
2016 planning information on the South Asia subregion is presented below. A summary of this can also be downloaded in PDF format. The French version will be published before the end of the year. This subregion covers the following countries:

| India | Nepal | Sri Lanka | 
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016

Subregion: South Asia


Latest update of camps and office locations 1  December  2015. By clicking on the icons on the map, additional information is displayed.

Budgets and Expenditure in Subregion South Asia

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{"categories":[2012,2013,2014,2015,2016],"budget":[46.67074881,38.83990516,38.01255843,40.155756,31.136089982],"expenditure":[26.37420412,21.59224672,20.09817583,null,null]} {"categories":[2012,2013,2014,2015,2016],"p1":[36.20433892,30.53528496,31.38118692,30.41470271,29.547249442],"p2":[1.50142108,1.59597114,2.33688426,2.01572265,0.79978431],"p3":[1.411101,4.25807955,3.0300486,2.52347713,null],"p4":[7.55388781,2.45056951,1.26443865,5.20185351,0.78905623]} {"categories":[2012,2013,2014,2015,2016],"p1":[20.5353762,18.64725819,18.17582881,null,null],"p2":[0.8580438,0.77786737,0.46339643,null,null],"p3":[0.623778,1.21656801,0.49188202,null,null],"p4":[4.35700612,0.95055315,0.96706857,null,null]}
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People of Concern - 2016 [projected]

[["Refugees",214457],["Asylum-seekers",3850],["IDPs",18000],["Returned IDPs",7000],["Returned refugees",10000],["Others of concern",5]]
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2016 Plan Summary

166 Number of personnel (international and national)
5 Number of offices
USD 31.1 Mio Overall funding requirements (ExCom-approved 2016 budget)

A. Operational Environment and Strategy

Although they are not signatories of the 1951 Convention, the Governments of India, Nepal and Sri Lanka continue to offer asylum to a considerable number of refugees. UNHCR cooperates with the Governments of these countries, as well as with NGOs and other stakeholders, to protect, assist, and find durable solutions for refugees and other people of concern.
The main populations of concern to UNHCR in the subregion include more than 207,000 refugees and asylum-seekers of various origins living in India (of whom over 32,000 are registered with UNHCR); over 35,000 refugees and asylum-seekers in Nepal, including approximately 18,000 refugees from Bhutan living in two camps; and nearly 1,400 refugees and asylum-seekers and more than 54,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees in Sri Lanka.
Sustainable livelihoods, reliable community-support networks, and access to specialized services for people with specific needs are some of the main challenges faced by refugees in the three countries. In India, poverty remains a key challenge for the majority of refugees and asylum-seekers. The quality of public health and education in the refugee camps in Nepal has been adversely affected by the departure of skilled refugee workers who have been resettled. In Sri Lanka, many people of concern including refugees, refugee returnees and IDPs still struggle to meet their basic needs, although positive steps have been taken by the Government since the beginning of 2015 to address this issue.
In close coordination with Governments in the South Asia subregion, UNHCR continues to fill gaps in protection and assistance, with a focus on the most vulnerable, including women, children, the elderly, survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, and people with specific needs. Through stronger partnerships with the concerned Governments and non-governmental partners in 2016, UNHCR aims to enhance protection and opportunities for solutions, including through: community outreach; strengthening self-reliance and livelihoods; and identifying and facilitating solutions through voluntary return, resettlement and local integration. 

B. Response and Implementation

In India, in 2016 UNHCR will continue to extend its support to urban refugees to include those residing outside of Delhi, targeting the most vulnerable who are living in difficult conditions. The Office will also continue to strengthen protection outreach to cover all areas where refugees are concentrated, and facilitate a transition from individual assistance to community-based protection. UNHCR will further enhance its engagement with civil society, decision-makers and the media in its efforts to improve public perceptions and understanding of the plight of refugees.  
In Nepal, UNHCR will focus on finding durable solutions for the remaining refugees from Bhutan in coordination with the concerned Governments. The Office will also continue to provide protection, assistance and solutions to urban refugees, and to advocate for persons of concern with respect to documentation.
In Sri Lanka, UNHCR will continue dialogue with the Government on enhancing the asylum space for urban refugees and asylum-seekers. UNHCR will also be pursuing responsible disengagement from the IDP operation by the end of 2016. The Office will facilitate the voluntary return of Sri Lankan refugees in safety and dignity and advocate with the Government and development partners to ensure the sustainable reintegration of IDPs and Sri Lankan refugee returnees.