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Consultations annuelles tripartites

Historical framework

1. The recommendations arising from the 1995 Evaluation Report on Resettlement Activities highlighted the need to improve the dialogue and co-operation between UNHCR and all partners involved in resettlement (Governments, NGOs, IOM). The Report called upon UNHCR to establish formal mechanisms of systematic consultation with these partners.

2. On the basis of these recommendations, a Working Group on Resettlement was established in June 1995, involving the participation of the ten traditional resettlement countries (USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland and the Netherlands) to discuss their annual refugee resettlement quota. At the same time, a series of informal consultations with NGOs was organised in Canada, Europe, the Nordic countries and the USA to incorporate NGOs views in the overall resettlement consultation process.

3. The first formal Consultations with Governments and NGOs were convened by UNHCR in October 1995, in Geneva. The Consultations were subsequently convened on a yearly basis and have become a traditional event known as the Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement (ATC).


4. Initially, the Consultations with Governments and NGOs were convened in separate sessions. The modalities for a more effective and transparent consultation process were further streamlined in the following years. As a result, the NGOs were gradually and systematically included in the Annual Consultations discussions, although still in a limited fashion. The Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement in 2000 marked a significant achievement when the ten traditional resettlement countries agreed to the full participation of not only the eight emerging resettlement countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Ireland, Spain and Iceland) but also inclusion of NGOs to jointly focus upon key issues of mutual concern to all participants.


5. The Consultations, in their new format, have become an important vehicle for UNHCR's co-operation with Governments and NGOs and a mechanism to enhance partnership. The Consultations offer a forum to review progress on resettlement issues during the year, but more importantly, to re-focus and shape a joint strategy on resettlement. In particular, the Consultations provide the appropriate environment to:

  • raise awareness with a view toward building consensus in the EXCOM for the support of key resettlement issues, including the establishment of new programmes;
  • share information on a regular basis about resettlement needs, provide opportunities for planning purposes and allow for analysis of important policy issues;
  • focus attention on UNHCR's resettlement activities, relevant operational issues, and key responsibilities for case identification and referral.