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Refugee women in Morocco learn about business from local women

News Stories, 15 April 2010

© UNHCR/M.Fawe
A refugee woman from sub-Saharan Africa gets a lesson at the arts and crafts cooperative run by Moroccan women in Chefchaouen.

CHEFCHAOUEN, Morocco, April 15 (UNHCR) UNHCR recently arranged for refugee women who are developing a crafts cooperative to learn how a group of Moroccan women in a local town have built up their own arts and crafts business over the past decade.

Some 20 refugee women originally from sub-Saharan African countries and now living in Morocco were driven from the capital, Rabat, to Chefchaouen, nearly 300 kilometres away in the north of the country. There they familiarized themselves with the work and management of the "Tallassamtane" craft cooperative.

The experience was arranged by two of UNHCR's implementing partners in the country the Moroccan Association for the Promotion of Small Enterprises and the Fondation Orient Occident, a Moroccan non-governmental organization giving support to refugees and migrants.

The visit was conceived for the women to share experiences and information on improving the quality of products and discuss marketing techniques. It was a unique opportunity to create synergy between groups with different backgrounds but similar goals.

The refugee women are developing their tailoring and jewellery cooperative at the premises of the Fondation, which provides for space and equipment. The Moroccan Association for the Promotion of Small Enterprises helps manage their initiative to make it profitable and financially independent.

The Moroccan cooperative was formed nine years ago by 20 women, who initially received training and financial support from a Spanish non-governmental organization for rent and raw materials. They are now financially independent.

On arriving in Chefchaouen, set in the Rif Mountains, the refugees toured the cooperative. They examined the beautiful textiles and tried out some of the traditional textile-making equipment used by their Moroccan counterparts. Today, members of the cooperative work six hours per day, six days a week. They produce four to five large blankets a week and 10 to 20 smaller fabric items daily.

The refugee women asked wide-ranging questions about the functioning of the cooperative, its management and the acquisition of equipment. To encourage hard work, profit is distributed to members according to hours worked and revenue earned.

The visit had a double benefit for the refugee women. It was an opportunity to enjoy the culture and heritage of their country of asylum. And the refugees could learn from vulnerable Moroccan women who have raised their living standards and become financially independent.

UNHCR at the end of February listed 807 recognized refugees, including 205 children and 139 adult women, in Morocco. They originated mainly from the Ivory Coast (36 per cent), Democratic Republic of the Congo (26 per cent), and Iraq (21 per cent).




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How UNHCR Helps Women

By ensuring participation in decision-making and strengthening their self-reliance.

UNHCR's Dialogues with Refugee Women

Progress report on implementation of recommendations.


Women and girls can be especially vulnerable to abuse in mass displacement situations.


We help refugees, refugee returnees and internally displaced people tap their potential and build a platform for a better future.

Women in Exile

In any displaced population, approximately 50 percent of the uprooted people are women and girls. Stripped of the protection of their homes, their government and sometimes their family structure, females are particularly vulnerable. They face the rigours of long journeys into exile, official harassment or indifference and frequent sexual abuse, even after reaching an apparent place of safety. Women must cope with these threats while being nurse, teacher, breadwinner and physical protector of their families. In the last few years, UNHCR has developed a series of special programmes to ensure women have equal access to protection, basic goods and services as they attempt to rebuild their lives.

On International Women's Day UNHCR highlights, through images from around the world, the difficulties faced by displaced women, along with their strength and resilience.

Women in Exile

Refugee Women

Women and girls make up about 50 percent of the world's refugee population, and they are clearly the most vulnerable. At the same time, it is the women who carry out the crucial tasks in refugee camps – caring for their children, participating in self-development projects, and keeping their uprooted families together.

To honour them and to draw attention to their plight, the High Commissioner for Refugees decided to dedicate World Refugee Day on June 20, 2002, to women refugees.

The photographs in this gallery show some of the many roles uprooted women play around the world. They vividly portray a wide range of emotions, from the determination of Macedonian mothers taking their children home from Kosovo and the hope of Sierra Leonean girls in a Guinean camp, to the tears of joy from two reunited sisters. Most importantly, they bring to life the tremendous human dignity and courage of women refugees even in the most difficult of circumstances.

Refugee Women

Statelessness and Women

Statelessness can arise when citizenship laws do not treat men and women equally. Statelessness bars people from rights that most people take for granted such as getting a job, buying a house, travelling, opening a bank account, getting an education, accessing health care. It can even lead to detention.

In some countries, nationality laws do not allow mothers to confer nationality to their children on an equal basis as fathers and this creates the risk that these children will be left stateless. In others, women cannot acquire, change or retain their nationality on an equal basis as men. More than 40 countries still discriminate against women with respect to these elements.

Fortunately, there is a growing trend for states to remedy gender discrimination in their nationality laws, as a result of developments in international human rights law and helped by vigorous advocacy from women's rights groups. The women and children depicted here have faced problems over nationality.

Statelessness and Women

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