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Speeches by Auguste R. Lindt

Showing 41-50 of 753 results
EU Stakeholders Conference: "An open and safe Europe -- what next?"; Statement by António Guterres, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 29 January 2014

Remarks by António Guterres, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Second International Humanitarian Pledging Conference for Syria 15 January 2014

Remarks by António Guterres, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Launch of Humanitarian Country Strategies and Requirements for 2014 including the Syria Regional Response Plan (RRP6) 16 December 2013

High Commissioner's Dialogue on Protection Challenges; Closing Remarks by António Guterres, UN High Commissioner for Refugees 12 December 2013

High Commissioner's Dialogue on Protection Challenges. Protecting the Internally Displaced: Persisting Challenges and Fresh Thinking; Opening remarks by Mr. António Guterres, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 11 December 2013

Statement by António Guterres, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Third Committee of the General Assembly, 68th Session 6 November 2013

High Commissioner's Closing Remarks to the 64th Session of UNHCR's Executive Committee 4 October 2013

High Commissioner's Closing Remarks to the High Level Segment on Solidarity and Burden-Sharing with Countries Hosting Syrian Refugees; 64th Session of UNHCR's Executive Committee 1 October 2013

High Commissioner's Opening Statement to the 64th Session of UNHCR's Executive Committee 1 October 2013

High-Level Segment on Solidarity and Burden-Sharing with Countries Hosting Syrian Refugees; Opening Remarks by António Guterres, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 30 September 2013