Teacher. Mother. Women’s representative.

“We walked and hid for more than three months”

Gisma, 28 years old: “I am proud to represent the women here at the camp. Until two years ago, I knew nothing about women’s issues and children’s rights. I was so happy when I was selected to give an interview to the local radio on International Women’s Day to speak out against early marriage. As a member of the women’s committee, I also help identify refugee children who have been separated from their families and organize foster care.

The community work keeps me busy and always sparks new ideas. Our latest initiative is to open a women’s teashop. We are putting together a business plan. Tidiness, good manners and cold water are key to attract customers.

I have always had a passion for learning new things and sharing knowledge. My whole life back home was about education. I would be a secondary school teacher in the morning and university student in the afternoon. At night, I would take care of my husband and children. We had a nice house, with electricity, an air-conditioner and a fridge. I miss those times.”

Gisma (28) always had a passion for learning and sharing knowledge. (c) UNHCR/R.Nuri/2015

Gisma (28) always had a passion for learning and sharing knowledge. (c) UNHCR/R.Nuri/2015

Gisma is a refugee in Gendrassa, one of South Sudan’s 10 refugee camps. She was forced to flee her hometown Bau in Sudan’s Blue Nile State in early 2012, as the conflict between government and opposition forces intensified. “I was terrified and horrified to hear about cold-blooded executions and gang-rapes in my village,” she says. Gisma was pregnant at the time she decided to run for her life together with her husband and daughter. “We walked and hid for more than three months before reaching South Sudan,” she says. “I fell sick during the journey and I had a stillborn child soon after crossing the border.” Those sad memories still haunt her: “I will never forget what I have gone through, but life goes on. My dream is to finish university and learn English.”

Refugees. Ordinary people living through extraordinary times. Share their stories.

South Sudan is currently hosting more than 260,000 refugees and another 1.5 million internally displaced people. Nearly 90 percent of the refugees are from Sudan. Like Gisma, most were driven from their homes due to the war between government and opposition forces in South Kordofan and Blue Nile regions. The continuing conflict started in 2011.

One of UNHCR’s key priorities in South Sudan is to improve the living conditions of Sudanese refugees in the camps; building better shelters for families, and ensuring high standards in healthcare, education, water and hygiene. UNHCR also strives to protect the most vulnerable people in the camps.  To help women become more self-sufficient, women are represented in camp decision making processes and are included in training courses.


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