Q&A: Abidjan meeting brings hope for stateless people in West Africa

News Stories, 17 February 2015

© UNHCR/N.Sturm
Mohamed Askia Touré, UNHCR's representative in Cote d'Ivoire, among a sea of children in an Ivorian village. His office is trying to help resolve the situation of the country's 700,000 stateless people, including many children.

ABIDJAN, Côte d'Ivoire, February 17 (UNHCR) Next week, Côte d'Ivoire will host a high-level regional meeting on the situation and future of hundreds of thousands of people who struggle to get by without a nationality in West Africa. The UN refugee agency, which will be represented by High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres, estimates that some 750,000 of the world's 10 million stateless people live in West Africa, mostly in Côte d'Ivoire. Without a nationality, many cannot access the rights that most people take for granted, including freedom to travel, work, access education and health care, marry and more. Last November, UNHCR launched a campaign, #IBelong, to end statelessness across the globe by 2024. Mohamed Askia Touré, who represents UNHCR in Abidjan, spoke to Associate Public Information Officer Nora Sturm about the meeting and efforts to end statelessness in Côte d'Ivoire. Excerpts from the interview:

The meeting will be held from February 23-25, but why in Côte d'Ivoire?

For several reasons: First and foremost, the government of Côte d'Ivoire has made real strides in fighting against statelessness within its borders. In addition to acceding to the two international conventions [of 1954 and 1961] on statelessness in late 2013, the Ivorian authorities have implemented a number of important measures that show their political will to eradicate the problem. In particular, the government reformed the nationality law in 2013, and in April last year launched a programme allowing eligible people to acquire Ivorian nationality through declaration.

Tell us more about this programme

It gives people with relevant ties to Côte d'Ivoire an opportunity to apply for citizenship. This includes many stateless people or people at risk of becoming stateless. For instance, those who lived or were born in Côte d'Ivoire before independence in 1960 and have continuously resided in this country, as well as their descendants, are eligible to acquire Ivorian nationality. The government is also implementing important activities aimed at reducing the risk of statelessness, including through mobile courts that deliver late birth certificates, nationality certificates and identity cards.

Is statelessness a big issue for Côte d'Ivoire?

Yes. Côte d'Ivoire is the West African state with the highest estimated number of stateless people or people at risk of statelessness . . . The Ivorian government estimates that 700,000 people living in the country are stateless or of undetermined nationality. Although this figure is an estimate . . . it reveals that there are people in Côte d'Ivoire who are stateless and who should benefit from protection and assistance from the government and from UNHCR. Despite improvements, there is still work to be done in Côte d'Ivoire to address gaps in the country's nationality legislation that continue to create cases of statelessness, as well as other obstacles to the acquisition of nationality. By holding the conference in Côte d'Ivoire, the Ivorian government and UNHCR [with the Economic Community of West African States, or ECOWAS] are signalling their commitment to work together to address this problem.

Who does statelessness affect in Côte d'Ivoire, and why?

People who are stateless or at risk of statelessness in Côte d'Ivoire fall into several broad categories: first, you have individuals who were abandoned as children and who are of unknown parentage and not considered as nationals under Ivorian law. They are highly unlikely to have their births registered. Given the lack of ties and the inability to prove parentage, it is impossible to legally establish the nationality of these children.

Then you have historical migrants and their descendants from neighbouring countries that is, individuals who themselves, or whose parents or grandparents, migrated to Côte d'Ivoire before or just after independence in 1960 and who did not establish their nationality at independence or before the nationality law changed in 1972. For instance, Côte d'Ivoire received many families from Burkina Faso around the time of independence who came to work in the cocoa and coffee plantations.

Who else is at risk?

Other populations at risk of statelessness in Côte d'Ivoire include: migrants in the sub-region who do not have documents to prove their connection to their country of origin this risk increases as they have children and pass on the status. Also at risk are individuals who were naturalized in Côte d'Ivoire but who cannot produce proof of their nationality . . . or whose personal details are different from those in the official records; and finally some trans-border groups, such as pastoralists and the Lobi community in the north of the country.

How will UNHCR help Côte d'Ivoire end statelessness by 2024?

UNHCR will focus on activities aimed at increasing the rate of birth registration and at improving the country's civil status system. UNHCR will help the government in raising awareness on the importance of birth registration as well as on the concept of statelessness and its consequences. We will also help the government to build the capacities of community leaders and traditional chiefs involved in disseminating information on birth registration and processes to acquire nationality. We will also support the local authorities by providing training on implementation of the civil status code and provisions regarding the acquisition of nationality. Finally, we will run courses on statelessness for local journalists, who play a key role in raising awareness and shaping public opinion.

Had you worked on statelessness before coming to Côte d'Ivoire last year?

I have long been interested in the issue of statelessness from a human rights perspective and first worked on the topic in Asia, especially in Bangladesh, Nepal and Myanmar, where the problem is particularly severe. Working on statelessness is a priority for our office in Côte d'Ivoire. Unlike in many other countries, statelessness here is not so much due to discriminatory governmental practices, but rather to gaps in nationality legislation and administrative procedures, the decolonization process, and historical and contemporary migration patterns.

The different causes notwithstanding, the problem in Côte d'Ivoire needs to be addressed through a long-term and durable approach. It is difficult to imagine what it means to be in a legal no man's land but the essence of this status is that without a nationality, all other rights are greatly threatened. We are committed to giving the problem the attention it deserves so that the thousands of people in Côte d'Ivoire whose nationality is currently undetermined receive the necessary protection and are assisted in obtaining a national identity.




Stateless People

Millions of stateless people are left in a legal limbo, with limited basic rights.

Ending Statelessness

Governments resolve and prevent statelessness by taking practical steps as set out in the Global Action Plan.

