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Mali Emergency

Broom-wielding refugee sweeps away the cobwebs in Burkina Faso camp

31 December 2013

Roky inspires refugees in Goudboubo camp to improve the environment they live in, cleaning inside and outside their homes and helping to make life better for all.

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Malian refugees vote in second round of presidential elections

12 August 2013

The number of refugees participating rose sharply over the first round, hoping the election will lead to peace and a return home.

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Malian refugees take part in presidential election

29 July 2013

Hundreds of Malian refugees voted in exile at the weekend in the presidential election in their home country, way down on the numbers eligible to cast a ballot.

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UNHCR helps prepare for refugees to vote in Mali elections, voices concerns over voter registration

23 July 2013

UNHCR's role in the elections is to facilitate the participation of refugees and ensure the voluntary nature of the electoral process in a safe environment.

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The Most Important Thing – Malian Refugees in Burkina Faso

03 July 2013

The Most Important Thing – Malian Refugees in Burkina Faso.

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Scared and exhausted
Fleeing for their lives


The most important thing is that we are safe here… Thankfully we have safe drinking water – this is a major relief.

Raichatou, 62
grandmother living in Dambo camp, Burkina Faso

I try to give the kids as much attention as I can. It is hard for them to be in a refugee camp, after fleeing their homes in Mali.

Hugo Reichenberger

I met refugees who had just fled Mali… Their needs are acute – food, water, sanitation and basic health care.

António Guterres
High Commissioner for Refugees

We must not allow this situation to become even more tragic. I call on donors to act quickly so that we can help Malian refugees now.

Barbara Hendricks
UNHCR Honorary Lifetime Goodwill Ambassador