Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean

Regional Overview

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Europe: UNHCR concerned over increasing restrictive measures, urges effective comprehensive European response
UNHCR, 12/02/2016
This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson Melissa Fleming – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at the press briefing, on 12 February 2016, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. Over 80,000 refugees and migrants arrived in Europe by boat during the first six weeks of 2016 and over 400 have died trying to cross. Despite rougher seas, harsh winter weather, and numerous hardships endured upon arrival, over 2,000 people a day continue to risk their lives and the lives of their children attempting to reach Europe. More people arrived during the first six weeks of 2016 than during the first four months of 2015; comparably large numbers began arriving in Europe only by July 2015. The majority of those arriving in January 2016, nearly 58%, were women and children; one in three people arriving to Greece were children as compared to just 1 in 10 in September 2015. Over ...
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UNHCR urges Central European leaders to show solidarity with refugees ahead of the V4 Summit
UNHCR, 11/02/2016
UNHCR Press Release Budapest, 11 February 2016 UNHCR urges Central European leaders to show solidarity with refugees ahead of the V4 Summit The UN Refugee Agency is urging leaders in Central Europe to show greater solidarity with desperate refugees who seek sanctuary in the continent as war, conflict and extremism force millions out of their homes. UNHCR's call comes ahead of the Visegrad Group Summit in Prague on February 15, where leaders from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia will discuss regional issues, including the ongoing refugee crisis. Bulgaria and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia are also invited to participate. "While UNHCR fully understands that public opinions can sometimes be apprehensive about the unfolding situation in Europe, it is important to give both relocation and resettlement a chance to work. These tools of solidarity create...
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UNHCR Statement on the Situation in Turkey
UNHCR, 09/02/2016
Geneva/ Ankara, 9 February 2015 – UNHCR expresses its gratitude for the generosity shown by the Turkish authorities and people towards the Syrian refugees they have been hosting for the last five years. UNHCR appreciates that Turkey is continuing to give access to humanitarian and medical cases despite the increasingly complex situation in northern Syria. In view of the recent displacement in Aleppo province and the extreme vulnerabilities, UNHCR is encouraging authorities to ensure a broader access to Turkish territory for all those in need of international protection in line with the long-standing Turkish open-border policy. Turkey is already hosting over 2.5 million Syrians and shouldering the greatest responsibility in sheer numbers in this humanitarian international crisis. While UNHCR stands ready to assist authorities to manage and care for new arrivals of refugees, and has p...
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UNHCR concerned about the conditions of refugees and migrants in Calais and Dunkerque, in particular children
UNHCR, 05/02/2016
This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson William Spindler – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at the press briefing, on 5 February 2016, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. Some 4,000 refugees and migrants are currently reported to be living in the Calais "jungle" and almost 2,500 in Grande-Synthe, on the edges of Dunkerque, often in dire circumstances, aggravated by the winter conditions. UNHCR is specifically concerned about the living conditions of children, in particular unaccompanied and separated children, and would welcome the establishment of additional emergency reception places such as the children's centre (Maison du jeune réfugié) in St Omer (run by France terre d'asile), or other structures responding to the protection needs of children, including those under 15. Furthermore, options for simplifying the child protection procedures, particularl...
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UNHCR alarmed at the plight of refugees and migrants at Bulgaria borders
UNHCR, 28/01/2016
Sofia, 28 January 2016 The UN Refugee Agency is extremely alarmed at reports of two dead bodies being found on the Bulgarian border with Serbia, last week. UNHCR is seeking further details after being alerted about the deaths by the Bulgarian Border Police. The two men, apparently, have died of cold while trying to cross into Serbia from Western Bulgaria. Initial details shared by the Bulgarian authorities indicate locals finding the bodies (one around January 20 and the second on January 23) in the mountainous areas along the border at separate locations in Western Bulgaria, following a very cold spell as temperatures dropped to -21 degree Celsius. The two were found dressed lightly. The nationalities of both men are unknown and neither of them were known to the authorities. The two men are believed by UNHCR to be part of the refugee, migrant group movements passing through the...
