ExCom Plenary Sessions

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© UNHCR/S.Schulman


Documents issued in the A/AC.96/... series are automatically sent to Ministries concerned, made available in the pigeon holes used at the Palais by the Permanent Missions in Geneva and are also distributed to Permanent Missions in New York. These documents are also available on the UN Official Documents System (ODS), http://documents.un.org, in the six required languages.

Summary records

Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 3415 (XXX), summary records of meetings of United Nations bodies are issued in final form only. The summary records will be distributed as soon as possible after each meeting. Corrections to all the summary records will be issued in a single corrigendum after the session. The procedure for submitting corrections is set out on the first page of the summary record.

Submission of documents

In order to conform with rule 23 of the Rules of Procedure of the Executive Committee, any draft resolutions and substantive amendments or motions must be circulated to delegations 24 hours before they are discussed. Delegations are therefore requested to provide the Secretary with any such texts 48 hours in advance.




2015 Executive Committee Meeting

UNHCR's 66th Executive Committee will take place in Geneva from 5 to 9 October 2015. Documents and reports available here.

ExCom Documents By Session / Year Rss FeedExCom Documents By Session / Year

Consult the on-line collection of Executive Committee plenary session documents, from 1994 to date. View all documents (All sessions) or select by session/year below.

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UN Official Documents System

ExCom documents are also available for consultation and downloading on the UN ODS in the six official UN languages.