UNHCR chief opens international meeting in Geneva on urban refugees

News Stories, 9 December 2009

© UNHCR/S.Hopper
Overview of delegates at the opening today of the High Commissioner's Dialogue on Protection Challenges in the Palais des Nations,

GENEVA, December 9 (UNHCR) UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres on Wednesday opened a two-day international dialogue that will focus on the pressing problems faced by the increasing numbers of refugees and other forcibly displaced people living in cities and towns around the world.

Guterres, addressing more than 300 delegates in Geneva's Palais des Nations at the opening of his third annual Dialogue on Protection Challenges, said growing urbanization was "compounded by influxes of displaced people obliged to abandon their homes by the threat of armed conflict, political violence, lawlessness, food insecurity, environmental degradation and natural disasters. By all indications, this dimension of urbanization will intensify in the future.

"At the same time, evidence shows that high urbanization in states in conflict does not necessarily diminish when conflict ends. To rely exclusively on the traditional solution of repatriating refugees and returning internally displaced persons to their places of origin in rural areas is increasingly implausible."

The High Commissioner said this trend "presents a significant challenge, not only to UNHCR but the international community in general, which have tended until now to focus on camp-based refugees and internally displaced people."

He noted that more than half of the world's people now live in cities, while "there are an estimated 5 million refugees [out of 10.5 million] under UNHCR's mandate and many more millions of internally displaced people living in urban areas." Guterres said he hoped this year's Dialogue "will encourage policymakers to consider afresh the wisdom of encampment as a policy where and when other solutions may be better for the refugees and the host countries themselves."

Recognizing the growing importance of cities for its work, UNHCR last September issued a new policy on refugee protection and durable solutions in urban settings. The report drew much from the agency's experience helping Iraqi refugees in the Syrian and Jordanian capitals, Damascus and Amman.

"The new, more clearly rights-based policy emphasizes the fact that UNHCR's mandated responsibilities towards refugees are not affected by their location. It recognizes that cities and towns are legitimate places for refugees and displaced populations to reside and to enjoy their basic human rights," Guterres told the delegates, including mayors and other municipal authorities, aid workers, experts, refugees, and representatives from member states of UNHCR's governing body and countries with a special interest in this year's topic.

"The policy does not intend to disregard or subordinate national laws. Quite the opposite, the policy is built upon national legal structures, fully cognizant of the national legal and policy frameworks in which it has to be implemented. The policy aims both to encourage and contribute to the progressive development of these frameworks to ensure that refugees and others of concern in urban areas can be integrated into the social fabric of cities and towns in an appropriate, rights-respecting way," he added.

But Guterres stressed that the policy "is not an endorsement for all refugees to move to cities." He also noted that the policy, which will be implemented in a phased approach, "commits UNHCR to advocating for the expansion of 'protection space' in urban areas and affirms our commitment to designing urban programmes based on principles of age, gender and diversity mainstreaming."

The High Commissioner concluded that a new approach, based on three closely related principles, was needed to meet the challenge of urban displacement. "First, the new approach cannot be undertaken in isolation from the broader context of marginalized populations in urban settings. We must give particular attention to protecting the rights of poor and disadvantaged communities, empowering them to make full use of their proven resourcefulness," he said.

"Second, the approach must be both developmental and relief-based one that addresses long-term as well as immediate needs and supports the broader process of urban planning and poverty reduction. Finally, the approach must be inclusive. It cannot done by UNHCR alone. It requires establishing and strengthening partnerships with central governments, municipal and local authorities, NGOs, the private sector and especially the marginalized populations themselves."

This year's informal Dialogue included a mix of plenary and key working group, or "breakout," sessions. Reports from the four working groups will be presented in a plenary session, which will be followed by an exchange of ideas. Guterres will present his own conclusions before the meeting ends on Thursday.

The Dialogue was preceded on Tuesday by a roundtable meeting at the Palais of mayors from more than 20 towns or cities. Geneva Mayor Remy Pagani, co-organizer of yesteday's gathering, said it was "an absolute success."

Nairobi's Mayor Geoffrey Majiwa, who is attending the Dialogue, said Tuesday's meeting "was quite productive because we reached a situation where all the mayors agreed that we need to become partners in raising issues to do with refugees in our cities and we need to work as a team to make sure that the refugees are protected."




