May 15, 2015 Multimedia A cartoon to help eradicate statelessness Some 750,000 people in West Africa are victims of this plight
March 29, 2015 Multimedia Chad: Nigeria’s Separated Children "I will take care of Muhamud like my own child"
March 6, 2015 Multimedia On the other side of the Lake When the fighting in north-eastern Nigeria came to Baga town, thousands of survivors fled across Lake Chad, searching for safety
January 24, 2015 Multimedia The Central African Republic Crisis: Hardship and Resilience What is next for the hundreds of thousands of refugees in 2015?
December 31, 2014 Multimedia Les habitants de la région de Diffa accueillent des milliers de réfugiés nigerians Les communautés nigériennes ont partagé leurs maigres ressources avec les réfugiés mais leurs capacités d'absorption s'épuisent.