
NEW: 2016 planning information has just been released. Budgets and population planning figures for 2016 and for previous years can be reviewed below. The French version will be published before the end of the year.   

Operation: Turkey

  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016



Latest update of camps and office locations 1  December  2015. By clicking on the icons on the map, additional information is displayed.


Key Figures

366 Number of personnel (international and national)
6 Number of offices
344.4 Mio USD Overall funding requirements (ExCom-approved 2016 budget)
263,000  Individuals receive psychosocial support
82,200  Families benefit from cash-based interventions
156,000  Syrian and Iraqi families receive core relief items
More than 7,300 Refugee families submitted for resettlement

Latest Updates

2016 Plan Summary

Turkey is now the largest host country of refugees under UNHCR’s mandate in the world, hosting more than 2 million refugees and asylum-seekers from various countries. Instability in the region is expected to persist in 2016, preventing the safe return of refugees from Turkey and likely resulting in continued arrivals to the country.
After the entry into force in 2014 of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection (LFIP) and the Regulation on Temporary Protection (TP), Turkey is in the midst of establishing and implementing a State-owned and rights-based asylum framework. UNHCR will advocate for the streamlining of protection for people of concern under the LFIP and TP, and will further support the Government of Turkey, at both central and provincial levels, to discharge its protection role.
In line with the inter-agency Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP) and UNHCR’s Global Strategic Priorities, the Office will continue to support the Government’s implementation of the TP Regulation; monitor Syrian refugees’ access to rights and entitlements; and intervene with local and central authorities in order to facilitate the application of the legal framework. While continuing to provide support for infrastructure facilities and basic non-food items in refugee camps, particular focus will be placed on expanding outreach and assistance to out-of-camp refugees, especially the most vulnerable.
UNHCR will also assure the timely registration of new arrivals from Iraq, and the prompt identification of people with specific needs who require referral to national protection and assistance services. The Office will also strengthen its outreach efforts to out-of-camp Iraqis, and continue to assist Iraqis hosted in refugee camps.
UNHCR’s strategy for refugees from other countries will include:
a) supporting efforts to strengthen the State asylum system and service provision;
b) reinforcing the role of judiciary and bar associations;
c) expanding the network of partners and building their capacity in protection monitoring and outreach;
d) supporting self-reliance and facilitating access to services including education; and
e) strategic use of refugee status determination, mainly for the purpose of resettlement processing.