Urban Refugees

More than half the refugees UNHCR serves now live in urban areas

The High Commissioner

António Guterres, who joined UNHCR on June 15, 2005, is the UN refugee agency's 10th High Commissioner.

High Commissioner's Dialogue on Protection Challenges

The eighth High Commissioner's Dialogue on Protection Challenges will take place on 16 and 17 December 2015 on the theme of "Understanding and addressing root causes of displacement".

2015 UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award

UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres presents the Nansen medal to Afghan refugee, Aqeela Asifi in Geneva, Switzerland.

Asifi, 49, has dedicated her life to bringing education to refugee girls in Pakistan. Despite minimal resources and significant cultural challenges, Asifi - a former teacher who fled from Kabul with her family in 1992 - has guided over a thousand refugee girls through primary education in the Kot Chandana refugee village in Mianwali, Pakistan.

Before she arrived, strict cultural traditions kept most girls at home. But she was determined to give these girls a chance and began teaching just a handful of pupils in a makeshift school tent.

UNHCR's Nansen Refugee Award honours extraordinary service to the forcibly displaced, and names Eleanor Roosevelt, Graça Machel and Luciano Pavarotti among its laureates. Speakers and performers at today's award ceremony include UNHCR Honorary Lifetime Goodwill Ambassador Barbara Hendricks, UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Ger Duany, Unicef Goodwill Ambassador and singer Angelique Kidjo and visual artist Cedric Cassimo.

Afghanistan is the largest, most protracted refugee crisis in the world. Over 2.6 million Afghans currently live in exile and over half of them are children.

2015 UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award

Victims of Conflict in Nigeria Find Safety in Cameroon Camp

UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres visited Cameroon in late March to put a spotlight on the situation there of tens of thousands of refugees from Nigeria. These people have escaped mounting violence by insurgents in the north-east of their country. Among the places that Guterres visited during his March 24-25 visit is the Minawao Refugee Camp, where many of the uprooted have been relocated.

Situated some 120 kilometres from the dangerous border area with Nigeria in Cameroon's Far North region, Minawao camp is currently home to 33,000 Nigerian refugees, mainly from Borno state. Many of the arrivals are traumatized and in need of material and psycho-social help. They told the High Commissioner of losing their homes and belongings as well as members of their families. Some were injured. In total, an estimated 74,000 Nigerians have found refuge in Cameroon while cross-border incursions from Nigeria have displaced 96,000 Cameroonians. UNHCR photographer Hélène Caux also visited Minawao to hear the individual stories.

Victims of Conflict in Nigeria Find Safety in Cameroon Camp

UNHCR chief meets Malian refugees in Burkina Faso

On 1 August, UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres travelled to northern Burkina Faso with the United States' Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (BRPM), Anne Richard. In Damba camp, they met with Malian refugees who had fled northern Mali in the past six months to escape the ongoing conflict and political instability. To date, more than 250,000 Malian refugees have fled their homes and found refuge in neighbouring countries, including 107,000 in Burkina Faso alone. The UN refugee agency has only received one-third of the US$153 million it needs to provide life-saving assistance such as shelter, water, sanitation, health services, nutrition and protection to the refugees. UNHCR fears that the volatile political and humanitarian situation in Mali could lead to further outflows to neighbouring countries.

UNHCR chief meets Malian refugees in Burkina Faso

High Commissioner Guterres Remarks on the resettlement of Refugees from Bhutan in NepalPlay video

High Commissioner Guterres Remarks on the resettlement of Refugees from Bhutan in Nepal

The UN refugee agency and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) marked a major milestone: the resettlement of over 100,000 refugees from Bhutan in Nepal to third countries since the launch of the programme in 2007.
Turkey: World Refugee Day visitsPlay video

Turkey: World Refugee Day visits

On World Refugee Day the UNHCR High Commissioner, António Guterres, along with Special Envoy Angelina Jolie, travelled to southeastern Turkey, the home of hundreds of thousands of refugees from conflicts in Syria and Iraq. They were in the midyat refugee camp to see conditions for these people and to issue a warning to the world.
Kuwait donating money to UNHCRPlay video

Kuwait donating money to UNHCR

Kuwait has donated just over US$120 million to the UN refugee agency to assist its efforts in dealing with the humanitarian situation resulting from the crisis in Syria. UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres warmly thanked and praised the government of Kuwait and its people for the extreme generosity when he received a cheque for the amount at a ceremony on Wednesday evening in Geneva.