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Refugees Magazine Issue 110 (Crisis in the Great Lakes) - Casualties of the crisis - UNHCR personnel who were killed, died or went missing in the Great Lakes

Refugees Magazine, 1 December 1997


BENDA, Flavius Clément: 1996

BIRITSENE, Musafiri: 1997

BUCYEKABILI, Maniragaba Félicien (and his wife and son): 1997

GASANA, François: 1994

GASHAGAZA, Gaspard: 1994

GISA, Jean Baptiste: 1994

HABYARIMANA, Jean-Pierre: 1997

JUMA, Yahaya: 1995

KAMILI, Claver: 1996

KASIGWA, Laurent A.: 1996

KEBEDE, Sisay: 1997


LUGANO, Barega Germain: 1996

MUKAGASIGWA, Thérèse: 1997

MUKAMURENZI, Immaculée: 1997

MUKIGA, Violet: 1995

MULETA, Tesfaye: 1996

MUNYAKAZI, Ndahiriwe: 1996

MUTEMBAYIRE, Jacqueline: 1997

MWIGISHWA, Albert: 1994

NDOLELE, Flora: 1997

NIKIZA, Méthode: 1996


NKUNDAKOZERA, Canisius: 1994

NTABARESHYA, François: 1996

NTAWUYAMARA, Maurice: 1995

NYAKAGARAGU, Janvier: 1994

RUGEMA, Sixte: 1994

RUTAGENGWA, Théophile: 1994

RUTAYIGIRWA, François: 1994

SENJENJE, Anicet: 1994

SINDANO, Bruno: 1996

TWAGIRAYEZU, Marcel: 1994


KAMEYA, Alphonse: 1994

MUKASHEFU, Odette: 1994

MUTSINZI, Angelbert: 1994

Source: Refugees Magazine issue 110 (1997)




UNHCR country pages

Keeping Busy in Rwanda's Kiziba Camp

Rwanda's Kiziba Camp was opened in December 1996, after the start of civil war in neighbouring Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The facility was constructed to help cope with the influx of tens of thousands of Congolese refugees at that time. Some of the refugees have since returned to their homes in eastern DRC, but about 16,000 remain at the remote hilltop camp located in the Western province of Rwanda. Fresh violence last year in DRC's North Kivu province did not affect the camp because new arrivals were accommodated in the reopened Kigeme Camp in Rwanda's Southern province. Most of the refugees in Kiziba have said they do not want to return, but the prospects of local integration is limited by factors such as a lack of land and limited access to employment. In the meantime, people try to lead as normal a life as possible, learning new skills and running small businesses to help them become self-sufficient. For the youth, access to sports and education is very important to ensure that they do not become sidetracked by negative influences as well as to keep up their spirits and hopes for the future.

Keeping Busy in Rwanda's Kiziba Camp

The suffering and strength of displaced Congolese women

During the ceaseless cycle of violence in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, it is the vulnerable who suffer the most, especially women and children. The issue of widespread sexual and gender-based violence is a major concern for UNHCR, but it never goes away. The refugee agency has received dozens of reports of rape and assault of women during the latest wave of fighting between government forces and rebel troops as well as militia groups in North and South Kivu provinces. It is an area where rape is used as a weapon of war.

The fear of sexual and physical violence forces thousands of women to seek refuge away from their homes or across the border in countries such as Rwanda and Uganda. Often their menfolk remain behind and women become the heads of household, looking after young children. They are the bedrock of society, yet they are often the first to suffer when instability comes to their home areas.

The following images were taken recently in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Uganda by Frédèric Noy. They depict Congolese women who have fled their homes, leaving almost everything behind, and sought shelter in a place they hope will be better than where they came from. In many ways they have become inured to hardship, but so many of them continue to retain hope for themselves and their children. And that is an inspiration to those who help them.

The suffering and strength of displaced Congolese women

Kigeme: A home carved from the hills for Congolese refugees

The Kigeme refugee camp in Rwanda's Southern province was reopened in June 2012 after thousands of Congolese civilians started fleeing across the border when fighting erupted in late April between Democratic Republic of the Congo government forces and fighters of the rebel M23 movement. Built on terraced hills, it currently houses more than 14,000 refugees but was not significantly affected by the latest fighting in eastern Congo, which saw the M23 capture the North Kivu provincial capital, Goma, before withdrawing. While many of the adults long for lasting peace in their home region, the younger refugees are determined to resume their education. Hundreds enrolled in special classes to help them prepare for the Rwandan curriculum in local primary and secondary schools, including learning different languages. In a camp where more than 60 per cent of the population are aged under 18 years, the catch-up classes help traumatized children to move forward, learn and make friends.

Kigeme: A home carved from the hills for Congolese refugees

Rwanda: Flight from BurundiPlay video

Rwanda: Flight from Burundi

In recent weeks, the number of Burundian refugees crossing into Rwanda has increased significantly. According to the Government of Rwanda, since the beginning of April, 25,004 Burundians, mostly women and children, have fled to Rwanda. Many said they had experienced intimidation and threats of violence linked to the upcoming elections.