Lake Chad – new violence, new displacement

News Stories, 24 September 2015

© UNHCR/A. Bahaddou
Business activity on eastern shore of Lake Chad where life goes on in Chad despite the insurgency

BAGA SOLA, Chad, Sept 24, (UNHCR) Lake Chad isn't really a lake any more.

The encroaching Sahara desert has turned most of it into a mass of low-lying islands as far as the eye can see, encircled by creeks and swamps.

Thousands of years ago, this body of water covered a million square kilometres that's larger than the modern-day Caspian Sea.

Today Lake Chad is also something else. It is the epicentre of waves of violence and suffering that are spreading into the four countries it borders.

The lands near its shores are dotted with UNHCR-run refugee camps, housing people made homeless by the violence in the region.

The core problem is Nigerians fleeing the insurgency in the north east of Africa's most populous nation.

"Boko Haram attacked our village; we had no choice but to leave," is a refrain heard over and over from the Nigerians now taking refuge in camps in Chad, Cameroon and the Republic of Niger.

In recent months, a new phenomenon has also begun.

Chadians, Cameroonians and citizens of the Republic of Niger have themselves been made homeless in large numbers by a combination of insurgent attacks spreading out from Nigeria, and the response to those attacks from the armies of the four nations bordering Lake Chad.

In Nigeria alone, there are now as many as 2.15 million Internally Displaced People (IDPs). The UNHCR's previous working figure of 1.4 million IDPs was revised upwards in early September after monitors were deployed across Nigeria to gather more accurate data.

In addition, the total number of people who have been made homeless by the Boko Haram-linked crisis across the four nations of the Lake Chad region is now over 2.5 million.

This total includes the following IDPs: Nigeria 2,150,451; Niger 50,000; Cameroon 81,693; Chad 68,434.

The total number of refugees in Niger, Cameroon and Chad is 172,690.

The new phenomenon taking hold around Lake Chad goes something like this:

The insurgents terrify the population on the islands, or around the edges of the Lake.

Then the armies tell the people to leave certain locations, for their own safety, so the insurgents can be dealt with without civilians getting in the way.

These "evacuations" began earlier this year when the army of Niger Republic emptied the Lake Chad islands that are part of its territory of people.

"The islands belonging to Niger are now almost completely free of civilians", said a senior UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, official familiar with the terrain; "there's hardly anyone left there at all".

Something similar happened in Cameroon although, because Cameroon doesn't have many islands on the Lake, it took place on the mainland, near the water.

A series of suicide bombings began in July on northern Cameroonian towns near the Lake. These attacks were blamed by the authorities in Cameroon on Boko Haram.

In response, the Cameroon army told Nigerians living in Cameroon without official papers to return home to Nigeria.

The latest wave of displaced people is here in Chad. They're arriving in an area on the northern eastern shore of the Lake beween between the village of Baga Sola and the regional capital Bol, also near the water but two hours drive away.

The displaced come mostly from Chadian islands on the lake. They've been told by their government and army it is not safe to stay there.

Most of these people have nothing they're short of food, shelter and medical attention. They sit under the harsh sun and the violent rains of this current wet season with the flimsiest of shelters made from twigs, leaves and scraps of cloth.

Some have been given plastic sheeting by the UN refugee agency, UNHCR and about a thousand families have been handed some very basic kitchen items such as buckets and saucepans.

© UNHCR/A. Bahaddou
Lake Chad isn't really a lake any more. Most of it is islands and inlets

UNHCR's partners like Medecins Sans Frontiers and the International Medical Corps are also working hard in difficult, remote circumstances.

But the displaced are desperate. They have tried to make shelters by stretching domestic mosquito bed nets over twigs.

In the past month, according to the Chadian government, a little over 27,000 people have arrived from the Lake Chad islands belonging to Chad to seek refuge on the mainland.

That surge brings the total number subsisting between Baga Sola and Bol to some 68,000, the Chadian authorities say.

These figures are Chadian government estimates. But the UNHCR Representative in Chad, Antonio Jose Canhandula, believes them to be "very credible".

Chari Abdou, a 21 year old woman, and her 15 year old sister Hadjia, are among the Chadians displaced directly by the insurgency.

"Boko Haram came to our village in Cameroon and they said they would kill us if we didn't follow them", said Chari Abdou between nervous smiles.

"They marched us to the border with Nigeria. They had guards at the front and the back of us", she continued; "we had no choice".

The insurgents were apparently intent on taking the young women to a base inside Nigeria.

But the sisters were lucky. A Chadian army patrol came across the group before it crossed the border.

There was a fight and in the ensuing confusion.

, the sisters found themselves in the hands of the Chadian army who subsequently gave them over to the care of the UN childrens' agency, UNICEF.

