Asylum-seekers await application results at historic Berlin airport

News Stories, 17 November 2015

© UNHCR/I. Prickett
Asylum-seekers stay in temporary accommodation in one of three huge hangars at Berlin Tempelhof Airport.

BERLIN, Germany, Nov 17 (UNHCR) Their journeys now over, thousands of asylum-seekers are awaiting the results of their applications in a cavernous, historic airport in the German capital, Berlin. With freezing temperatures approaching fast, German authorities are scrambling to ensure no one is left out in the cold.

"I headed for Germany because a lot of my relatives are here already," said Ibrahim, 21, who weeks earlier fled fighting near his home in Idlib, north-western Syria together with his 19-year-old wife Nour and their one-year-old son, Ahmed.

Now, their perilous 3,000-km journey over land and sea behind them, the young family has little to do but wait. Last week they joined thousands of asylum-seekers housed in the hangars of Berlin Tempelhof Airport, an imposing, monumental construction designed and built in the 1930s.

"I can't imagine what will happen in the future when I get out of here. But, god willing, I will find work," said Ibrahim, who used to run an internet café in Syria. "It's OK here, but it's very hard if I compare it to a different time before all of this."

Germany has seen unprecedented numbers of asylum-seekers entering the country in recent month. According to Government statistics, some 760.000 asylum requests have been recorded in Germany in 2015 so far.

Berlin, like other German cities, is struggling to house hundreds of new arrivals every day. More than 40,000 asylum-seekers have been registered in the capital alone this year and most emergency shelters in schools and sports halls are already full.

In October, the city turned to the former American airbase at Tempelhof Airport, a gigantic structure also famous for its use by the Western Allies in the Berlin airlift during the Cold War. The building, which covers 300,000 square metres, is now one of the remaining large-scale solutions to house new arrivals over the harsh winter.

Over the past weeks its population has been growing steadily. The airport is now home to more than 2,000 asylum-seekers, among them 500 children. Last week Berlin said it would open up more parts of the terminal in a bid to house a further 4,000 people.

© UNHCR/I. Prickett
Syrian asylum-seekers Ibrahim, 21, Nour,19, and their baby son, Ahmed, stay at the airport while their asylum application is considered.

"We're building a city here," said Maria Kipp, Public Relations Officer at Tamaja, the service provider contracted by Berlin city authorities to run the camp. "We had about a weekend to set it all up, together with the army, so we're building the infrastructure as we go along."

"Then there's the problems you just get with so many people living in three big halls. There's definitely room for improvement," she added. "We're looking forward to Save the Children setting up children's activity rooms in each of the hangars soon. It's very difficult to keep all the kids occupied."

Syrian mother-of-three Zayna, 30, knows the problem well.

"It's OK here, but it's hard with the children," she said, her 3-year-old son Mohammed wriggling in her arms as her daughter Bana, 6, swings and clutches at her skirt. Her eldest son Yamin, 7, is nowhere to be seen off playing somewhere in the hangar.

Zayna's children are visibly restless, waiting to be reunited with their father, who left the family home in war-torn Aleppo for Germany four months ago. "I headed for Germany because my husband was already here," said Zayna. "He said it would be OK. But I don't know where he is now, I hope I'll find him. We're just waiting now, we have no idea how long we'll be here."

The Tempelhof solution, which the city insists is a temporary one, is far from ideal. Toilets are the portable kind outside, and there are no taps or showers on site. The camp's operation still owes much to volunteers. In a back room, they sort through piles of donated clothing. Next door, volunteer chefs prepare small plastic dishes of olives and hummus and freshly-baked bread for the evening meal.

Alongside the new children's rooms, Kipp said the operators are planning a separate prayer room. But despite the hangar's lofty expanses, private space is extremely limited. Ibrahim, Nour and Ahmed share a cabin made from temporary dividers of the kind used in trade fairs with eight others.

"We just have to be patient with the other family we are sharing with," said Ibrahim. "We're all in there together so we just have to be tolerant."

Josie Le Blond, Berlin, Germany




UNHCR country pages

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie meets Iraqi refugees in Syria

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie returned to the Syrian capital Damascus on 2 October, 2009 to meet Iraqi refugees two years after her last visit. The award-winning American actress, accompanied by her partner Brad Pitt, took the opportunity to urge the international community not to forget the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi refugees who remain in exile despite a relative improvement in the security situation in their homeland. Jolie said most Iraqi refugees cannot return to Iraq in view of the severe trauma they experienced there, the uncertainty linked to the coming Iraqi elections, the security issues and the lack of basic services. They will need continued support from the international community, she said. The Goodwill Ambassador visited the homes of two vulnerable Iraqi families in the Jaramana district of southern Damascus. She was particularly moved during a meeting with a woman from a religious minority who told Jolie how she was physically abused and her son tortured after being abducted earlier this year in Iraq and held for days. They decided to flee to Syria, which has been a generous host to refugees.

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie meets Iraqi refugees in Syria

Syrian Refugees in Lebanon

As world concern grows over the plight of hundreds of thousands of displaced Syrians, including more than 200,000 refugees, UNHCR staff are working around the clock to provide vital assistance in neighbouring countries. At the political level, UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres was due on Thursday (August 30) to address a closed UN Security Council session on Syria.

Large numbers have crossed into Lebanon to escape the violence in Syria. By the end of August, more than 53,000 Syrians across Lebanon had registered or received appointments to be registered. UNHCR's operations for Syrian refugees in Tripoli and the Bekaa Valley resumed on August 28 after being briefly suspended due to insecurity.

Many of the refugees are staying with host families in some of the poorest areas of Lebanon or in public buildings, including schools. This is a concern as the school year starts soon. UNHCR is urgently looking for alternative shelter. The majority of the people looking for safety in Lebanon are from Homs, Aleppo and Daraa and more than half are aged under 18. As the conflict in Syria continues, the situation of the displaced Syrians in Lebanon remains precarious.

Syrian Refugees in Lebanon

Turkish Camps Provide Shelter to 90,000 Syrian Refugees

By mid-September, more than 200,000 Syrian refugees had crossed the border into Turkey. UNHCR estimates that half of them are children, and many have seen their homes destroyed in the conflict before fleeing to the border and safety.

The Turkish authorities have responded by building well-organized refugee camps along southern Turkey's border with Syria. These have assisted 120,000 refugees since the crisis conflict erupted in Syria. There are currently 12 camps hosting 90,000 refugees, while four more are under construction. The government has spent approximately US$300 million to date, and it continues to manage the camps and provide food and medical services.

The UN refugee agency has provided the Turkish government with tents, blankets and kitchen sets for distribution to the refugees. UNHCR also provides advice and guidelines, while staff from the organization monitor voluntary repatriation of refugees.

Most of the refugees crossing into Turkey come from areas of northern Syria, including the city of Aleppo. Some initially stayed in schools or other public buildings, but they have since been moved into the camps, where families live in tents or container homes and all basic services are available.

Turkish Camps Provide Shelter to 90,000 Syrian Refugees

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