Home Alone: South Sudan teenager leads her young siblings to safety in Uganda

Telling the Human Story, 4 September 2014

© UNHCR/D.Lusweti
Yayo Tangko (centre), with her sister Yotok to her left. The two girls looked after their younger siblings in Uganda.

BOROLI REFUGEE SETTLEMENT, Uganda, September 4 (UNHCR) When 13-year-old Yayo Tangko turned up at the Boroli refugee settlement in Uganda earlier this year with her four younger siblings, she feared the worst for her missing parents. "They are dead, because otherwise they would have come looking for us," the South Sudanese teenager told aid workers.

It turned out she was wrong and the children would eventually be reunited with their mother. But the aid workers were impressed at the girl's strength and determination in bringing her sister and three brothers to safety after conflict flared between government forces and rebels in South Sudan at the end of last year.

When the fighting came to Pibor county, where they lived, their parents were away at a market. Kept together by Yayo, the children were swept along by the mass of humanity flowing out of Jonglei and into Adjumani and other districts of northern Uganda.

They walked for days, with the older children taking turns to carry two-year-old Babur when he was too exhausted to walk. Other refugees shared food with the youngsters and protected them until they reached the border crossing at Elegu, where they were picked up and taken to the Dzaipi transit centre.

In such emergency situations, UNHCR and its partners are always looking out for children travelling alone or separated from their families. In the chaos of flight, it is easy to get lost from family, and children are particularly vulnerable during mass population displacements.

Yayo and her young charges arrived at Dzaipi tired and relieved to be out of harm's way. But life in the overcrowded transit centre was difficult. In early February, after almost a month at Dzaipi, they were transferred to the Boroli refugee settlement, where Save the Children gave them a tarpaulin for a simple shelter.

The Geneva-based Lutheran World Federation, another UNHCR partner, assigned them a guardian, Kitho, who was from the same ethnic group as the children and did much to help and advise them. But Yayo and her sister, 11-year-old Yotok, had to grow up quickly to take care of their siblings.

Despite getting vital help from Save the Children and the Lutheran World Federation, they were not getting enough food and they struggled to cook what they did have on an open fire. Moreover, when the rains started in March, the tarpaulin was not enough to protect them they needed something more durable.

When their food (mainly pulses and porridge) ran out, they depended on the generosity of their neighbours. UNHCR staff first met the children in February, and their hardship was clear. They found Babar chewing ugali, a kind of porridge made from cornmeal, but he was showing signs of malnutrition.

A UNHCR nutrition officer brought fortified biscuits, clothes and blankets, and referred Babar to a clinic so that he could be treated for malnutrition.

The UN refugee agency worked with the Lutheran World Federation to build a traditional dwelling, a tukul, for the children. Save the Children gave them a new tarpaulin, blankets, sleeping mats, clothes, kitchen goods, health and sanitation items, and also introduced them to other children and a special play area. "Now we feel safe. We can come out and play," said Yayo, who still missed her parents. .

Efforts were launched by UNHCR and its partners, including the Uganda Red Cross Society and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), to trace family members. But Yayo again showed her initiative by asking a refugee who was returning to South Sudan to take Babur and Kobrin, aged five, with him in May to see if they could find relatives to take care of them.

A few weeks later, the two youngsters were reunited with their mother, Mary, at a site for internally displaced people in South Sudan. Yayo talked with her mother by phone and, in early June, Mary and the two boys moved to Boroli. The father is reportedly fighting as a soldier.

The younger children benefit from Save the Children nursery school programmes, but Yayo cannot yet go to school because she must help look after the family. Maybe, with her mother back, she can start studying soon.

Having most of the family together helps to make up for the hardship of being a refugee, and at least they are safe and can hope for a better future in a country which allows refugees a great deal of freedom. Uganda currently accommodates about 400,000 refugees, including 137,000 from South Sudan.

By Dorothy Lusweti in Boroli Refugee Settlement, Uganda




UNHCR country pages

A Time Between: Moving on from Internal Displacement in Uganda

This document examines the situation of IDPs in Acholiland in northern Uganda, through the stories of individuals who have lived through conflict and displacement.

South Sudan Crisis: Urgent Appeal

Donate now and help to provide emergency aid to tens of thousands of people fleeing South Sudan to escape violence.

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Southerners on the move before Sudanese vote

Ahead of South Sudan's landmark January 9, 2011 referendum on independence, tens of thousands of southern Sudanese in the North packed their belongings and made the long trek south. UNHCR set up way stations at key points along the route to provide food and shelter to the travellers during their arduous journey. Several reports of rapes and attacks on travellers reinforced the need for these reception centres, where women, children and people living with disabilities can spend the night. UNHCR has made contingency plans in the event of mass displacement after the vote, including the stockpiling of shelter and basic provisions for up to 50,000 people.

Southerners on the move before Sudanese vote

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The signing of a peace agreement between the Sudanese government and the army of the Sudanese People's Liberation Movement on 9 January, 2005, ended 21 years of civil war and signaled a new era for southern Sudan. For some 4.5 million uprooted Sudanese – 500,000 refugees and 4 million internally displaced people – it means a chance to finally return home.

In preparation, UNHCR and partner agencies have undertaken, in various areas of South Sudan, the enormous task of starting to build some basic infrastructure and services which either were destroyed during the war or simply had never existed. Alongside other UN agencies and NGOs, UNHCR is also putting into place a wide range of programmes to help returnees re-establish their lives.

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South Sudan: Preparing for Long-Awaited Returns

South Sudan: The Long Trip Home

When the peace treaty that ended 21 years of civil war between north and south Sudan was signed in 2005, some 223,000 Sudanese refugees were living in Uganda – the largest group of Sudanese displaced to a neighbouring country.

Despite South Sudan's lack of basic infrastructure, such as schools, hospitals and roads, many Sudanese were eager to go home. In May 2006, the UN refugee agency's Uganda office launched an assisted repatriation programme for Sudanese refugees. The returnees were given a repatriation package, including blankets, sleeping mats, plastic sheets, mosquito nets, water buckets, kitchen sets, jerry cans, soap, seeds and tools, before being transported from the transit centres to their home villages. As of mid-2008, some 60,000 Sudanese living in Uganda had been helped back home.

As of the beginning of May 2008, some 275,000 Sudanese refugees had returned to South Sudan from surrounding countries, including Uganda, Ethiopia, Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Kenya. Some 125,000 returned with UNHCR assistance.

Posted on 16 July 2008

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