working with local partners, UNHCR is now providing assistance to the most vulnerable and needy. These include many young children and family members separated from one another. The situation is evolving rapidly and the refugee agency is monitoring the needs of the newly displaced population, which numbered some 115,000 on August 14.

Posted on 15 August 2008

Displacement in Georgia

Georgia: Hope at lastPlay video

Georgia: Hope at last

For more than 16 years those displaced by the Georgia-Abkhaz conflict lived in destitution. Now, for the first time in years, they have real hope for the future.
Georgia: More than Summer CampPlay video

Georgia: More than Summer Camp

A UNHCR-sponsored camp near the Georgian town of Gori helps youth displaced by last year's war regain self-confidence and independence.
Georgia: One year laterPlay video

Georgia: One year later

One year after the conflict between Georgia and the Russian Federation, tens of thousands of people are still unable to return to their homes.