Training Material


Training of survey teams is fundamental for the quality of the survey information collected and preparation for the training and survey will take time, especially the first year the full UNHCR SENS is implemented.


The training for the full UNHCR SENS (i.e. all 6 modules included) is recommended to last at least 5 days, depending on context and team experience (including the standardisation tests for anthropometry and haemoglobin measurements, and the pilot test). Extra staff should be trained in case someone is unable to perform the field work. If mobile phones are used for data collection, specific training will be required for team members handling the mobile phones.


Recommendations for training and tips are provided in the individual survey modules for the different levels of responsibility (i.e. team leader, measurer, and interviewer).


The main topics to cover in training of data collectors (note that team leader may be provided with a more in-depth training than some of the data collectors) are as follows:

  • Reason / objectives for nutrition survey
  • Composition of survey teams : roles and responsibility
  • Sampling procedure: why sample?, explained in a way that surveyors can later on explain to community members when asked; and rationale and importance of representativeness
  • Questionnaire and sheets: household-level information, child-level information, woman-level information, observations
  • Introduction to the household and informed verbal consent
  • Interview questions and interviewing techniques: go through each question for clarity, answer options, cultural appropriateness, gender sensitivities, avoid suggestive questioning but probe where necessary
  • Age recording and use of local events calendar
  • Measurement techniques (anthropometry and haemoglobin) and practicing with real children and/or adults
  • Standardise measurements among team members
  • Survey logistics
  • Equipment
  • Communication
  • Travel
  • Incentives / salary/allowances
  • Food and drinks
  • Accommodation, etc.


Refer to the Pre-module Survey Steps and Sampling for further details on survey teams and the survey process.


For examples of training material (survey field training agenda and PowerPoint slides) to adapt to your own survey field training, see downloads below.


ricon_download    Downloads

Survey Field Training Agenda                                                                         fticon_msword fticon_pdf

Combined Download – All PowerPoint Slides Below                               fticon_zipfolder

Survey Field Training – Day 1                                                                                  fticon_mspowerpoint

Survey Field Training – Day 2                                                                                  fticon_mspowerpoint

Survey Field Training – Day 3                                                                                  fticon_mspowerpoint

Survey Field Training – Day 4                                                                                  fticon_mspowerpoint

Survey Field Training – Day 5                                                                                  fticon_mspowerpoint

Survey Field Training – Test                                                                                     fticon_mspowerpoint