
War has forced millions of families to flee their homes

This is the most urgent story of our time

Olivier Pain, Photographer

“Despite her horrific story, there is no trace of hatred in her eyes.” Olivier met Aisha while visiting a refugee camp in Burkina Faso…

We have all the freedom to go and do whatever we want, yet they have none

The experiences interacting with them have definitely made me think of ‘what if I’m in their shoes?’ I don’t know if I’m able to survive much less carry on each day in a country that isn’t my own, but that country that is my own has instilled the fear in me that I would not want to return.

Sebastian Rich, Photographer

Photographer Sebastian Rich reflects on his craft after being moved by a little girl’s innocence…

Aliaa Hamed, Journalist

“Before I left El Bekaa, I hugged Rawaa tightly and even thought of taking her with me so I could protect her from the unknown that she will be facing.”

Saiful huq Omi, Photojournalist

“A photographer can photograph sorrow but it will never be his own.”

Julie’s Story, Central African Republic

“Now, having found a new home, I don’t have any feeling of revenge towards my aggressors. Revenge is like a vicious circle that inhibits peace.”

Jason Tanner, Photographer

Maria’s harrowing testimony, and circumstances of the interview reminded me of the duty of care, the responsibility and obligation we have as photographers.

Sara Khojoyan, Journalist

Sara Khojoyan tells the positive tale of Ani who believes life is about fighting for a better future and allowing your children to dream.

Landry’s Story, Uganda

Journalist Penny Pryor recounts the inspiring story of 22 year old Landry Mugisha, hip-hop dancer and former refugee, now resettled in the USA.

Ahmed’s Story, Syria

Journalist Boglarka Balogh tells how Ahmed lost eight members of his family at sea, when their boat sank with hundreds of Syrian refugees on board…

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Sebastian Rich, Photographer

Photographer Sebastian Rich reflects on his craft, and is glad to realize there are good people that do succeed in bringing happiness and a safe haven to refugees…

Stephen Kelly, Photographer

Stephen Kelly, a photojournalist was given the assignment to photograph each family holding the most important item they were able to carry with them when they fled their homes.

Considering what I’ve witnessed during the violence in June 2012, it’s a bonus that I’ve returned with my family unhurt."

Rahman Masud describes his inspiration, Nurul, who is so happy and content with the little he has.

Andrew McConnell, Photojournalist

Photojournalist Andrew McConnell meets Lanier Lovely, a young woman who was displaced by the earthquake in Haiti…

Marina Watson Pelaez, Journalist

Marina met Tayiba in Bangkok. They couldn’t communicate, but Tayiba’s warm smile made Marina understand her story…

Ted Adnan, Photographer

I had met Bosnian refugees in Malaysia years ago when I was working at a university in the 1990s, and they were very much welcomed by the Malaysian Government and given assistance. Years later, I met a boy who told me he was from Myanmar, begging for money at a café where I was eating.

Jordi Matas, Photographer

The Johannesburg methodist church is not just any church. Yes, it has its routine mass, Sunday morning services and religious images, but above all it has become a shelter for refugees in Johannesburg.

Jean-Claude Ali Syhlas’ Story, Central African Republic

“Return is the only thing that the IDPs wish for. But the main condition to achieve return is disarmament, so that everyone can sleep quietly at night.”

Salam (Hello) Neighbor Film

In an effort to better understand the complex realities of refugee life, we recently spent one month living alongside displaced families in the Za’atari refugee camp.

Alex Kühni, Photojournalist

Photojournalist Alex Kühni met two Syrian refugees in Lebanon and was impressed by their unwavering hope that they would find a better life someday.

Jordi Matas, Photographer

Photographer Jordi Matas visited refugee camps in Jordan and was moved by the humanity, still intact, of those affected by the war…

Misha Hussain, Journalist

West and Central Africa Correspondent for the Thomson Reuters Foundation tells how the sound of a girl’s choir carries hope…

John Domokos, Journalist

Journalist John Domokos meets Yasmin in Bulgaria and her husband Tariq in Turkey; here is a family ripped apart, not only by war, but by bureaucracy and borders…

Minara’s Story, Myanmar

Journalist Kristy Siegfried tells how Minara paid for their dangerous passage with her wedding ring…

Maria Clara Calle, Journalist

Maria Calle, Colombian journalist at, tells Erleindy’s story and is impressed by her definition of displaced persons…

Andrew McConnell, Photojournalist

Photojournalist Andrew McConnell meets Minatu Lanadas Suidat, a young journalist who was born in a refugee camp…

Csaba Lukács, Journalist

Soon-Sil Lee fled from North Korea after having served in the army of Kim Jong-Il. She went through indescribable horror.

Diana Romero, Journalist

“In Ecuador journalist Diana Romero talked a Cuban refugee, who had to flee for his political beliefs…

Chris Boian – Freelance Journalist

“Tea.” He motioned for me to sit. The old man was with a group of several dozen people who, hours earlier, had fled their village…

Emily Feldman, Journalist

Abdullah, a baker from Aleppo didn’t take sides when war broke out in Syria. He still had to flee and rebuild his life in Turkey.

Daniel Salgar, Journalist

A key hangs above a Palestinian refugee camp signifying hope that one day these refugees will be able to return home…

1 family torn apart by war is too many

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