UN Conventions on Statelessness

The two UN statelessness conventions are the key legal instruments in the protection of stateless people around the world.

State Action on Statelessness

Action taken by states, including follow-up on pledges made at UNHCR's 2011 ministerial meeting in Geneva.


Sign and share our Open Letter to End Statelessness by 2024.

Global Roundtable on Alternatives to Detention of Asylum-Seekers, Refugees, Migrants and Stateless Persons

Summary Conclusions of the first Global Roundtable on Alternatives to Detention, held in May 2011 in Geneva

Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons; Its History and Interpretation

A Commentary by Nehemiah Robinson of the Institute of Jewish Affairs at the 1955 World Jewish Congress, re-printed by UNHCR's Division of International Protection in 1997

Stateless People

A tough task determining the true number of stateless people

Stateless in American Samoa: Mikhail Sebastian's Story

Mikhail Sebastian is a stateless man who has been living in the United States for more than a decade-and-a-half. In this video, he tells of the hardships he has faced and the importance of providing legal protections to stateless persons in the U.S.

Statelessness Around the World

At least 10 million people in the world today are stateless. They are told that they don't belong anywhere. They are denied a nationality. And without one, they are denied their basic rights. From the moment they are born they are deprived of not only citizenship but, in many cases, even documentation of their birth. Many struggle throughout their lives with limited or no access to education, health care, employment, freedom of movement or sense of security. Many are unable to marry, while some people choose not to have children just to avoid passing on the stigma of statelessness. Even at the end of their lives, many stateless people are denied the dignity of a death certificate and proper burial.

The human impact of statelessness is tremendous. Generations and entire communities can be affected. But, with political will, statelessness is relatively easy to resolve. Thanks to government action, more than 4 million stateless people acquired a nationality between 2003 and 2013 or had their nationality confirmed. Between 2004 and 2014, twelve countries took steps to remove gender discrimination from their nationality laws - action that is vital to ensuring children are not left stateless if their fathers are stateless or unable to confer their nationality. Between 2011 and 2014, there were 42 accessions to the two statelessness conventions - indication of a growing consensus on the need to tackle statelessness. UNHCR's 10-year Campaign to End Statelessness seeks to give impetus to this. The campaign calls on states to take 10 actions that would bring a definitive end to this problem and the suffering it causes.

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Statelessness Around the World

Statelessness in Kyrgyzstan

Two decades after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, thousands of people in former Soviet republics like Kyrgyzstan are still facing problems with citizenship. UNHCR has identified more than 20,000 stateless people in the Central Asian nation. These people are not considered as nationals under the laws of any country. While many in principle fall under the Kyrgyz citizenship law, they have not been confirmed as nationals under the existing procedures.

Most of the stateless people in Kyrgyzstan have lived there for many years, have close family links in the country and are culturally and socially well-integrated. But because they lack citizenship documents, these folk are often unable to do the things that most people take for granted, including registering a marriage or the birth of a child, travelling within Kyrgyzstan and overseas, receiving pensions or social allowances or owning property. The stateless are more vulnerable to economic hardship, prone to higher unemployment and do not enjoy full access to education and medical services.

Since independence in 1991, Kyrgyzstan has taken many positive steps to reduce and prevent statelessness. And UNHCR, under its statelessness mandate, has been assisting the country by providing advice on legislation and practices as well as giving technical assistance to those charged with solving citizenship problems. The refugee agency's NGO partners provide legal counselling to stateless people and assist them in their applications for citizenship.

However, statelessness in Kyrgyzstan is complex and thousands of people, mainly women and children, still face legal, administrative and financial hurdles when seeking to confirm or acquire citizenship. In 2009, with the encouragement of UNHCR, the government adopted a national action plan to prevent and reduce statelessness. In 2011, the refugee agency will help revise the plan and take concrete steps to implement it. A concerted effort by all stakeholders is needed so that statelessness does not become a lingering problem for future generations.

Statelessness in Kyrgyzstan

Stateless in Beirut

Since Lebanon was established as a country in the 1920s there has been a long-standing stateless population in the country.

There are three main causes for this: the exclusion of certain persons from the latest national census of 1932; legal gaps which deny nationality to some group of individuals; and administrative hurdles that prevent parents from providing proof of the right to citizenship of their newborn children.

Furthermore, a major reason why this situation continues is that under Lebanese law, Lebanese women cannot pass on their nationality to their children, only men can; meaning a child with a stateless father and a Lebanese mother will inherit their father's statelessness.

Although exact numbers are not known, it is generally accepted that many thousands of people lack a recognized nationality in Lebanon and the problem is growing due to the conflict in Syria. Over 50,000 Syrian children have been born in Lebanon since the beginning of the conflict and with over 1 million Syrian refugees in the country this number will increase.

Registering a birth in Lebanon is very complicated and for Syrian parents can include up to five separate administrative steps, including direct contact with the Syrian government. As the first step in establishing a legal identity, failure to properly register a child's birth puts him or her at risk of statelessness and could prevent them travelling with their parents back to Syria one day.

The consequences of being stateless are devastating. Stateless people cannot obtain official identity documents, marriages are not registered and can pass their statelessness on to their children Stateless people are denied access to public healthcare facilities at the same conditions as Lebanese nationals and are unable to own or to inherit property. Without documents they are unable to legally take jobs in public administrations and benefit from social security.

Children can be prevented from enrolling in public schools and are excluded from state exams. Even when they can afford a private education, they are often unable to obtain official certification.

Stateless people are not entitled to passports so cannot travel abroad. Even movement within Lebanon is curtailed, as without documents they risk being detained for being in the country unlawfully. They also do not enjoy basic political rights as voting or running for public office.

This is the story of Walid Sheikhmouss Hussein and his family from Beirut.

Stateless in Beirut

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