Neighbouring countries feeling the strain as Somalia's emergency grows

News Stories, 3 May 2010

© UNHCR/M.Fleming
UN Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees, T. Alexander Aleinikoff, talks to internally displaced people at a camp in Bossaso, a city in the northern state of Puntland, Somalia.

NAIROBI, Kenya, May 3 (UNHCR) A top-level UNHCR delegation visiting Somali refugee and IDP camps has seen for itself evidence of the growing humanitarian tragedy facing many thousands of uprooted people. The delegation, led by UNHCR's Deputy High Commissioner, T. Alexander Aleinikoff, examined increasingly overcrowded and under resourced situations in sprawling camps in Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya and inside Somalia during a two-week visit that has just ended.

Twenty years of violence and anarchy have forced at least two million Somali citizens to flee for their lives. Intense fighting in south-central Somalia is now compelling more people to flee their homes than from any other place in the world. Traumatized and scared, they shelter in safer parts of the country or, if they can make it, escape to the neighboring states of Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Yemen.

"The burden for these countries is enormous," Mr. Aleinikoff said, noting that government officials he met all expressed growing anxiety about being able to cope with a massive influx of refugees with so many basic needs. Security concerns were repeatedly identified. UNHCR is also gravely concerned and is preparing contingency arrangements and a fund-raising appeal amid fears that the fighting could intensify.

Thousands are expected to cross into Kenya this year, and if the fighting gets worse, there could be many thousands more. Most are likely to arrive in Dadaab, a camp city that already hosts three overcrowded refugee camps housing 270,000 refugees. Although the Kenyan Government has recently approved the extension of a camp, there will still not be sufficient land for the thousands expected to arrive.

Others are expected to cross into Ethiopia. UNHCR's delegation visited two newly opened refugee camps that will house new arrivals and where UNHCR equips refugees with materials to construct their traditional dwellings, tukuls domed shelters a few meters in diameter that now must house large families.

In Djibouti, a country of first-asylum, refugees arrive after an arduous journey through northern Somalia where a crackdown on smugglers is making the transit even more difficult. The number of new arrivals has more than doubled from last year, and the dry and remote Ali Addeh camp is filled beyond capacity. To cope with the new numbers and relieve the burden at the water-scarce Ali Addeh camp, UNHCR is negotiating with the government to open a new camp.

In all these camps, new Somali arrivals are joining families who have lived in camps for up to 20 years, since the first wave of fighting in the early 1990's drove them from their homes. UNHCR has helped resettle thousands to new countries, mostly to the United States. But these numbers represent a tiny fraction of those stuck in limbo, unable to return home or integrate in the countries where they have sought refuge. "If there was one resounding call from the refugees we met with it was this: please find me a new home," Mr. Aleinikoff said.

For those living for long periods in the camp education is among the most wanted of services. In Dadaab camps, primary and secondary classrooms are packed with as many as 100 pupils each. Yet only half the children are estimated to be attending. At Ali Addeh in Djibouti, schooling is offered only up to Grade 8 (normally, for 13-14 year olds) because of gaps in funding. "Hope is expensive," Alison Oman of UNHCR said, "These people have been warehoused. They need the vocational skills so when they go home to Somalia they can be the doctors, the engineers, the teachers of the future."

During a visit to Bossaso, a port city in the Northern Somali State of Puntland, the delegation witnessed especially precarious conditions for internally displaced persons (IDPs). On dusty vacant land on the edge of the city, more than 60,000 Somalis, mostly women and children, are struggling in makeshift IDP settlements of UNHCR tents or in crude structures of cardboard and cloth. Fires break out often, and food is scarce.

UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP and other partners are offering some assistance, but because of resource and security constraints, the aid is minimal. Some IDP women manage to earn money collecting garbage in Bossaso or working in local households, and some of the men find manual labor at the port. UNHCR income-generating projects are helping too. But most people live in deep poverty. There is almost no medical care in the settlements. Only a small percentage of the children attend school.

"If the fighting stops, we will all go back," an elder at the Bossaso IDP camp said.

By Melissa Fleming in Nairobi, Kenya




East Africans continue to flood into the Arabian Peninsula

Every month, thousands of refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants from Somalia and Ethiopia cross the Gulf of Aden or the Red Sea to reach Yemen, fleeing drought, poverty, conflict or persecution. And although this year's numbers are, so far, lower than in 2012 - about 62,200 in the first 10 months compared to 88,533 for the same period last year - the Gulf of Aden remains one of the world's most travelled sea routes for irregular migration (asylum-seekers and migrants). UNHCR and its local partners monitor the coast to provide assistance to the new arrivals and transport them to reception centres. Those who make it to Yemen face many challenges and risks. The government regards Somalis as prima facie refugees and automatically grants them asylum, but other nationals such as the growing number of Ethiopians can face detention. Some of the Somalis make their own way to cities like Aden, but about 50 a day arrive at Kharaz Refugee Camp, which is located in the desert in southern Yemen. Photographer Jacob Zocherman recently visited the Yemen coast where arrivals land, and the camp where many end up.

East Africans continue to flood into the Arabian Peninsula

A Family of Somali Artists Continue to Create in Exile

During two decades of conflict and chaos in Somalia, Mohammed Ousman stayed in Mogadishu and taught art as others fled the country. But life became impossible after Al Shabaab militants killed his brother for continuing to practise art. Four of the man's nine children were also murdered. Mohammed closed his own "Picasso Art School" and married his brother's widow, in accordance with Somali custom. But without a job, the 57-year-old struggled to support two families and eventually this cost him his first family. Mohammed decided to leave, flying to Berbera in Somaliland in late 2011 and then crossing to Aw-Barre refugee camp in Ethiopia, where he joined his second wife and her five children. UNHCR transferred Mohammed and his family to Addis Ababa on protection grounds, and in the belief that he could make a living there from his art. But he's discovering that selling paintings and drawings can be tough - he relies on UNHCR support. The following images of the artist and his family were taken by UNHCR's Kisut Gebre Egziabher.

A Family of Somali Artists Continue to Create in Exile

Yemeni Province Starts Rebuilding as 100,000 Displaced Return

Life is slowly returning to normal in urban and rural areas of the southern Yemeni province of Abyan, where fighting between government forces and rebels caused major population displacements in 2011 and 2012.

But since last July, as hostilities subsided and security began to improve, more than 100,000 internally displaced people (IDP) have returned to their homes in the province, or governorate. Most spent more than a year in temporary shelters in neighbouring provinces such as Aden and Lahj.

Today, laughing children once more play without fear in the streets of towns like the Abyan capital, Zinjibar, and shops are reopening. But the damage caused by the conflict is visible in many areas and the IDPs have returned to find a lack of basic services and livelihood opportunities as well as lingering insecurity in some areas.

There is frustration about the devastation, which has also affected electricity and water supplies, but most returnees are hopeful about the future and believe reconstruction will soon follow. UNHCR has been providing life-saving assistance since the IDP crisis first began in 2011, and is now helping with the returns.

Amira Al Sharif, a Yemeni photojournalist, visited Abyan recently to document life for the returnees.

Yemeni Province Starts Rebuilding as 100,000 Displaced Return

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