Title Working Paper No. 2: The Rights and Guarantees of Internally Displaced Children in Armed Conflict
Publisher UN Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children Affected by Armed Conflict
Publication Date September 2010
Topics Children's rights | Children-at-risk | Freedom of movement | Freedom of religion | IDP camps | Internal armed conflict | Internally displaced persons (IDPs) | International armed conflict | Protection of camps | Protection of civilian persons in time of war | Right to a nationality | Right to education | Right to family life | Right to liberty and security | Right to life | Right to registration at birth | Statelessness | Statelessness
Cite as UN Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children Affected by Armed Conflict, Working Paper No. 2: The Rights and Guarantees of Internally Displaced Children in Armed Conflict, September 2010, available at: http://www.refworld.org/docid/4c91e9b32.html [accessed 19 December 2015]