Chari and 15 year-old Hajia are also lucky that they're not living on the side of the Baga Sola- Bol road under the shelter of nearly-useless leaves or mosquito nets.

Along with 37 other unaccompanied youngsters they're living in a UNICEF plastic sheeting shelter in a relatively-shaded corner of Baga Sola village.

They are receiving limited assistance and medical care.

Like other displaced nationals or refugees I met in the area, Chari and Hadjia Abdou are determined to make their lives as 'normal' as possible.

Most of the group of 39 youngsters saved by the Chadian army and now living together in Baga Sola didn't know each other before they were brought together by the UN.

But now they chat and laugh together. The girls and women plait each others' hair. The boys collect wood for cooking,

But most of all Chari and Hadjia Abdou want to return to the 'normal' of their families.

After telling their story of capture and escape the sisters said there was one thing they now wanted above all else;

"We want to find our parents", said Chari.

Hadjia, 15, silently nodded in agreement with her big sister.

By Mark Doyle, Lake Chad




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Victims of Conflict in Nigeria Find Safety in Cameroon Camp

UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres visited Cameroon in late March to put a spotlight on the situation there of tens of thousands of refugees from Nigeria. These people have escaped mounting violence by insurgents in the north-east of their country. Among the places that Guterres visited during his March 24-25 visit is the Minawao Refugee Camp, where many of the uprooted have been relocated.

Situated some 120 kilometres from the dangerous border area with Nigeria in Cameroon's Far North region, Minawao camp is currently home to 33,000 Nigerian refugees, mainly from Borno state. Many of the arrivals are traumatized and in need of material and psycho-social help. They told the High Commissioner of losing their homes and belongings as well as members of their families. Some were injured. In total, an estimated 74,000 Nigerians have found refuge in Cameroon while cross-border incursions from Nigeria have displaced 96,000 Cameroonians. UNHCR photographer Hélène Caux also visited Minawao to hear the individual stories.

Victims of Conflict in Nigeria Find Safety in Cameroon Camp

Edwige Deals With Loss by Keeping Busy and Aiding Others in Mole Camp

Edwige Kpomako is a woman in a hurry; but her energy also helps the refugee from Central African Republic (CAR) to cope with the tragedy that forced her to flee to northern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) last year. Before violence returned to her country in 2012, the 25-year-old was studying for a Masters in American literature in Bangui, and looking forward to the future. "I started my thesis on the works of Arthur Miller, but because of the situation in CAR . . . ," she said, her voice trailing off. Instead, she had to rush to the DRC with a younger brother, but her fiancée and 10-year old son were killed in the inter-communal violence in CAR.

After crossing the Oubangui River to the DRC, Edwige was transferred to Mole, a camp housing more than 13,000 refugees. In a bid to move on with her life and keep busy, she started to help others, assume a leadership role and take part in communal activities, including the Brazilian martial art of capoeira. She heads the women's committee, is engaged in efforts to combat sexual violence, and acts as a liaison officer at the health centre. She also teaches and runs a small business selling face creams. "I discovered that I'm not weak," said Edwige, who remains optimistic. She is sure that her country will come out of its nightmare and rebuild, and that she will one day become a human rights lawyer helping refugees.

American photojournalist Brian Sokol took these photos.

Edwige Deals With Loss by Keeping Busy and Aiding Others in Mole Camp

New refugees from Central African Republic struggle with ration cuts in southern Chad

Since January 2014, a funding shortfall has forced the World Food Programme (WFP) to cut food rations by 60 per cent in refugee camps in southern Chad. The reduction comes as thousands of refugees from Central African Republic (CAR) continue to arrive in the south - more than 14,000 of them since the beginning of 2014. Many arrive sick, malnourished and exhausted after walking for months in the bush with little food or water. They join some 90,000 other CAR refugees already in the south - some of them for years.

The earlier refugees have been able to gain some degree of self-reliance through agriculture or employment, thus making up for some of the food cuts. But the new arrivals, fleeing the latest round of violence in their homeland, are facing a much harsher reality. And many of them - particularly children - will struggle to survive because WFP has also been forced cut the supplemental feeding programmes used to treat people trying to recover from malnutrition.

WFP needs to raise US$ 186 million to maintain feeding programmes for refugees in Africa through the end of the year. Additionally, UNHCR is urgently seeking contributions towards the US$ 78 million it has budgeted this year for food security and nutrition programmes serving refugees in Africa.

Photojournalist Corentin Fohlen and UNHCR Public Information Officer Céline Schmitt visited CAR refugees in southern Chad to document their plight and how they're trying to cope.

New refugees from Central African Republic struggle with ration cuts in southern Chad

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