A UNHCR centre eases tensions between Syrian refugees and their Lebanese hosts

News Stories, 7 April 2015

© UNHCR/D. Sleiman
Walaa (L) from northern Lebanon talks with Ahmed and Ibtissam (R) from Homs in Syria at UNHCR's community centre in the north of Lebanon.

WADI JAMOUS, Lebanon, April 7 (UNHCR) In the town of Wadi Jamous in North Lebanon, a two-story concrete structure buzzes with the energy of mingling boys and girls, women and men from Lebanon and Syria.

Six short months after its establishment, this UNHCR community centre has turned into a daily meeting point for refugees from Syria and their Lebanese hosts who were longing for a space where hope can grow.

"You can sense some tension between Syrian refugees and locals in Akkar, but this centre has played a key role in bridging the growing gap and fostering dialogue between the members of the two communities," said Zaher Obeid, head of the Hadatha Association, who, along with the Danish Refugee Council, runs programmes at the centre.

With 1.2 million registered refugees, Lebanon hosts the highest number of refugees per capita worldwide one in four of the population is a refugee. Refugees in some towns and villages now outnumber local residents, fuelling tensions as they compete for access to basic resources and services such as water, electricity, healthcare and education. Over 1,700 refugees live in Wadi Jamous, a town of some 8,000 people.

In the centre's playground, teenagers gather to showcase the products of the photography workshop they just completed. Razan, a 15-year-old girl from Halab, proudly explained one of her shots: a hand tightly gripping barbed wire.

"This is the hand of a Syrian refugee student I know who, despite the freezing cold a couple of months ago, insisted on going to school," she said. "This picture captures his hand gripping barbed wire as though clinging to life itself."

Her Lebanese friend captured snow resting on bare branches of a tree next to her house. "White is peace," she explained.

The centre's bustling hallways lead to classrooms where children and adults are learning sewing, hairdressing, English, literacy, computer and other subjects. "The youngest student in my class is seven and the oldest is 47," said the computer class teacher.

Literacy classes also brought together Maha, 40, from Syria, and Hayat, a 32 year-old Lebanese woman who instantly found things in common with her new friend.

"I felt that events in Maha's life mirrored events in mine and I was drawn to that," Hayat explained. "She lost her husband in the war and I happened to have lost mine. Grief might have triggered our friendship but also our thirst to change, to do something with our lives."

Maha echoed her sentiments: "Education is the light. I was able to find a job because of the classes I attended; having an education can really change your life."

Nearly 140 people attend skills-training and various recreational activities at the centre every day. Parents worried about their children come seeking advice; teenagers socialize and make plans; children play.

There are over 25 such centres across Lebanon. Some predate the crisis but most were established because of it, fostering a much-needed sense of community for both Syrians and Lebanese.

By Dana Sleiman in Wadi Jamous




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2008 Nansen Refugee Award

The UN refugee agency has named the British coordinator of a UN-run mine clearance programme in southern Lebanon and his civilian staff, including almost 1,000 Lebanese mine clearers, as the winners of the 2008 Nansen Refugee Award.

Christopher Clark, a former officer with the British armed forces, became manager of the UN Mine Action Coordination Centre-South Lebanon (UNMACC-SL) n 2003. His teams have detected and destroyed tons of unexploded ordnance (UXO) and tens of thousands of mines. This includes almost 145,000 submunitions (bomblets from cluster-bombs) found in southern Lebanon since the five-week war of mid-2006.

Their work helped enable the return home of almost 1 million Lebanese uprooted by the conflict. But there has been a cost – 13 mine clearers have been killed, while a further 38 have suffered cluster-bomb injuries since 2006. Southern Lebanon is once more thriving with life and industry, while the process of reconstruction continues apace thanks, in large part, to the work of the 2008 Nansen Award winners.

2008 Nansen Refugee Award

Lebanese Returnees Receive Aid

UNHCR started distributing emergency relief aid in devastated southern Lebanese villages in the second half of August. Items such as tents, plastic sheeting and blankets are being distributed to the most vulnerable. UNHCR supplies are being taken from stockpiles in Beirut, Sidon and Tyre and continue to arrive in Lebanon by air, sea and road.

Although 90 percent of the displaced returned within days of the August 14 ceasefire, many Lebanese have been unable to move back into their homes and have been staying with family or in shelters, while a few thousand have remained in Syria.

Since the crisis began in mid-July, UNHCR has moved 1,553 tons of supplies into Syria and Lebanon for the victims of the fighting. That has included nearly 15,000 tents, 154,510 blankets, 53,633 mattresses and 13,474 kitchen sets. The refugee agency has imported five trucks and 15 more are en route.

Posted on 29 August 2006

Lebanese Returnees Receive Aid

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie meets Iraqi refugees in Syria

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie returned to the Syrian capital Damascus on 2 October, 2009 to meet Iraqi refugees two years after her last visit. The award-winning American actress, accompanied by her partner Brad Pitt, took the opportunity to urge the international community not to forget the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi refugees who remain in exile despite a relative improvement in the security situation in their homeland. Jolie said most Iraqi refugees cannot return to Iraq in view of the severe trauma they experienced there, the uncertainty linked to the coming Iraqi elections, the security issues and the lack of basic services. They will need continued support from the international community, she said. The Goodwill Ambassador visited the homes of two vulnerable Iraqi families in the Jaramana district of southern Damascus. She was particularly moved during a meeting with a woman from a religious minority who told Jolie how she was physically abused and her son tortured after being abducted earlier this year in Iraq and held for days. They decided to flee to Syria, which has been a generous host to refugees.

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie meets Iraqi refugees in Syria

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