UNHCR Guidelines on International Protection – Consultation process
Global Consultations, 28 October 2014
UNHCR issues its Guidelines on International Protection pursuant to its mandate, as contained in the Office's Statute, in conjunction with Article 35 of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and Article II of its 1967 Protocol. UNHCR Guidelines provide legal interpretative guidance for governments, legal practitioners, decision makers and the judiciary, as well as UNHCR staff carrying out mandate refugee status determination or advising governments on their own procedures.
UNHCR is committed to a broad consultation process in the issuance of its Guidelines on International Protection. Comments will be carefully reviewed to inform our own deliberations, alongside other consultation processes and other relevant instructive sources.
All stakeholders, including States, other UN and regional human rights mechanisms, UN organisations or specialised agencies, National Human Rights Institutions, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), research institutions, and academics are invited to provide their comments in writing to HQPPLAGL@unhcr.org indicating in the subject the title of the Guidelines on International Protection which are open for consultation at that particular time. Submissions should:
- be submitted in English [regrettably we are not able to receive submissions in French at this time];
- be submitted in WORD format;
- submissions may be posted on UNHCR's website.