Australian soccer star returns to Kakuma to launch powerful initiative

News Stories, 10 July 2015

© UNHCR/C. Wachiaya
Awer Mabil plays in a friendly match with refugees in the camp where he learned the sport

KAKUMA REFUGEE CAMP, Kenya, July 10 (UNHCR) Awer Mabil, now a star player at Australian top league soccer club Adelaide United, was born and grew up in the sprawling Kakuma Refugee camp in northwestern Kenya where he honed his skills on one of the toughest playing surfaces in the world.

Now, 19, he has never forgotten kicking balls some home-made with his friends across the dusty, scorching-hot river beds of that inhospitable landscape.

"I used to play football every chance I got," he says. "That was all that my friends and I could do for fun."

This June, Awer Mabil, who was resettled in Australia in 2006, fulfilled another dream when he returned with his elder brother Awer Bul, to launch a powerful scheme to help today's young refugee players called "Barefoot to Boots."

Bul was among the first group of Lost Boys to be resettled to the United States in 2002. He moved to Australia three years ago to be close to his younger brother.

"I wanted to be close to Mabil and talk to him about returning to Kakuma," he said explaining that both remained close to their roots despite new lives.

The brothers who fondly refer to each other as "Awer Big" and "Awer Small" first returned to Kakuma in 2014 a trip down memory lane which reminded them of the needs of young refugees.

On that occasion, they brought 20 football kits and a few footballs. "We had a hard time sharing them out," says Bul. It took over five hours to distribute the kits and some of the youth left unhappy. "Seeing the disappointment in their faces left us with a burning desire to want to do more."

When they returned to Australia, Mabil and Bul started thinking of ways to start an initiative that would appeal to people to donate towards their cause.

"I kept remembering how my friends and I would play barefoot in the hot sun and sometimes get hurt by rocks and thorns," says Mabil.

This is the case for majority of the youth who play barefoot or wear plastic shoes as they cannot afford good leather boots. The idea of "from barefoot to boots" was born. After months of networking and reaching out to various individuals, they finally met Ian Smith, a prominent businessman and lobbyist who was instantly won over by the brothers' idea.

Together with Rachael West, a former diplomat and Osama Malik Mabil's teammate and best friend the brothers gathered over 300 kilograms worth of football kits and boots.

© UNHCR/C. Wachiaya
Awer Mabil offered hope to refugee children in schools in the camp and witnessed at first-hand the challenges of education in the camp.

It is with this substantial consignment that the brothers and Smith approached UNHCR for support in facilitating their mission to Kakuma.

Mabil and his team arrived in Kakuma with great expectations and the hope that this trip would be different. They met with youth groups from across the camp including football teams from the local Turkana community.

"I have always considered myself a Turkana," Mabil said during one of the friendly matches with the host community teams. "I was born here so naturally I feel connected to Kakuma. What this community has done for refugees inspires me and I feel indebted to you."

Mabil and his team were able to speak to refugees from various nationalities and listen to their stories. They also visited some facilities in the camp including the newer and older schools where they witnessed firsthand the challenges of education in the camp.

At one school, the brothers and their friends were overwhelmed by emotion as they met relatives whom they hadn't seen in over 10 years. "If at any point in time we didn't have a clear understanding of what brought us here, now we do," Malik said after witnessing an emotional reunion between Mabil and his cousin, who now teaches at a primary school.

Mabil hopes to return every year to distribute more football kits and also support other sports and arts activities for youth.

Smith also emphasized his long-term commitment to the project.

"I have spoken with various organizations that are fully committed to supporting this wonderful initiative," he said. The Australian national airline Qantas and the National Football Federation back the project. "If possible, we would like to ship kits and boots to Kakuma every six months," he explained.

UNHCR has also pledged support for the initiative.

"As UNHCR, we will continue to work with you and support such initiatives which contribute positively to the lives of refugees and the host community,"

Fortunata Ngonyani, Officer in Charge at UNHCR Kakuma office, told them before they left again.

She also thanked the Lutheran World Federation and the Danish Refugee Council for supporting the mission in Kakuma by bringing sports teams together.

"This has been an overwhelming trip and I cannot wait to come back and do much more," Mabil said. "Barefoot to Boots is not just about football, it is about its potential as a powerful tool for bringing people together. I would like to use it to address other issues that concern refugees."

By Cathy Wachiaya in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya




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Southerners on the move before Sudanese vote

Ahead of South Sudan's landmark January 9, 2011 referendum on independence, tens of thousands of southern Sudanese in the North packed their belongings and made the long trek south. UNHCR set up way stations at key points along the route to provide food and shelter to the travellers during their arduous journey. Several reports of rapes and attacks on travellers reinforced the need for these reception centres, where women, children and people living with disabilities can spend the night. UNHCR has made contingency plans in the event of mass displacement after the vote, including the stockpiling of shelter and basic provisions for up to 50,000 people.

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The signing of a peace agreement between the Sudanese government and the army of the Sudanese People's Liberation Movement on 9 January, 2005, ended 21 years of civil war and signaled a new era for southern Sudan. For some 4.5 million uprooted Sudanese – 500,000 refugees and 4 million internally displaced people – it means a chance to finally return home.

In preparation, UNHCR and partner agencies have undertaken, in various areas of South Sudan, the enormous task of starting to build some basic infrastructure and services which either were destroyed during the war or simply had never existed. Alongside other UN agencies and NGOs, UNHCR is also putting into place a wide range of programmes to help returnees re-establish their lives.

These programs include road construction, the building of schools and health facilities, as well as developing small income generation programmes to promote self-reliance.

South Sudan: Preparing for Long-Awaited Returns

South Sudan: The Long Trip Home

When the peace treaty that ended 21 years of civil war between north and south Sudan was signed in 2005, some 223,000 Sudanese refugees were living in Uganda – the largest group of Sudanese displaced to a neighbouring country.

Despite South Sudan's lack of basic infrastructure, such as schools, hospitals and roads, many Sudanese were eager to go home. In May 2006, the UN refugee agency's Uganda office launched an assisted repatriation programme for Sudanese refugees. The returnees were given a repatriation package, including blankets, sleeping mats, plastic sheets, mosquito nets, water buckets, kitchen sets, jerry cans, soap, seeds and tools, before being transported from the transit centres to their home villages. As of mid-2008, some 60,000 Sudanese living in Uganda had been helped back home.

As of the beginning of May 2008, some 275,000 Sudanese refugees had returned to South Sudan from surrounding countries, including Uganda, Ethiopia, Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Kenya. Some 125,000 returned with UNHCR assistance.

Posted on 16 July 2008

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