Raghad’s Story, Egypt


Red Carpet Production/2014.

Raghad came with her family to Egypt after the situation in Syria became impossible to endure.

She was married for only 40 days, of which she spent only one week in her house. Thereafter the family had to move a lot in Syria due to the lack of security and shelling.

“I was shocked when my parents informed me about the death of my husband,” Raghad sadly recalled. “I could have imagined losing anything but him. I lost hope which is the most basic thing that makes a person feel alive. He was my source of strength.”

When her parents decided to come to Egypt she explained, “I did not object because I knew that this was the best thing considering the circumstances we were living in.” However, it was not easy for her.

“I loved Egypt. I used to see Egyptian movies and always thought that Egypt is beautiful,” she reminisced. “I had wished to visit Egypt as a tourist with the possibility of going back to my country whenever I want…but not as a refugee.”

“Sometimes when I look at what is happening in Syria I think that we will never have the possibility to return. I hope we could one day go back to Syria and rebuild it again.”


Executive producer: Red Carpet Productions, Amira Mashhour, Sherif Abdel Aziz

Production Manager: Amr El Hadidi

Research and Script: Amira Mashhour

DOP (Director of Photography): John Youhana

Cameraman: Mohamed Emad

Sound: Mohamed Kamal

Original Music: Joseph Tawadros

Editor: Ahmed El Sayed

Director: Amira Mashhour

Find out more about the documentary “Haneen” (Nostalgia):  http://youtu.be/xF8njHBd9E4

1 family torn apart by war is too many

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