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Football match puts spotlight on Haitians in the Brazilian Amazon

News Stories, 2 June 2010

© UNHCR/L.F. Godinho
Some of the Haitians in the grounds of the Divine Church of the Holy Spirit in Tabatinga.

TABATINGA, Brazil, June 2 (UNHCR) A recent football match in the heart of the Amazon put a spotlight on a small group of Haitians who have sought shelter and asylum in the north-west Brazilian town of Tabatinga, most of whom left their homeland after the devastating January 12 earthquake.

The game, organized last Friday by a UNHCR partner, pitted a team of Haitian exiles against locals and was watched by an enthusiastic crowd of Brazilians as well as Colombian and Peruvian visitors in an area of Amazonas state where the three countries meet.

Played on a sandy pitch and narrowly won by the Caribbean islanders, the match helped raise 80 kilogrammes of food for a group of around 60 civilians from Haiti living at the Divine Church of the Holy Spirit in Tabatinga. The food, including items such as rice, beans, salt, flour and oil, was the admission fee for spectators.

"Everybody enjoyed the event, especially the Haitians," said Father Gonzalo Franco, director of a local aid group called Pastoral da Mobilidade Humana, which works with UNHCR in the area. "The food collected demonstrates the solidarity of the citizens of Tabatinga for the [needy] Haitians in their city."

The Haitians, including children, have arrived in Tabatinga via the Dominican Republic and Peru since January's earthquake struck Port-au-Prince and surrounding areas, killing tens of thousands of people. A few of the Haitians have said they wished to remain in Brazil as refugees.

They have been receiving assistance from Pastoral under a UNHCR-funded programme aimed at providing emergency humanitarian assistance to Colombian asylum-seekers. Ironically, only four Colombians have sought refuge in Tabatinga this year to date. This compares to more than 80 Haitians, who have separately reached this city via the Dominican Republic and either Peru or Ecuador.

All have applied for asylum in Brazil and left for Manaus, capital of Amazonas, once they have received temporary documentation allowing them to stay. In Manaus, they receive assistance from UNHCR and are encouraged to become self-sufficient. Some subsequently abandon their asylum claims and disappear.

"We are considering the possibility that some are leaving for other countries, which indicates that they are only using Brazil as a stepping stone to somewhere else," said Andres Ramirez, UNHCR's representative in the country. "But, for humanitarian reasons, we will keep assisting the newcomers on a temporary and emergency basis," he added,

In line with international conventions, Brazil does not recognize people displaced by natural disasters as refugees. In these cases, asylum claims are forwarded by the National Committee for Refugees to the National Immigration Council, which can regularize their migratory status on humanitarian grounds. "This is a smart decision by the Brazilian government as it will support those Haitians who want to rebuild their lives in Brazil," Ramirez noted.

Meanwhile, Pastoral lets the group in Tabatinga use the facilities in the church and its buildings, including the kitchens. All worry about the situation back in Haiti, where huge numbers were forced to leave their homes after the quake struck. Some of them sought shelter or medical aid across the border in the Dominican Republic, including 32-year-old construction worker Enel Romelus.

"It´s impossible to describe the tragedy that took over my country. I feel that everything has gone and we have no place to return," said Romelus, explaining why he had decided to fly to the Peruvian capital, Lima, and then make his way to Tabatinga by bus and boat in early April. His wife, three children and father remain in Haiti.

Because he speaks Spanish, Romelus acts as an interpreter for the Haitians, who mostly speak French or Creole. That makes him very helpful for Pastoral as well as his compatriots, who seek his help to go shopping or during interviews with immigration officials. "I want a job to help my family still in Haiti," revealed Romelus, who said he wished to remain in Brazil.

Meanwhile encouraged by the success of the football match at building bridges between the Haitians and the local community, Father Gonzalo is planning another game. "It was a demonstration of solidarity with the Haitians at this very difficult time for them. Very soon, we will organize another match against a team of Colombians," he revealed.

By Luiz Fernando Godinho in Tabatinga, Brazil




UNHCR country pages

Assessing Refugee Needs in Brazil

UNHCR staff have been visiting and talking to urban refugees around Brazil to assess their protection needs of refugees and other people of concern. The refugee agency, working with local partners, carries out a three-week Participatory Assessment every year. UNHCR uses an age, gender and diversity approach during the exercise. This means also talking to minority and vulnerable groups, including women, older people, those living with disability and more. The findings allow UNHCR to develop an appropriate protection response. This year's exercise was conducted in five cities - São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília, Rio Grande de Sul and Manaus. Refugees taking part said the assessment allowed them to share views, problems and solutions with UNHCR and others. Various stakeholders, including government officials, aid workers and academics, also participated.

Assessing Refugee Needs in Brazil

Statelessness among Brazilian Expats

Irina was born in 1998 in Switzerland, daughter of a Brazilian mother and her Swiss boyfriend. Soon afterwards, her mother Denise went to the Brazilian Consulate in Geneva to get a passport for Irina. She was shocked when consular officials told her that under a 1994 amendment to the constitution, children born overseas to Brazilians could not automatically gain citizenship. To make matters worse,the new-born child could not get the nationality of her father at birth either. Irina was issued with temporary travel documents and her mother was told she would need to sort out the problem in Brazil.

In the end, it took Denise two years to get her daughter a Brazilian birth certificate, and even then it was not regarded as proof of nationality by the authorities. Denise turned for help to a group called Brasileirinhos Apátridas (Stateless Young Brazilians), which was lobbying for a constitutional amendment to guarantee nationality for children born overseas with at least one Brazilian parent.

In 2007, Brazil's National Congress approved a constitutional amendment that dropped the requirement of residence in Brazil for receiving citizenship. In addition to benefitting Irina, the law helped an estimated 200,000 children, who would have otherwise been left stateless and without many of thebasic rights that citizens enjoy. Today, children born abroad to Brazilian parents receive Brazilian nationality provided that they are registered with the Brazilian authorities, or they take up residence in Brazil and opt for Brazilian nationality.

"As a mother it was impossible to accept that my daughter wasn't considered Brazilian like me and her older brother, who was also born in Switzerland before the 1994 constitutional change," said Denise. "For me, the fact that my daughter would depend on a tourist visa to live in Brazil was an aberration."

Irina shares her mother's discomfort. "It's quite annoying when you feel you belong to a country and your parents only speak to you in that country's language, but you can't be recognized as a citizen of that country. It feels like they are stealing your childhood," the 12-year-old said.

Statelessness among Brazilian Expats

From Nairobi to Osh, Bishkek to Mexico City, refugees celebrate World Refugee Day 2009.

June 20, 2009. Refugees, aid workers and other well -wishers turned out all around the world to recognize the 42 million people displaced by conflict and persecution on World Refugee Day. From a traditional bamboo dance in India to a football match between Somalis and Iraqis in Syria, the celebrations were testimony to the enduring spirit of some of the most vulnerable people on earth.

From Nairobi to Osh, Bishkek to Mexico City, refugees celebrate World Refugee Day 2009.

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