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OECD and UNHCR call for scaling up integration policies in favour of refugees
UNHCR, 28/01/2016
The heads of the OECD and UNHCR, at a joint high-level Conference on the integration of beneficiaries of international protection in Paris today, have called on governments to scale up their efforts to help refugees integrate and contribute to the societies and economies of Europe. In 2015, more than 1 million people crossed the Mediterranean Sea to look for international protection in Europe. In total, about 1.5 million claimed asylum in OECD countries in 2015. This is almost twice the number recorded in 2014 and the highest number ever. At the same time, asylum seekers represent only about 0.1% of the total OECD population, and, even in Europe, they represent less than 0.3% of the total EU population. The OECD and UNHCR stressed not only the moral imperative but also the clear economic incentive to help the millions of refugees living in OECD countries to develop the skills they ...
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UNHCR, IOM and partners in $550m appeal for humanitarian operations for Europe's refugee and migrant situation
UNHCR, 26/01/2016
This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson Adrian Edwards – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at the press briefing, on 26 January 2016, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. As continuing conflict in the Middle East and elsewhere drives people to seek refuge in Europe, UNHCR, IOM, and some 65 other organizations yesterday appealed in Geneva to donors for $550 million to support the ongoing humanitarian response. With global forced displacement at a record high of some 60 million people and increasingly impacting countries of the Global North, 2015 saw over a million refugees and migrants arriving in Europe by boat. Around 850,000 of these crossed from Turkey to Greece, with most continuing through the Balkans and towards Austria, Germany, Sweden and other countries. The appeal aims at funding humanitarian operations in 2016 across the affected countries, ...
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UNHCR deplores loss of life in the Aegean Sea, amidst worsening weather conditions
UNHCR, 22/01/2016
UNHCR deeply deplores the loss of life for the umpteenth time in two tragedies in the early hours of today when at least 42 people from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq, including 18 women, 17 children and 7 men have been reported dead off Farmakonissi and Kalolimnos islets near Leros and Kalymnos islands, in South-East Aegean, as the weather worsens and desperate refugees in search of safety, take extraordinary risks, lured also by discounts offered by smugglers. UNHCR staff received survivors at the ports of Kalymnos and Leros and are assisting them to meet their basic needs, including accommodation in hotel rooms, counselling, liaison with authorities and communication with families who are abroad. Despite a temporary decrease in arrivals in recent days, a surge was observed in the last 48 hours with more than 3,000 people arriving per day to the Greek islands, amidst stormy weather c...
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Report warns refugee women on the move in Europe are at risk of sexual and gender-based violence
UNHCR, 20/01/2016
Oumo*, a young woman from sub-Saharan Africa is fleeing persecution that has left her brother-in-law dead and her sister missing. Fearing for her life, she made the dangerous and difficult journey to Europe where she is hoping to find asylum and safety. During her journey to Greece, Oumo was forced to engage in transactional sex twice to secure passage on a boat and a fake passport. Upon arrival on a Greek island, she slept in the open without shelter, privacy or access to assistance. "I fear that I will go crazy," she admitted. The UN refugee agency (UNHCR), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and the Women's Refugee Commission (WRC) are concerned about the grave risks to refugee and migrant women and girls on the move in Europe, such as Oumo and others. Harsh winter conditions mean less people are risking the sea voyage to reach Europe this month compared to the previous ...
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High Commissioner welcomes Turkish work permits for Syrian refugees
UNHCR, 18/01/2016
ISTANBUL, Jan 17, 2016 – In a major shift of policy, the Turkish Government has published new regulations which will allow many of the 2.5 million Syrian refugees in the country to apply for work permits. Registered Syrian refugees who have been in Turkey for at least six months will be allowed to apply in the province where they first registered. Syrians with permits would have to be paid at least the minimum wage. Now many refugees work illegally to make ends meet and are often paid very low wages. The regulations will apply both to refugees living in cities and to the 10 per cent housed in Turkish refugee camps. Filippo Grandi, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, hailed the decision as courageous and a major step forward for refugees. "Jobs mean dignity," he said, "a dignified life where you don't have to beg for money or to look for money from associations or the gov...
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