
2016 planning information on the Eastern Europe subregion is presented below. A summary of this can also be downloaded in PDF format. The French version will be published before the end of the year. This subregion covers the following countries:

| Armenia | Azerbaijan | Belarus | Georgia | Russian Federation | Turkey | Ukraine | 
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016

Subregion: Eastern Europe


Latest update of camps and office locations 1  December  2015. By clicking on the icons on the map, additional information is displayed.

Budgets and Expenditure in Subregion Eastern Europe

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{"categories":[2012,2013,2014,2015,2016],"budget":[115.65619943,270.95338247,373.29339842,420.08666978,406.817214794],"expenditure":[66.62675063,93.80871945,129.57658867,null,null]} {"categories":[2012,2013,2014,2015,2016],"p1":[99.81453782,254.58595382,348.65309119,370.71003979,363.183775316],"p2":[2.4645976,3.29116795,3.22419003,2.52721112,2.105277052],"p3":[null,null,null,null,null],"p4":[13.37706401,13.0762607,21.4161172,46.84941887,41.528162426]} {"categories":[2012,2013,2014,2015,2016],"p1":[58.55360196,87.06124285,114.93678843,null,null],"p2":[1.56906292,1.55514895,1.28411391,null,null],"p3":[null,null,null,null,null],"p4":[6.50408575,5.19232765,13.35568633,null,null]}
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People of Concern - 2016 [projected]

[["Refugees",3068882],["Refugee-like situation",16400],["Asylum-seekers",325097],["IDPs",2489000],["IDP-like situation",786000],["Returned IDPs",350000],["Stateless",222830],["Others of concern",306]]
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2016 Plan Summary

497 Number of personnel (international and national)
18 Number of offices 
7,267,079 Estimated number of people of concern (PoC)
USD 407.6 Mio Overall funding requirements (ExCom-approved 2016 budget)

A. Operational Environment and Strategy 

UNHCR’s work in Eastern Europe will focus on:
  • Strengthening national asylum systems to ensure that persons of concern are adequately protected.
  • Advocating for prevention and reduction of statelessness through support of relevant national legislation and procedures.
  • Covering the essential needs of persons with specific needs while focusing on durable solutions.
  • Engaging with development and humanitarian partners to monitor progress and direct development programmes.
  • Providing adequate emergency response related to the situation of internal displacement in Ukraine.
UNHCR supports the continued strengthening of asylum systems in the context of mixed flows. Countries in the subregion have various and significant populations of concern including refugees, returnees, internally displaced people (IDPs) and stateless people.
The numbers of asylum-seekers in the subregion remain relatively low, with the exception of people seeking refuge from the situation in the Syrian Arab Republic (Syria) and Ukraine. Ensuring access to territory and asylum procedures remains challenging, but cases of deportation of people of concern are usually brought to UNHCR’s attention. Low recognition rates and, in some countries, the preferential use of complementary forms of protection, also remain of concern. Limited access to protection for asylum-seekers and modest integration opportunities are leading to onward movements. 
UNHCR will support the second phase of the Quality Initiative in Eastern Europe (QIEE) in 2016-2017, focusing on continued strengthening of refugee status determination (RSD) procedures. A Regional Protection Support Unit (RPSU) established in Tbilisi, Georgia, will provide expertise and advice on RSD and resettlement to the subregion.
Despite progress, the stateless population in the subregion is estimated to be 250,000. Certain minority groups continue to face difficulties in proving their citizenship as a consequence of the dissolution of the former Soviet Union.
The Ukrainian situation remains unpredictable, requiring constant adjustments in planning and delivery of protection and assistance. UNHCR will continue to closely monitor the situation of almost 1.5 million IDPs in Ukraine officially registered by the national authorities. The analysis and crosschecking of data on the basis of multiple government database indicates that approximately 800,000 IDPs are located in government-controlled areas. Some 1.1 million Ukrainian nationals have neem displaced to neighbouring States, seeking asylum or other forms of legal stay, mainly in the Russian Federation (over 900,000) and Belarus (more than 126,000).
The Office will continue to support governments to meet the protection and acute assistance needs of people of concern, upon request. UNHCR will support legal and social counseling for those in need through partners. 

B. Response and Implementation 

The operations in Turkey and Ukraine are presented in separate country chapters.
The situation in Ukraine is likely to continue to affect Belarus in 2016. About 126,000 Ukrainians have arrived in Belarus, including some 1,300 who are seeking asylum. Other asylum-seekers include Syrians and Afghans. UNHCR will continue to support efforts to strengthen the asylum system and consolidate protection delivery. Legal and technical assistance to the Government and protection measures against sexual and gender-based violence will be prioritized.
In the Southern Caucasus region of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, there are three main population groups: refugees and asylum-seekers (about 22,000, including some 16,000 Syrian nationals of Armenian origin in a refugee-like situation in Armenia); stateless (some 4,300); and IDPs in Azerbaijan (623,000) and Georgia (262,000). UNHCR’s goals will be to provide protection to persons of concern and assist governments in realizing durable solutions. UNHCR will also support a government-led integration strategy aiming at self-reliance of PoCs and full access to rights and services equal to nationals.
In the Russian Federation, the main groups of concern are Ukrainians (over 380,000 seeking asylum and close to 530,000 under other forms of stay) followed by Syrians and Afghans. UNHCR will continue to monitor the situation of populations of concern and provide advice to the Government. The Office will also cooperate with the authorities to find durable solutions for long-staying asylum-seekers. As part of its international campaign to eradicate statelessness, UNHCR will conduct an assessment of the scope of the remaining problem of statelessness.