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2005 Annual Consultations with NGOs
In the week preceding the 56th Session of the Executive Committee to the High Commissioner's Programme, UNHCR held its Annual Consultations with Non-Governmental Organizations from 27 to 29 September 2005 in the Palais des Nations, Geneva. Some 303 participants representing 183 national and international NGOs, UN and international organizations from 76 countries attended. There was significant parity in the number of national and international NGOs represented - 81 and 97 respectively.
The Consultations were opened with a keynote address from Professor Gil Loescher, and featured nine round-table sessions and six regional sessions. The Consultations also provided the space for six side-meetings organized by participating NGOs. To meet the different interests of the broad range of NGOs from around the world, the Consultations were based on three broad themes: New trends and issues in UNHCR-NGO partnerships; Guaranteeing the right to seek asylum; and Realizing refugee rights. The round-table format encouraged throughout the Consultations promoted greater dialogue and contact among participants. A session was held in plenary on the last day to discuss applying the conclusion on Local Integration and citing examples of where local integration has worked successfully. The High Commissioner, António Guterres, closed the Consultations.
The Report on the Annual Consultations with NGOs highlights the main points of discussion in the sessions and any conclusions reached. Included in annex to the report are the agenda, a list of participants, the agenda of side-meetings, the keynote address by guest speaker Gil Loescher, and the statements of the High Commissioner and the NGOs delivered to ExCom.