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Staff Figures

UNHCR's staff are the backbone of the organization and about 89 percent of them are based in the field, helping people of concern on a daily basis. At the beginning of 2015, there were over 9,300 members of staff, including a combined total of 1,050 in UNHCR's Geneva headquarters and the Global Service Centre in Budapest. The numbers break down into 6,854 national staff and 2,476 international staff.
The largest concentration of field staff is in Kenya (477), followed by Jordan (445), Ethiopia (413), Iraq (373) and South Sudan (364).
We work in 125 countries, with staff based in a mixture of 109 regional and branch offices, and 341 sub and field offices. Our staff work in a wide range of disciplines, including protection (legal), administration, community services, public affairs, logistics, health and gender.