War, drought and starvation have driven some 143,000 Malians to seek refuge across their borders, and over 200,000 to be displaced within their country.

As violence and insecurity continues in northern Mali, more and more people flee out of fear and desperation. Combined with the cruel conditions of the desert, this war is aggravating a grave humanitarian situation. The entire Sahel region continues to suffer from drought and crop failure, generating an acute shortage of food and water. Immediate assistance is urgently needed.

One-year-old Aissa is a Malian refugee suffering from acute malnutrition, one of the main health concerns in this crisis. She arrived at a refugee camp in Niger with her fifty-year-old grandmother Fatima. Her mother died from illness so she now relies entirely on her grandmother. With your kind donation we can help refugees like Aissa and Fatima receive the life-saving relief and support they desperately need.

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Your donation will support UNHCR emergency work in Mali and other countries where refugees and internally displaced people are in need.