UNHCR distributes Ramadan meals to 55,000 Libyan refugees in Tunisia

News Stories, 3 August 2011

© UNHCR/R.Nuri
A young refugee carries away a box of food for the evening meal during Ramadan.

TATAOUINE, Tunisia, August 3 (UNHCR) The UN refugee agency and several partner organizations have begun distributing evening meal foodstuff for more than 55,000 Libyan refugees during the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan.

Fifteen items of food, including rice, pasta, couscous, oil, tomato paste, tuna, sugar and dates, are being handed out in five provinces in southern Tunisia, where tens of thousands of Libyans are staying in camps or living with host families after fleeing the fighting in Libya this year.

The food will be eaten during iftar, or the evening meal. Over Ramadan, which started on Monday, Muslims are forbidden from eating or drinking during daylight hours. This teaches them about patience, spirituality and humility among other things.

Some 400 staff from UNHCR and other local and international organizations have helped pack, transport and distribute the food at more than 34 distribution points across the south, including here in Tataouine.

During Ramadan, some 10,000 families (55,000 people) will each receive a total of 120 kilogrammes of food items. The food will be distributed at regular intervals in the provinces of Tataouine, Gabes, Kebili, Sfax and Medenine.

Most of the Libyans have few resources and were happy to receive the food. "This donation will be a great help in cutting down family expenses during Ramadan," said 72-year-old Ali as he queued for his food package in UNHCR's Al Khayr distribution centre in Tataouine.

Ali, who fled to Tunisia in April with a large group of relatives, said Ramadan was very important to him and his family. "Ramadan is an occasion for family reunions," he said, while adding sadly: "Although the Tunisians are being very generous, we are finding it difficult to feel at home because our community network has been disrupted."

Nasir Abel Fernandes, UNHCR's senior emergency coordinator in southern Tunisia, said the logistics of the operation had gone very smoothly thanks to successful cooperation between all those involved, including the government.

Other organizations taking part in the Ramadan operation are the World Food Programme, the Tunisian Red Crescent, the United Arab Emirates Red Crescent, Islamic Relief, Al Tawoon, Secours Islamique France, Secours Populaire Francais, Wafa Relief and the Libyan Relief Committee.

By Rocco Nuri in Tataouine, Tunisia




UNHCR country pages

Resettlement from Tunisia's Choucha Camp

Between February and October 2011, more than 1 million people crossed into Tunisia to escape conflict in Libya. Most were migrant workers who made their way home or were repatriated, but the arrivals included refugees and asylum-seekers who could not return home or live freely in Tunisia.

UNHCR has been trying to find solutions for these people, most of whom ended up in the Choucha Transit Camp near Tunisia's border with Libya. Resettlement remains the most viable solution for those registered as refugees at Choucha before a cut-off date of December 1, 2011.

As of late April, 14 countries had accepted 2,349 refugees for resettlement, 1,331 of whom have since left Tunisia. The rest are expected to leave Choucha later this year. Most have gone to Australia, Norway and the United States. But there are a more than 2,600 refugees and almost 140 asylum-seekers still in the camp. UNHCR continues to advocate with resettlement countries to find solutions for them.

Resettlement from Tunisia's Choucha Camp

On the Border: Stuck in Sallum

After violence erupted in Libya in February last year, tens of thousands of people began streaming into Egypt at the Sallum border crossing. Most were Egyptian workers, but almost 40,000 third country nationals also turned up at the border and had to wait until they could be repatriated. Today, with the spotlight long gone, a group of more than 2,000 people remain, mainly single young male refugees from the Sudan. But there are also women, children and the sick and elderly waiting for a solution to their situation. Most are likely to be resettled in third countries, but those who arrived after October are not being considered for resettlement, while some others have been rejected for refugee status. They live in tough conditions at the Egyptian end of the border crossing. A site for a new camp in no man's land has been identified. UNHCR, working closely with the border authorities, plays the major role in providing protection and assistance.

On the Border: Stuck in Sallum

Displacement Challenges for Libya

Libya endured severe upheaval in 2011 and the next government faces major challenges moving the country forward after four decades of Muammar Gaddafi's rigid rule. One task will be addressing and resolving the issue of tens of thousands of internally displaced people. Some are waiting for their homes to be repaired or rebuilt, but many more have been forced to desert their towns and villages because of their perceived support for Gaddafi and alleged crimes committed during the conflict. Meanwhile, growing numbers of people, including refugees and asylum-seekers, are coming to Libya from sub-Saharan Africa on well travelled mixed migration routes. Some are being detained as illegal immigrants, though many are people of concern. Others have risked the dangerous sea crossing to southern Europe.

Displacement Challenges for Libya

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