UNHCR completes repatriation of 155,000 Liberians

Making a Difference, 4 January 2013

© UNHCR/L.Palmisano
Liberians cross the Cavaly River to their homeland from Cote d'Ivoire as UNHCR's repatriation of the former refugees concludes in December.

MONROVIA, Liberia, January 4 (UNHCR) The UN refugee agency has completed its successful repatriation of more than 155,000 Liberians, 23 years after the start of the civil war in their homeland that made them into refugees.

The final 724 Liberians were helped home from Guinea on the last weekend of 2012, officially ending a programme that began in 2004, a year after peace was restored in the West African nation. As of 1 January, UNHCR says there will be no more organized voluntary repatriation for Liberians.

During Liberia's civil war, which broke out in December 1989, some 750,000 civilians became either internally displaced or refugees. Some refugees spent more than two decades in countries such as Côte d'Ivoire, the Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Togo.

Peace was restored in 2003 with the deployment of UN peacekeepers and last June Liberians who had fled the fighting for other countries ceased to be considered refugees. Since 2004, UNHCR had facilitated the voluntary repatriation of 155,560 Liberian refugees, mainly by road convoys and flights.

"What happened on 30 June, 2012 was the end of refugee status for Liberians. What is now happening is the end of voluntary repatriation of thousands of refugees who had registered to return home," said UNHCR Representative in Liberia Cosmas Chanda. He called it a remarkable achievement for humanitarian assistance and evidence of the restoration of peace and stability in Liberia.

"In 2012, we facilitated the return of about 29,380 Liberian refugees, exceeding our initial planning figure of 15,000," said Chanda. "We are thankful to everybody for this accomplishment, including donors for their support and to refugees for embracing the voluntary repatriation process."

UNHCR paid each refugee above 18 years old US$375 to defray reintegration and transportation expenses to their final destination. Each refugee below 18 years received US$275.

"I am going to use the money I receive to start up a small sailing business to support my family's fishing activities," said Oretha, a 20-year-old mother of four who was too young to remember when her grandmother brought her to Côte d'Ivoire to escape the war. She was among 600 Liberians in the last convoys to arrive from Côte d'Ivoire on December 20.

In a video message, Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf had encouraged her compatriots to return home when their refugee status ended on June 30 last year and contribute to the development of the country.

The Liberia Refugee Repatriation and Resettlement Commission (LRRRC) is assisting returnees by referring them to job opportunities, providing scholarships, collaborating with government ministries to absorb returnees with specific skills, and assisting each refugee family to acquire a plot of land for building.

"Our doors are open to any returnee who needs our guidance," said the executive director of the LRRRC, Wheatonia Y. Dixon Barnes. Most returnees were accompanied by grown children born during years in exile and have expressed hope that they will never again become refugees.

UNHCR and LRRRC officials say Liberian refugees who decided to locally integrate in countries of asylum are being provided legal and social assistance, such as income-generating activities for self-reliance and the issuance of Liberian passports in collaboration with Liberia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Meanwhile, Liberia hosts nearly 67,000 Ivorian refugees who had to flee their own country. The facilitated voluntary repatriation of Ivorian refugees is also in progress although most have indicated they would like to stay in Liberia until stronger reconciliation processes are initiated in their country.

By Sulaiman Momodu in Monrovia, Liberia and Lara Palmisano in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire




UNHCR country pages


UNHCR works with the country of origin and host countries to help refugees return home.

Returnees in Myanmar

During the early 1990s, more than 250,000 Rohingya Muslims fled across the border into Bangladesh, citing human rights abuses by Myanmar's military government. In exile, refugees received shelter and assistance in 20 camps in the Cox's Bazaar region of Bangladesh. More than 230,000 of the Rohingya Muslims have returned since 1992, but about 22,000 still live in camps in Bangladesh. To promote stability in returnee communities in Myanmar and to help this group of re-integrate into their country, UNHCR and its partner agencies provide monitors to insure the protection and safety of the returnees as well as vocational training, income generation schemes, adult literacy programs and primary education.

Returnees in Myanmar

More focus needed on reintegration of former Afghan refugees

Many of the more than 5.5 million Afghan refugees who have returned home since 2002 are still struggling to survive. Lack of land, job opportunities and other services, combined with poor security in some places, has caused many returnees to head to urban areas. While cities offer the promise of informal day labour, the rising cost of rental accommodation and basic commodities relegate many returnees to life in one of the informal settlements which have mushroomed across Kabul in recent years. Some families are living under canvases and the constant threat of eviction, while others have gained a toe-hold in abandoned buildings around the city.

UNHCR gives humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable, and is currently rallying support from donors and humanitarian and development agencies to redouble efforts to help returning refugees reintegrate in Afghanistan.

More focus needed on reintegration of former Afghan refugees

Lebanese Returnees Receive Aid

UNHCR started distributing emergency relief aid in devastated southern Lebanese villages in the second half of August. Items such as tents, plastic sheeting and blankets are being distributed to the most vulnerable. UNHCR supplies are being taken from stockpiles in Beirut, Sidon and Tyre and continue to arrive in Lebanon by air, sea and road.

Although 90 percent of the displaced returned within days of the August 14 ceasefire, many Lebanese have been unable to move back into their homes and have been staying with family or in shelters, while a few thousand have remained in Syria.

Since the crisis began in mid-July, UNHCR has moved 1,553 tons of supplies into Syria and Lebanon for the victims of the fighting. That has included nearly 15,000 tents, 154,510 blankets, 53,633 mattresses and 13,474 kitchen sets. The refugee agency has imported five trucks and 15 more are en route.

Posted on 29 August 2006

Lebanese Returnees Receive Aid

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