Refugee families need your urgent help

Refugee families need your help today. Your donation will save many lives and secure a decent living for thousands of vulnerable refugees. We count on your generosity to help us provide basic survival assistance like food, shelter, blankets, water, and medical care.

Kindly donate today to one of UNHCR’S ongoing appeals below to ensure an adequate response to the increasing needs in most of the toughest parts in MENA.Your donation will have a great impact on refugee’s lives.

Urgent Appeals

Lebanon winter


Winter will be especially tough for the many families who are living in insulated garages, basements or unfinished buildings, animal stalls or other flimsy makeshift structures.

Donate to this appeal

You can also make a donation by bank transfer using the following information:

Beneficiary: UNHCR Voluntary Funds
Beneficiary Bank: UBS AG
Beneficiary Bank Address: Case Postale 2770, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland
Clearing number: 240
Swift Code: UBSWCHZH80A
Account #: D710 0000 5
IBAN #: CH79 0024 0240 D710 0000 5
Currency: USD

Worldpay VISA MasterCard AMEX Paypal

UNHCR's refund policy
If you have any queries about your donations to the UN refugee agency, please contact [email protected]. In the event that further information is needed, you can visit WorldPay's knowledgebase for a comprehensive set of  Shopper FAQs, which can give you advice on refunds. Tax-free donations can be made through a number of our national offices and associations.   Please click here for more details.

Your donation will support UNHCR’s work in Syria and other countries where refugees and internally displaced people need urgent help.