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Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement

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The Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement (ATCR) started in 1995. This is an annual event that provides an important vehicle for strengthened cooperation between governments, NGOs and UNHCR in the area of resettlement. The ATCR allow for open and frank dialogue and strive to produce outcomes by forging coherent and collaborative approaches to enhance global resettlement delivery. The ATCR provides an opportunity and process to address a wide range of policy and procedural matters, including advocacy, capacity building and operational support, and serves to influence and focus joint strategies on resettlement consistent with UNHCR's global strategic priorities. An important outcome is the tripartite relationship itself, which promotes transparency and stimulates the development of new and innovative ways to solve problems and to combine resources to improve resettlement outcomes for refugees.

In recent years, the ATCR have taken place annually in July. The ATCR involve government representatives from resettlement States, NGOs involved in refugee resettlement, intergovernmental / international organizations and UNHCR. As part of UNHCR's global strategy to broaden the base on resettlement, the ATCR has been open to observers from Stats providing Emergency Transit Facilities, potential/emerging resettlement States as well as to States interested in the resettlement process.

The consultations have become an important vehicle for UNHCR's cooperation with governments and NGOs and a mechanism to enhance partnership. They offer a forum to review progress on resettlement issues during the year, but more importantly, to re-focus and shape a joint strategy on resettlement. In particular, the consultations provide the appropriate environment to: raise awareness with a view toward building consensus in the UNHCR Executive Committee for the support of key resettlement issues, including the establishment of new programmes; share information on a regular basis




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Consult the on-line collection of Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement (ATCR) documents, from 2001 to date. View all documents (All sessions) or select by session/year below.

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