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Hany, de 22 años:  “Siempre me ha encantado aprender. Sé que con estudios, puedo lograr casi cualquier cosa. Así que cuando hui de Siria junto a mi familia hace tres años para escapar de la guerra, tuve que abandonar mis estudios. Dejar nuestro hogar fue duro y no...

2016 test

Forzado a huir de su hogar en Siria, Hany se aferra a sus sueños:  “Cuando tuve una cámara entre mis manos por primera vez, tuve la extraña sensación de que formaba parte de mi cuerpo, y yo parte del suyo. Este sentimiento se hizo más fuerte con el tiempo. La tarea...

Kristin Davis met Fiona

In the future, Fiona wants to develop her business and would love to go back to school to study fashion and design.

Mariela – Violinist. Sister. Student.

It was a hot summer afternoon on the road from Aleppo, Syria when the music changed for Mariela. “They saw my violin case and they were afraid it was a gun,” the 24-year-old classical musician from the northern Syrian city explains, referring to soldiers at...

Emma Thompson with Tindy

Tindy fled Rwanda having been kidnapped and forced to become a child soldier. He arrived in the UK as a refugee.

Khaled Hosseini met Muzoon

Khaled Hosseini travelled to Jordan and got to know Muzoon, a student, advocate for education and future journalist.

Cate Blanchett met Ahmad

Cate Blanchett visited refugees in Lebanon and got to know Ahmad, a baker, actor, and future pilot.

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