Author. News fan. Dreamer.

Aletho grew up in a refugee camp

Aletho, 14 years old: “Yesterday, I had an exam in creative writing. We had to write about something we were eagerly waiting for. I wrote about my neighbor’s wedding and how much I couldn’t wait for it to happen. But guess what? I was just making the story up. I love imagining things and writing. In real life, I am eagerly waiting to be a journalist. I admire the way they talk on TV. I’d like to travel the world as a reporter. My whole family knows about my dreams. We sit together at dinner time and talk about everything.”


"I’d like to travel the world as a reporter." Aletho's brother, Kwarojwok, supports her, just like the rest of the family. © UNHCR/ S. Ostermann/ April 2015


Aletho grew up in the refugee camp. Her brother Kwarojwok (9) was born in the refugee camp. © UNHCR/ S. Ostermann/ April 2015

Aletho came to Kenya from Ethiopia in 2004. She has lived ever since in Dadaab refugee camp in eastern Kenya.  She is the oldest of three children. Her younger brother and her sister were both born in the refugee camp.  For Aletho, Ethiopia is a distant memory. “I don’t remember anything about Ethiopia,” she says. “My parents say it’s a good place, but they decided to leave because of the violence.” Aletho goes to primary school and studies together with pupils of six different nationalities. “I am proud of my school,” she says. “In my time off, I play volleyball with the other students.”

Refugees. Ordinary people living through extraordinary times. Share their stories.


Kenya is host to more than half a million refugees, mainly from Somalia. The majority live in two refugee camps, the Dadaab complex in eastern Kenya and Kakuma camp in northwest Kenya.  Thousands of others live in urban centres throughout the country.  In Dadaab, about 60% of the refugees are under the age of 18, and UNHCR aims to ensure that children in camps can access primary school.  A 2014 initiative introduced tablet-based education to 18,000 students at Dadaab, a project that could help budding writers like Aletho realise her dreams.


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