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Regional Conference on Refugee Protection and International Migration in Central Asia, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 15-16 March 2011: Conference Documents

Migration, 15 March 2011

(Links to documents in Russian will be made available shortly.)

Main Conference Documents

  • Concept Note [English] [Russian]
  • Conference Agenda [English] [Russian]
  • Background paper, Refugee Protection and Migration Dynamics in Central Asia, March 2011 [English] [Russian]
  • List of participants [English]
  • Conference Summary Report [English] [Russian]
  • Almaty Declaration [English] [Russian]

Conference Plenary Statements

  • Statement by Ms. Erika Feller, UNHCR Assistant High Commissioner for Protection [English] [Russian]
  • Statement by Ms. Laura Thompson, IOM Deputy Director General [English]
  • Statement by Mr. Goran Svilanovic, OSCE Co-ordinator of Economic and Environmental Activities [English]
  • Statement by Mr. Miroslav Jenca, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General, Head of UNRCCA [English]
  • Statement by the Republic of Azerbaijan [Russian]
  • Statement on behalf of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan [Russian]
  • Statement by the Kyrgyz Republic [Russian]
  • Statement by Turkmenistan [Russian]
  • Statement by CICA chairmanship [English]
  • Statement by the CIS [Russian]

UNHCR policy papers and tools on Refugee Protection and International Migration

  • Refugee Protection and Mixed Migration: A 10-Point Plan of Action, January 2007 [English] [Russian]
  • UNHCR High Commissioner's Dialogue on Protection Challenges Discussion Paper: Refugee Protection and Durable Solutions in the Context of International Migration (2007) [English]
  • UNHCR High Commissioner's Dialogue on Protection Challenges Protection Gaps and Responses (2010), Summary [English]
  • Information Note: 10-Point Plan (2010)[English] [Russian]
  • Extracts of the Agenda for Protection [English]

IOM documents on Mixed Migration

  • IOM Note on Protection 2007 [English]
  • International Dialogue on Migration 2008. Challenges of Irregular Migration: Addressing Mixed Migration Flows, 7 November 2008 [English]
  • Irregular Migration and Mixed Flows: IOM's Approach, 19 October 2009 [English]
  • IOM Mission and Strategic Focus [English]

International and Regional Legal Instruments

Refugees and Stateless Persons

  • Convention relating to the Status of Refugees of 28 July 1951, United Nations, entry into force 22 April 1954 [English] [Russian]
  • Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, United Nations, entry into force 4 October 1967 [English] [Russian]
  • Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons of 28 September 1954, United Nations, entry into force 6 June 1960 [English] [Russian]
  • Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness of 30 August 1961, United Nations, entry into force 13 December 1975 [English] [Russian]

Relevant regional legal instruments

  • Convention on Legal Assistance and Conflicts of Law in Matters of Civil, Family and Criminal Law (The Minsk Convention) of 22 January 1993, Commonwealth of Independent States [English] [Russian]
  • Convention on Legal Assistance and Conflicts of Law in Matters of Civil, Family and Criminal Law (The Kishinev Convention) of 7 October 2002, Commonwealth of Independent States [English] [Russian]
  • CIS Agreement on Aid to Refugees and Forced Migrants of 24 September 1993, Commonwealth of Independent States [English] [Russian]
  • CIS Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of 26 May 1995, Commonwealth of Independent States, entry into force 11 August 1998 [English] [Russian]

Policy Papers of other organizations

  • International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Policy on Migration (2009) [English]


  • UNHCR press release, "UNHCR's protection chief calls for a balance between refugee protection, national security and border control in Central Asia," 15 March 2011 [English]
  • UN website article, "UNHCR conducted Regional Conference on refugee protection and international migration in Central Asia," 15 March 2011 [English] [Russian]
  • Summary of Media Coverage [English] [Russian]