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UNHCR-NGO Toolkit for Practical Cooperation on Resettlement: 2. Information Sharing, Planning and Advocacy: Definitions and Frequently Asked Questions

Resettlement, June 2015

a) Why should UNHCR and NGOs partner in information sharing, planning and advocacy?

UNHCR and NGOs can engage in information sharing and joint planning to ensure coherence in operational approaches, to address systemic issues and overcome gaps in resettlement delivery, and to ensure consistency in information dissemination to refugees. UNHCR and NGOs can furthermore engage in joint advocacy when appropriate, to strengthen support for refugee-friendly policies, programs and funding priorities.

b) In what ways can UNHCR and NGOs collaborate on these activities?

UNHCR may hold consultations with NGOs to gain their input in the development of the annual Country Operations Plans, and in particular the role of resettlement in the strategy for the country or region. UNHCR may consult on a regular basis with NGOs to jointly strategize how best to improve the local protection environment, maximize resources, and assess which refugee groups or individuals might warrant resettlement consideration. UNHCR and NGOs may hold regular briefings and share reports to keep each other appraised of their current activities and plans for future activities. Additionally, UNHCR and NGOs may support and assist one another in obtaining funding for refugee programs.

c) What are the key elements/considerations of such activities?

Joint information-sharing, planning and advocacy should be approached with a sense of equality among the partners, with adequate opportunities for all to participate and express their views, including refugees and other key stakeholders.